
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 88

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 88

Came out of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group.

Lin Jiang went to the hospital again, visited Qiao Xin, and chatted for a while.

After coming out of the hospital, he drove a Mercedes-Benz Big G and went directly back to the Huamao Hotel.

Yi Yunxi's situation is slightly better today, and he can walk on the wall, but the two long legs can't be brought together.

Of course.

Not directly and not closely.

It's not close for the time being.

Wait for her to subside.

Naturally, they can be brought together.

With her current situation, it would definitely not be possible to go home.

You can only continue to stay in the hotel.

"Can you do me a favor?" Yi Yunxi looked a little embarrassed.

"What's busy?" Lin Jiangdao.

"You help me buy two clothes, and underwear." Yi Yun thought that her clothes were dirty, and now she doesn't even have clothes, so she can't always wrap her bath towel, right?

"I'm going to buy you underwear for a big man?" Lin Jiang shook his head busily, he didn't want to be treated as a change. State.

A few days ago, it was revealed on the Internet that a single uncle who lived alone went to a women's underwear store to buy underwear, and became an Internet celebrity overnight, which was called change by netizens. Uncle State.

"You can find someone to buy for you."

Yi Yunxi obviously also thought of the single body change that exploded on the Internet. Uncle State.

"How much is the waistline, how many X's is the top, how much is 3D?" Lin Jiang thought about it, this matter can only be handed over to Huang Wentao, some of his employees are female employees.

Yi Yunxi reported the dimensions of the three measurements.

Lin Jiang called Huang Wentao to explain the matter.

"I'm curious, what the hell are you doing?"

Yi Yunxi has been thinking about what kind of person Lin Jiang is in the past two days, judging from his age, he is more like a college student, but from the perspective of his means of doing things, he looks like a cunning and treacherous businessman.

"Any idea when your sinking began?" Lin Jiangdao.

"What do you mean?" Yi Yunxi blinked, expressing puzzlement.

"When a woman is curious about a man, it means that she is on the verge of sinking, so you better not be curious about me." Lin Jiangdao.

"I won't sink."

Yi Yunxi glanced at him and said, "However, I'm really curious about 07, why are you different from people?" "

"I'm giving you a compliment."

Lin Jiang was also helpless in his heart, he didn't want to be so big, but this kind of thing was something he could decide, if he wanted to blame, he blamed Astragalus, Huangjing, and Goji Berries for drinking too much.

"I wonder if you've mutated?" Yi Yunxi frowned lightly.


Lin Jiang thought that this metaphor was quite appropriate, and he also felt that he had mutated in that aspect.


Huang Wentao sent a female employee and sent two sets of women's clothes and two sets of women's underwear.

Lin Jiang threw a pair of coffee-colored shorts and a white vest in front of Yi Yunxi.

"You get dressed and take you somewhere in the evening."

"Where to?"

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of surprise, her current physical condition, every step is difficult, moreover, the posture is not very elegant.


Lin Jiang just checked Gao Guangbo's information through the system database, and this product asked the beauty to go to the bar to play this evening.

"Not going."

Yi Yunxi shook her head slightly, she would not go out until her body returned to normal, after all, it was too humiliating to go out like this.

"Your Tim dog made an appointment to see you at the beauty bar tonight, don't you go and confirm it?" Lin Jiang shrugged and smiled.


Yi Yun's beautiful eyes surged with a touch of contemplation.

Gao Guangbo chased her for more than three years.

She also observed the other party for more than three years.

If she hadn't seen him as Aquaman with her own eyes, she would always have a trace of doubt in her heart.

But she is really not suitable for going out like this now.

"If you're worried about indecent walking, I can carry you into the bar." Lin Jiangdao.

Yi Yunxi pondered for a short moment and nodded slightly.


It's past seven.

Night is not completely shrouded.

But the streets of Shangcheng are already neon lights and full of traffic.

Huamao Hotel.


A tall beauty, wearing a white navel vest, a pair of coffee-colored shorts, and a pair of snow-white long legs, is very eye-catching.


The beauty was slowly moving out of the hotel door in a very strange posture.

Passers-by thought that she had fallen, which is why her posture was so strange.

"You'd better hurry."

Lin Jiang walked in front, his voice tinged with a hint of schadenfreude.

"Bastards . . ."

Yi Yunxi scolded Lin Jiang thousands of times in his heart, she is like this now, not all of them are his harm.

"You're going to grind like this again, go to the night, your dog has already taken the beauty to fire a night cannon." Lin Jiangdao.


Yi Yunxi stumbled under his feet and almost fell.

A crimson flush welled up on her picturesque face.

This bastard doesn't pay attention to what he says!

This is on the street.

