
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 89

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 89

Because of Lin Jiang's disruption.

The overnight cannon of Gao Guangbo was completely shattered.

He hated Lin Jiang in his heart, Wang Jingyi was he chatted for many days before he made an appointment, just like this, he was unwilling.

Gao Guangbo angrily settled the bill and chased Wang Jingyi out of the bar.

on the deck.

Yi Yunxi's white and picturesque face was as calm as a pool of lake water, without a trace of waves.

Lin Jiang said with a smile: "Did you see it?" Your dog is not adding you now, but adding others, is it very lost in your heart? "

"I'm thankful."

Yi Yun gave him a white look.

She was genuinely thankful.

I am glad that I saw the true face of the highlight wave.

Otherwise, she may still feel guilty in her heart.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He brought Yi Yunxi to the bar in order to let her see the true face of Gao Guangbo and no longer feel guilty in her heart.

Only then will she willingly follow him. 1

"Still drinking?"

Lin Jiang asked.

"Don't drink it, let's go."

Yi Yunxi shook her head slightly.

Lin Jiang swept the wine money, carried her out of the bar, and got on the Mercedes-Benz Big G.


He saw a red modern sedan that seemed to be shaking.

However, he did not go to his heart.

In these years, shaking cars is a common thing.

Just as he was about to drive away in the Mercedes Big G, the red modern door opened, and a disheveled woman had just got out of the car and was dragged back into the car by a thick arm.

Wang Jingyi!

Although only a quick glance.

But Lin Jiang's eyesight was excellent, and he recognized at a glance that the woman in disheveled clothes was Wang Jingyi.

Lin Jiang pushed the car door, rushed over, pulled open the red modern car door, and saw Gao Guangbo pressing Wang Jingyi underneath, tearing her clothes.

Obviously, the highlight wave is soft and hard.

Lin Jiang held Gao Guangbo's legs, pulled him out of the car, added his fists and feet, and hit Gao Guangbo with his head and wailing.

Wang Jingyi sorted out his clothes, got out of the car, beat the falling water dog, and kicked Gao Guangbo a few times.

She took out her mobile phone and called the police on the spot.

Lin Jiang silently mourned for Gao Guangbo in his heart, and the attempted rape had to be sentenced to three or five years.

"Xiaoyi, I'm sorry, I can't help myself for a while..." When Gao Guangbo heard Wang Jingyi call the police, his heart suddenly became scared.

"Scum . . ."

Wang Jingyi gritted her teeth, originally her impression of Gao Guangbo was okay, but he actually came hard in the car, which made her disgusted to the extreme.

Gao Guangbo hated Lin Jiang in his heart, if it weren't for his troubles, Wang Jingyi would be her dish today.

With his empirical means, after forcibly succeeding, he said a few good words to make her happy, and this matter passed.

But killing a Lin Jiang halfway is bad for him.

"Xiaoyi, I drank some wine, and the lard blinded my heart for a while, I'm sorry..." Gao Guangbo hurriedly apologized and tried to redeem it, after all, the attempted rape was to be sentenced.

"Scum . . ."

Wang Jingyi couldn't understand his hatred and kicked him hard again.

"Gao Guangbo, how old are you, why are you still playing the game of strong women like a child, do you know, this is to squat?" Lin Jiang said with a smile.

The person Gao Guangbo hates the most now is Lin Jiang, and he can't wait to swallow him alive.

Bad things for him once or twice are more than his killing of his father and enemies.

"Thank you."

Wang Jingyi turned around and thanked Lin Jiang, if it weren't for Lin Jiang, Gao Guangbo would definitely succeed.

"Hands up."

Lin Jiang gave her a look and said with a smile: "How are you going to thank me?" "

Wang Jingyi is also a smart person, seeing Lin Jiang giving her a look, he immediately understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Promise with your body, is it okay." "

"Of course."

Lin Jiang smiled and said, "I'll see you at the hotel in a moment." "


Wang Jingyi nodded gently.

Gao Guangbo, who was lying on the ground, was dumbfounded.

Lin Jiang and Wang Jingyi, a pair of dog men and women, discussed going to the hotel to open a room in front of him....

"Dog men and women........" Gao Guangbo cursed in a low voice.

Lin Jiang raised his foot, kicked him fiercely, and said with a smile: "You can go to squat with peace of mind, what you didn't do, I did it for you." "

"Wang Baegg..." Gao Guangbo's heart is dripping blood, is there anything more bullying than this.

After a while.

The vigilantes are coming.

The highlight wave was taken away.

Wang Jingyi followed to the police station to take notes.

And Lin Jiang returned to the Mercedes-Benz big G car and drove Yi Yunxi back to the Huamao Hotel.

