
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 87

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 87

"What about the evidence?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself, did he say so?

"You are shameless...!"

Yi Yunxi cried.

Lin Jiang can't be changed. State to describe.

He is not human at all.

She can't move a little now.

"President Yi, do you have time to cry, or do you think about the next year, how are you going to spend it?" A meaningful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.


Yi Yunxi's teary and hazy beautiful eyes crossed a touch of horror.

Lin Jiang's reminder made her suddenly think of her dark life in the future.

What's even more frightening is that her proud figure may really deform.

It's not that she scares herself, but it's really possible.

She clearly felt today that the two legs could not fit together no matter how they met.

"Nope... I can't stay with you for a year. Yi Yun thought that in a year's time, can she still be the high-looking goddess with straight legs and thin waist?

"Regret it now, don't you think it's too late?"

Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows, thinking that he would get on his thief ship and want to get off the boat, which was absolutely impossible.

"Count me begging you, will you let me go?" Yi Yun pleaded with a rainy cry.

"Counting this sentence, from yesterday night to now, you have begged me more than five hundred times." The most words Lin Jiang heard from Yi Yunxi's mouth was to beg him.


A crimson flush welled up on Yi Yunxi's haggard face.

She also didn't want to beg Lin Jiang.

But Lin Jiang is the same thing as a donkey.

If she didn't ask for it, would she still be alive?

"What conditions do you have, I promise you, "187" let me go, okay? "


Lin Jiang's dark eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.


Yi Yun nodded hurriedly.

"Has Jianghai Pharmaceutical heard of it?" Lin Jiangdao.


Yi Yunxi nodded gently, Jianghai Pharmaceutical's pharmaceutical industry in Shangyuan belongs to the midstream level, and the market value should be four or five billion.

"Jianghai Pharmaceutical intends to acquire the shares in the hands of your father and daughter, they have already drawn up a purchase contract, and they should be talking to your father about the acquisition at this time." Lin Jiangdao.

"Acquisition of shares?"

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of shock.

She's a smart person.

At this moment, he understood Lin Jiang's ambition.

He actually came for shares?

"Yes, if Jianghai Pharmaceutical wants to become bigger, the only way is to completely control Yi's Pharmaceutical Group and use your Yi's Pharmaceutical brand and channels to drive the development of Jianghai Pharmaceutical." Lin Jiang said unabashedly.

"You came for the shares?" The corner of Yi Yunxi's sexy mouth crossed with sarcasm.

"The person in charge of Jianghai Pharmaceutical is already talking to your father, and if nothing else, your father will sign the equity transfer document." Lin Jiangdao.

"You hold my father's handle in your hand, dare he not listen?" Yi Yunxi sneered.

"The shares in your hands are probably worth more than a billion yuan, for the sake of you being my woman, I will buy them at the market price." Lin Jiang is benevolent and righteous enough, if he rests on some black-hearted capitalists, he can completely lower the purchase price by half

"I don't sell."

Yi Yunxi's attitude was very resolute.

E'Pharma is her hard work.

If there are no shares.

This means that she wants to quit the Yi's Pharmaceutical Group.

Moreover, everyone knows that stocks can double, and the money cashed out is a pile of dead money.

"It's not up to you."

Lin Jiang had been calculating both people and wealth from the beginning, so she couldn't disagree.

"Are you going to threaten me with the handle in your hand?" Yi Yunxi's eyebrows tightened, and he said coldly.

"Congratulations, the answer is correct, if you don't sell me the shares, I can only expose your bribery of hospital procurement to the disciplinary department." Lin Jiang has never minded being a villain, he wants to make money to support his family, whoever blocks his way of wealth is a stumbling block, and he will never be soft on stumbling blocks.


Yi Yunxi said coldly: "Yi's Pharmaceutical is my brainchild, I will never sell it to you." "

"I can give you another choice, sell me the shares in your hands, the CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group is still you, as long as you perform well, in a year, I will give you two percent of the shares of Yi's Pharmaceutical."