To be heard as an overnight cannon....

She secretly thought that when she was well, she must hide from Lin Jiang, and he was too rude to speak.

Lin Jiang shook his head and sighed.

She limped, took a step, rested for ten seconds, took another step, rested for another ten seconds.

Obviously one minute away, she had to walk for ten minutes.

Lin Jiang walked with strong steps and came to Yi Yunxi's side.

Yi Yunxi thought that he had discovered his conscience and came to help her go.

But what caught her off guard.

Lin Jiang's body squatted slightly, and then he directly carried her on his shoulders.

All of a sudden, Yi Yun's shy red roots were red, this is on the street, pedestrians come and go endlessly, but she is carried on her shoulders by men.

"You... Put me down. Yi Yunxi was ashamed and angry.


Lin Jiang slapped her.

With this slap, Yi Yun's body trembled, and he was even more embarrassed.

Lin Jiang opened the door of the Mercedes-Benz G and put her in the passenger seat.

He came to the driver's seat, started the car, kicked the accelerator down, and the car raced wildly.

"Indecent . . . ." Yi Yunxi gritted his teeth and scolded in a low voice.

"It's not obscene, ask yourself." Lin Jiang said while driving.

Yi Yunxi reacted, a picturesque face, as if it could drip blood.

Twenty minutes later.

Mercedes Big G came to the door of a bar.

Lin Jiang put the car back into place, opened the door and went down.

On the co-pilot, Yi Yunxi pushed the car door, glanced down, and suddenly hesitated.

The ground clearance of this car is too high, and with her current physical condition, if she jumps like this, it will definitely make the wound that is recovering crack.

Lin Jiang glanced at her and said, "Get off the car." "

"You... You carry me down. Yi Yunxi didn't want to ask Lin Jiang for help, but with her physical condition, she really couldn't jump.

"I'll hold you... No way. Lin Jiang smiled and shook his head.

"You . . ." Yi Yun's willow eyebrows were upturned.

"You call Daddy, I'll carry you down." Lin Jiang said with a bad smile.

"Don't call."

Yi Yunxi's beautiful and picturesque face surged with a cold breath.

"It's not that I didn't call." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

Speaking of this.

Yi Yunxi was even more angry.

The day before yesterday, she begged so many times, and under Lin Jiang's demagogy, she called him father many times, and now that she thinks about it, she can't wait to find a seam to drill into.

"Call or not?"

"Don't call."

"Don't tell me to go."

After speaking, Lin Jiangzhen walked away with great strides.

Seeing that he was really leaving, Yi Yunxi hurriedly shouted, "Come back." "


Lin Jiang really came back and said with a smile: "Is it called?" "

"Dad... Father. "

Yi Yunxi was angry and annoyed, and this bastard knew that he would fall into the lower stone and take advantage of the danger.

"That's good."

Lin Jiang smiled and took her down from the co-pilot and closed the door.

"You... You take me in again. Yi Yunxi's voice was as small as a fly.

"Carry you in... It's not impossible. "

Lin Jiang whispered a few words in her ear. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing that her face was red, her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of shyness, she hesitated for a moment, and actually nodded her head gently.

Seeing her agree, Lin Jiang picked her up by the waist and entered through the door of the bar.


It's already overcrowded.

The sound is noisy.

The lights are dazzling.

Lin Jiang took Yi Yunxi to the booth and sat down, and ordered two glasses of champagne.

He swept around, and on the booth not far away, Gao Guangbo and a beautiful woman with long hair and shawl were whispering, looking at the intimate appearance of the two, and they couldn't run away overnight.

Yi Yunxi also saw the high light wave.

This moment.

She believed Lin Jiang's words.

Because Gao Guangbo and the long-haired beauty showed intimacy, the two were almost stuck together.

Her eyes were very calm.

No resentment.

There is no disgust either.

It's like looking at a stranger.

She couldn't help but think that on the first day she went up to see Lin Jiang, at the door of the Huamao Hotel, she was full of apologies for Gao Guangbo in her heart.

Now she couldn't help but secretly rejoice, fortunately she went to see Lin Jiang.

Otherwise, for the sake of people like Gao Guangbo, it will cause her family to be ruined, which is too worthless.

"Would you like to invite him over for a drink?" Lin Jiangdao.

"No need."

Yi Yunxi shook his head slightly.

When she saw the true face of Gao Guangbo, there was a faint disgust and hatred in her heart.

"You sit down for a while, I'll go find the surname Gao to have a few words." Lin Jiang smiled and got up to leave.

Yi Yunxi did not stop it, in her opinion, Lin Jiang and Gao Guangbo are not good people, especially Lin Jiang, occupying her body, forcibly buying the equity in their hands, and forcing her to call her father... The evil deeds are abundant and unspeakable.

on the deck.