Yi Yunxi saw Gao Guangbo's unbearable scene with his own eyes, and suddenly became extremely disgusted

The thought that she had been chased by such a person for several years and almost agreed to his pursuit made her feel disgusted.




The sky is high and cloudy.


Oriental Hospital.


Qiao Xin was taken to the delivery room.

A hoarse sound came from the delivery room.


Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were anxious.

There are also two Nannies of the Qiao family, who are also anxious together.

Qiao Xin entered the delivery room for almost two hours, and only heard the shouts of adults, but she couldn't hear the crying of the child.

Dad Qiao stomped his foot anxiously.

The child in Qiao Xin's belly is the bloodline of the third generation of the Qiao family, and there is no room for loss.

"You should think of a way to do it, why haven't you given birth yet?" Qiao's mother said urgently.

"What can I do?" Qiao's father wanted to have a child, if he had a way, he would not let his daughter suffer such a big crime.

"It's dying, really." Qiao's mother was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"What's the way to do it urgently, wait a minute, maybe the child will be born."

Qiao's father's voice just fell.

I listened to the cry of a baby in the delivery room.

"Thank God, Ancestor Xie blessed, there are people in the Qiao family... :。 Mother Joe muttered.

"Thank God, my Qiao family has a queen." Father Qiao's old tears of excitement ran rampant.


A female nurse in a white coat came out of the delivery room holding a tightly wrapped baby: "It's a baby boy, mother and child are safe." "

Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the side, took the baby from the nurse's hand, and laughed: "Lao Tzu's son is born." "

As soon as you hear this.

Dad Qiao and Mama Qiao were shocked.

This is the kid dad?

A moment later.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother reacted and hurriedly snatched the child in Lin Jiang's hands.

"Young man, the child is the heir of my Qiao family, and it has nothing to do with you." Dad Joe said.

"The child was born in October of my daughter's pregnancy, return the child to us." Mother Joe said.

Lin Jiang held the child, his face was happy, the little guy really looked like him.

He ignored Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, and glanced at the sky outside, which was high and cloudy, and blue as a wash.

Immediately, he named the child: Qiao Tiangao.

"Qiao Tiangao?"

Qiao's father almost fainted, this name is too earthy and vulgar, how can it be worthy of the identity of the future heir of the Qiao family.

"Young man, the child is the bloodline of my Qiao family, and the name should be taken by us." Mother Joe said.

Lin Jiang glanced at Qiao's father and Qiao's mother: "I promised Qiao Xin, let the child take her surname, it is already benevolent and righteous, naming the child is my right to be an old son, if you don't agree, I will take the child away." "

Listen to him.

Qiao's father busily dragged Qiao's mother to the corner and muttered for a while.

"Ahem... Young man, we have no objection to you naming your child, but the name Qiao Tiangao you chose is too tacky, can you choose a new one? Or let's find Mr. Yin Yang and choose a name according to the child's birthday, you see? Dad Qiao asked in a deliberative tone.

"No, it's called Qiao Tiangao." Lin Jiang flatly refused, he was the biological father of the child, and it was his right to name him.


Dad Qiao could only pinch his nose to recognize this fact.

As long as Lin Jiang doesn't rob the child with them, he can do anything.

Qiao's mother hurriedly stepped forward, took the child from Lin Jiang's hand, and looked at Qiao Tiangao's little appearance with Qiao's father.

[Reward for many sons and blessings: 20 years of life. 】

[Reward for many children: body strengthening once.] 】

[Duoko Dofu Reward: Primary Psychic Hypnosis.] 】

Lin Jiang's life expectancy increased by another twenty years, reaching one hundred and sixty years old.

In this age of seventy or eighty years old per capita, one hundred and sixty years of life is enough for him to move from the twenty-first century to the twenty-second century.

Of course, this is not Lin Jiang's ultimate goal, what he wants is immortality, the same life with the years, and the same life as heaven and earth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The body is strengthened again, the five limbs are as strong as a rock, the muscles and bones are like steel, and there is a qualitative leap in hearing, speed, smell, sensitivity, intelligence, etc.

Primary paranormal hypnosis can hypnotize a person for a short time, at his mercy, and the hypnosis time is twenty minutes.

Lin Jiang's mood at this time can no longer be described as excited.

With the birth of Qiao Tiangao, a total of four of his sons landed.

Next, he has to hurry up and continue to live, after all, the reward of many children and blessings is too tempting.

"Qiao Tiangao handed over to you to take care of, wait for Qiao Xin to come out of the delivery room, tell her, I have come." Lin Jiang glanced at Qiao Tiangao and walked away with brisk steps.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother looked at each other, their expressions stunned.