Lin Jiangxin wanted Yi Yunxi to follow him willingly, so he had to trap her with interests, and then use the interest relationship to let Yi Yunxi give him a son.

In this way, interests are mixed with complex relationships, and Yi Yunxi can only follow him one way to the dark.

Moreover, a woman is born with the brilliance of motherhood, and when she gives birth to her own child, she will naturally be faithful to him.


Yi Yunxi refused: "You are a sinister and despicable person, I won't believe you." "

Lin Jiang shrugged: "You have no other way to choose now except to believe me, unless you are willing to watch your father go to squat." "

"You... Vile. "

Yi Yun couldn't help but regret it, he already knew that Lin Jiang was such a villain, and he said nothing yesterday night that he shouldn't take the initiative to send it to the door.

"The conditions I gave you are already quite generous, if you are not knowledgeable, don't blame me for being ruthless." At this time, Lin Jiang showed the set of lifting his pants and not recognizing people vividly.


Yi Yun's brows furrowed, but there was nothing he could do.

Lin Jiang held the handle of their family in her hand, if she dared to disagree and force Lin Jiang to expose those things, it would be a big trouble.

"I'll give you half an hour, you think about it, whether to continue to be the CEO of your Yi's Pharmaceutical Group, or watch your father go to jail, you decide."

After Lin Jiang finished speaking, he went to the living room sofa to lie down and play games.

After a while.

Cao Hai, general manager of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group, called.

They had already signed a contract with Yiyam and took the shares in Yiyam's hands at half the price.

Lin Jiang was not surprised at all.

While he was soaking his feet in the foot bath center, he called Iyam and stated to him what was at stake.

Iyam is a smart man, he knows what to do.

After all, no matter how much money you have, you have to have a life to spend.

Compared with.

Yi Yunxi is a little uninteresting.

He offered such generous conditions.

She actually didn't agree. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After a while.

Yi Yunxi took the initiative to speak and asked Lin Jiang to talk in the bedroom.

"I can sell the shares to you, but how can you guarantee that after one year, give me two percent of the equity of Yi's Pharmaceutical."

Yi Yunxi just received news from her father that he had sold the shares in his hand, and told Yi Yunxi to let her sell the shares as well.

"As long as you are loyal, let alone two percent of the equity, it is not impossible to hand over Yi's Pharmaceutical and my subsidiary Jianghai Pharmaceutical to you for management, of course, provided that you show your talent."

Lin Jiang doesn't mind giving her status, provided that she has to be faithful like a dog, and secondly, her ability is also critical, if her ability is not good, he will not reuse it.

Yi Yunxi hesitated for a short moment.

Gently nodded his head.

When she knew that her father had sold the shares, she knew that the Yi family had completely lost control of Yi's Pharmaceutical.

Her equity remains, and nothing changes.

It is better to sell it to Lin Jiang at the market price.

Anyway, Lin Jiang also agreed to her and retained her position as CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group.

A year later, she will be given two percent of the equity.


Lin Jiang sneered secretly in his heart, a year later, Yi Yunxi's stomach was filled with his seed, and how about giving her two percent of the equity.


He and Yi Yunxi discussed the equity acquisition.

After reaching an acquisition opinion.

Lin Jiang called Cao Hai and asked him to send the acquisition contract, as long as Yi Yunxi signed, the Jiangdi Group in Nanhai would call her the money.

"You... I am hungry. "

Since Yi Yunxi woke up, he has drunk two sips of mineral water.

It was past six o'clock in the afternoon, and she hadn't eaten all day, could she not be hungry.

Lin Jiang glanced at the breakfast on the coffee table in the living room and said, "Gao Guangbo sent four breakfasts in the morning, I ate three and left one for you." "

"Don't eat."

When Yi Yunxi thought of this, he immediately became angry.

Women are vanity.

She is no exception.

It is always a shame for the suitor to see himself open a house with another man.

"Don't eat and be hungry."

Lin Jiang will not get used to her.

"You... I order takeout myself. "

Yi Yunxi took out his mobile phone and ordered two takeaways0.......