Gao Guangbo and the beauty chatted hotly.

No surprises.

The overnight cannon tonight, it's done.

Just when he was secretly proud in his heart.

Suddenly, a man sat next to him.

Gao Guangbo was about to get angry, who was so ignorant.

Take a closer look.

This person turned out to be a little familiar.

Take a closer look.

Isn't this the one who opened the room with Yi Yunxi?

"You... What are you doing here? Gao Guangbo was slightly confused.


Lin Jiang didn't even look at Gao Guangbo.

He was looking at the beautiful woman next to Gao Guangbo, twenty-five or six years old, tall and tall, with online appearance, but compared with Yi Yunxi, it was obviously not a grade.

"Hello beauty, I am the chairman of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group, it's a pleasure to meet you." Lin Jiang smiled at the beautiful woman with online appearance.

When the beauty heard his self-introduction, she immediately smiled like a flower and said, "Hello, my name is Wang Jingyi." "

"What company does the beauty work for?" Lin Jiang asked.

"I'm interning at the Takahashi Group." Wang Jingyi smiled gently, and was slightly happy in his heart, after all, Lin Jiang just slept and said, he is the chairman of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group, and it is beneficial to know such a person with status.

"Takahashi Group? Your chairman is Xu Ciwen, and he and I are good friends. Lin Jiangdao.


Wang Jingyi's eyes showed a hint of joy.

"Of course."

A mysterious smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "Beauty, you remember my mobile phone number, 138*******, if you need to, call me at any time." "

Wang Jingyi hurriedly took out his mobile phone and wrote down his phone number.


Gao Guangbo on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

He glared at Lin Jiang fiercely, and the meaning of the police 263 in his eyes could not be more obvious.

But Lin Jiang didn't look at him squarely at all, stared straight at Wang Jingyi, and said: "Beauty, I have to remind you, don't be deceived by this person next to you, he is a professional trader, specifically looking for white-collar workers like you as a target, just a lot of sweet words at the beginning, in a few days, he will manage you to borrow money for various reasons." "

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Gao Guangbo was confused, and there was such a shameless puff girl method, elevating himself and belittling others.

"Isn't it?"

Lin Jiang sneered: "You are a poor ghost, but you disguise yourself as an executive of a certain company, and boast everywhere that you are a senior management talent who has returned from abroad. "

"I've seen you more than ten times in this bar, and almost every time, the beautiful women around you are new faces."

Gao Guangbo thought that he was shameless enough, and Lin Jiang was more shameless than him.

Wang Jing was busy and Gao Guangbo distanced herself a little, she and Gao Guangbo met in a chat software, Gao Guangbo said that he was an executive of a company with an annual salary of millions, and she met Gao Guangbo to come to the bar.

"You don't talk nonsense, I came to this bar for the second time today, and I am the personnel director of Sheng Tang, and my employment information can be found on Sheng Tang's official website." Gao Guangbo hurriedly explained.

"Gao Guangbo, do you look over there?" Lin Jiang pointed to Yi Yunxi's seat.

Gao Guangbo looked over, and was immediately stunned, Yi Yunxi, why is she here?

"Beauty, look at the beauty over there, her name is Yi Yunxi, the CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group, she can testify that Gao Guangbo is not only a scumbag, but also a pig-killing trader." Lin Jiangdao.

"You're not going to lie to me, are you?" The doubt in Wang Jingyi's eyes has said it all.

"President Yi and I can testify that he is a pig-killing trader, and as for his resume in Shengtang, it is to facilitate his search for targets and create a fake resume." Lin Jiangdao.

Wang Jingyi has already believed eighty percent.

In her mind, one claimed to be the chairman of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group and the other was the CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group, and there was no reason for the two to join forces to deceive her.

"Xiaoyi, don't listen to his nonsense, Yiyunxi is his girlfriend, and the two of them deliberately came to smear me."

Gao Guangbo scolded his mother in his heart, he pretended to be a pure warm man for more than three years in Yiyunxi, and his image was completely destroyed.


Fortunately, he also saw the true face of Yi Yunxi.

"I smear you, do you deserve it?"

Lin Jiang lowered his voice and scolded: "Tian Gou, your master is here, why don't you go over and add it?" "


Gao Guangbo suddenly became angry.

If he can beat Lin Jiang, he will definitely knock out his front front teeth.

Lin Jiangruo glanced at Wang Jingyi meaningfully and turned to leave.

As soon as he left, Wang Jingyi didn't want to stay, whether Gao Guangbo was a pig-killing trader or not, it would end here.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 88

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