Lin Jiang was in a good mood.

He came to the temple this time.

The first thing has been achieved.

The second thing has also been achieved.

When the third thing is completed, he will return to the South China Sea.

After all, no matter how good Shangyan is, it is not his home.

Huamao Hotel.

Yi Yunxi's physical condition is much better today, and he can walk without supporting the wall, but he can't walk too fast, and the gap between his legs is not so obvious.

She wore denim shorts today, pink short sleeves, long hair draped over her shoulders, the whole person is radiant, bright and moving, especially a pair of white flowers long legs, very eye-catching.

After Lin Jiang came back, he looked at her from head to toe, one word, run.

"Don't look at me like that."

Yi Yunxi felt a little hairy in her heart, every time Lin Jiang looked at her with this kind of eyes, she would involuntarily feel fearful.

Lin Jiang smiled.

He just got to the system wool today, elementary hypnosis.

Just take Yi Yunxi to try it, how powerful is the primary hypnosis.

"'Look me in the eye.' Lin Jiangdao.

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes surged with doubts and looked into his eyes.

Suddenly, a red light burst out of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Yun's beautiful eyes gradually softened.

"On your knees." Lin Jiang mischievously.


Yi Yunxi slowly knelt down.

"Call Daddy." Lin Jiangdao.

"Dad." Yi Yunxi called very smoothly, and there was no sense of discord at all.

Then, Lin Jiang used hypnosis to manipulate Yi Yunxi, making her make various indecent movements, and also let her swallow bullets.

Twenty minutes later.

Yi Yunxi came to his senses.

There was a blank go blank in my mind.

What happened just now, she can't remember at all.

When she looked down, she suddenly exclaimed.

Where did the clothes go?

Also, her stomach was very upset.

It's as if you've eaten something you shouldn't.

"What's wrong with me?"

Yi Yunxi glanced at Lin Jiang, who was reclining on the sofa.

Lin Jiang was holding his mobile phone at the moment, smiling vigorously, as if he was watching something interesting.

Intuition told her.

Something must have happened.

She stood up and slowly approached Lin Jiang.

When seeing what's on his phone.

Yi Yun was so shy that he almost found a seam to get into.

"Shameless... Dirty. Yi Yunxi scolded angrily.

"Why are you shameless and dirty?" Lin Jiang's heart is full of excitement, with hypnosis and other bubble artifacts, are you afraid that you will not find the child's mother?

"You delete it."

Yi Yunxi couldn't believe that the person kneeling on the ground in the mobile phone to wipe the gun was her.

"I want to preserve these good things." Of course, Lin Jiang refused to delete it, he hadn't appreciated it enough, the words came out (of the), Yi Yunxi's little mouth was really moist.

"You delete it quickly, don't be exposed one day, the two of us will die together."

Yi Yunxi is quite afraid of this kind of thing, after all, she is a woman, if she is exposed to indecent videos and photos, what face will she have to see again.

Lin Jiang turned off his mobile phone, thinking that such good things would have to wait at least until Yi Yunxi was pregnant with his child before deleting it.

"By the way, I made an appointment to talk to someone in the evening, you go with me." Lin Jiangdao.

"Not going."

Yi Yunxi secretly scolded Lin Jiang in his heart for being a change. State.

However, what she couldn't figure out was how she could do such a shameful thing without realizing it.

Could it be that Lin Jiang gave her something to drink?

But since Lin Jiang returned, she has not eaten anything or drunk water.

She only remembered that Lin Jiang asked her to look into his eyes, and then, she couldn't remember anything.

"If you dare not go, don't think about walking tomorrow." Lin Jiang said with a smile.


Yi Yun's beautiful eyes crossed with a trace of horror.

The body reflexively dodged back.

Lin Jiang's words, she was convinced.

"Give you half an hour to put on makeup and go out in half an hour with zero."

Lin Jiang looked at the time, and tonight, he asked Huang Wentao to make an appointment with a star couple in the entertainment industry for dinner, so he shouldn't be late.


Yi Yunxi was very angry in his heart, but in the face of Lin Jiang's strength, he couldn't raise the mind to resist, so he could only do what he said.

Half an hour later.

Yi Yunxi came out of the bathroom.

She wore a pink sleeveless long skirt, skirt to the ground, gorgeous temperament, dignified and elegant, tall figure, like a beautiful landscape, delicate and picturesque face, fair and pink, long hair hanging on her shoulders, and a stance of style.

Lin Jiang nodded with satisfaction, Yi Yunxi, a woman with a luxurious temperament, is the only partner to go out to talk about business.

PS, ask for a monthly pass for flowers.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 89

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