"Oh, I forgot to tell you something, Gao Guangbo said when he left this morning, let us wait for this pair of dog men and women." Lin Jiang said deliberately.

Hear this.

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes flashed with indignation, and she was suddenly disappointed in Gao Guangbo.

Of course, she also knows that this matter is that she is sorry for Gao Guangbo first.

So, she didn't say anything.

"Actually, I didn't tell you something, Gao Guangbo has been pursuing you for more than three years, and he has made at least five or six girlfriends, not counting his overnight shot at the bar."

Lin Jiang checked Gao Guangbo's background information today, only to know that this goods is very flowered, often playing bars overnight, and dating many girlfriends, but each of his girlfriends is quite short, the fastest one, lasted less than twenty days before breaking up.

Gao Guangbo has some true feelings for Yi Yunxi, but the purpose is stronger, in his eyes, Yi Yunxi is beautiful, full of style, and has a luxurious temperament, and is still the heir of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group, chasing her and marrying her, Yi's Pharmaceutical Group is his bag.

"What you said is true?" Yi Yunxi's expression was a little stunned, and it was a little difficult to accept for a while, after all, Gao Guangbo chased her for more than three years, no matter what happened to her, call Gao Guangbo, he must arrive as soon as possible, how can such a person be a sea king?

"When you recover, I'll take you to the bar, and you'll see another side of him then." Lin Jiangdao.

Yi Yunxi did not speak.

His expression was a little gloomy.

She felt that the trajectory of her life, starting from yesterday night, had deviated from direction.

The prospective boyfriend, who has been pursuing her for more than three years, is an aquaman.

And she herself became Lin Jiang's tool and was vented wantonly.




After Lin Jiang acquired the shares in the hands of the Yi family's father and daughter, he went to Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group.

Cao Hai, general manager of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group, who is in his forties, once said that he was a pharmaceutical salesman.

Lin Jiang found his information through the system database, so he supported him to start a business, and with his large amount of capital investment, Cao Hai also lived up to his expectations and took Jianghai Pharmaceutical to a successful listing.

Office of the General Manager.

Lin Jiang stretched Erlang's legs and lay on the office chair.

Cao Hai stood respectfully next to him like a subordinate.

In recent years, Cao Hai has been able to make Sihai Pharmaceutical bigger, inseparable from Lin Jiang's support, which also let him know that the energy behind Lin Jiang is very large, so big that he dare not imagine.

"Cao Hai, after taking Yi's Pharmaceutical, what are your thoughts?" Lin Jiang asked lightly, he came to Shangyuan this time to expand the scope of business and make the business bigger.

"I think that in the next step, we should set up our own overseas sales team and export the medical devices and 0.8 products we produce to various countries in East and South Asia."

"The domestic pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive, and it is no longer possible for us to seize the market from those leaders in the pharmaceutical industry."

"In addition, I think we should spend a lot of money to develop more advanced cancer medical devices, as far as the world's medical level is concerned, cancer is still one of the insurmountable diseases that medicine cannot overcome, and if we can achieve something in this area, we will definitely become a leader in the industry."

Cao Hai has always been passionate about researching cancer drugs and machines, even at the expense of talents in related fields.


Lin Jiang thought about it and agreed with his idea.

His system database has information on cancer research, and when the time is right, he will take out these materials to help Jianghai Pharmaceutical achieve corner overtaking.

"Thank you for the Chairman's affirmation, I will definitely work hard." Cao Hai said busily.

"Back then, you were just a salesman, but now you have also become the boss of a listed company, let go and do it."

Lin Jiang encouraged him a few words and said, "I have considered that you will serve as the vice chairman of Yi's Group and act as the chairman, and Yiyunxi will serve as the CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group." "

"The chairman wants to use Yi Yunxi?" Cao Hai frowned slightly.

"As long as it is a talent, I will use it." Lin Jiangdao.


Cao Hai nodded busily.

"In addition, for the sake of safety, the name of Yi's Pharmaceutical will not be changed for the time being." Lin Jiangdao.


Cao Hai nodded respectfully.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 87

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