
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 9

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 9

At night.

Seremban Court Hotel.


Lin Jiang and Chen Huang were eating.

On the table, seven or eight delicious dishes are placed.

The two ate their meals slowly.

At this time, a young man in his twenties rushed over, looked excited, and said with a smile: "You are Chen Huang's beauty? "

Chen Huang was slightly startled, and his expression was a little unnatural.

She had already pressed the brim of her hat so low and deliberately sat in an inconspicuous corner.

It was actually recognized by fans.


She didn't know if she should admit her identity.

If she admitted, in a few days, the news of her dining with the little young hotel would be exposed, which would have some impact on her reputation, after all, Lin Jiang was too young, only seventeen or eighteen years old.

If you don't admit it, in a few days, it will still be revealed that she is suspected of having dinner in the hotel with Xiao Xianrou on vacation in the South China Sea.

Just when Chen Huang was in a dilemma.

Lin Jiang glanced at the young man and said coldly: "She is not Chen Huang, you recognized the wrong person." "


The young man said in a determined tone: "Some time ago, I just brushed birds all over Jiudao Bay, and I am familiar with Bai Yueguang Shi Xiaona, she is the big beauty Chen Huang, there will be no mistake." "

"I said no, I didn't."

Lin Jiang got up from the chair, came to the young man's ear, and whispered a few words.

I saw that the young man's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly walked away.

"What did you say to him?"

Chen Huangmei's eyes surged with a hint of curiosity.

"I told him that if he dared to tell him about today's events, I would go to his house and ask for compensation." Lin Jiang said perfunctorily.

"Do you know where his home is?" Chen Huang was a smart woman, and she could see that Lin Jiang was not telling the truth.

"I don't know."

Lin Jiang smiled faintly and said, "But I know what he does, who his wife is, and how many men he split." "


Chen Huang was amused by his words.

This scene.

It was clearly seen by Gong Xue not far away.

She and Lin Jiang made an appointment to meet in the evening, thinking that the food in this hotel tasted good, so she came to the restaurant for a light meal.

Who would have thought that she actually saw Lin Jiang in the restaurant.

Moreover, under her special observation, she found that the beauty next to Lin Jiang was the star Chen Shake.

This made her a little difficult to accept for a while.

How could Lin Jiang be with Chen Shao?

Liu Hua sent her Lin Jiang's background information, showing that he was an orphan raised by the welfare dean and had no background to speak of.

She didn't need to think about it to know that the information Liu Hua sent her must be wrong.

Ten minutes later.

Lin Jiang paid for the meal, and Chen Huang, wearing a mask and cap, took his arm and went out of the restaurant.

Gong Xue carefully found that Chen Huang was slightly unusual when she walked, which was the same as her previous two days.

At this time, she could almost conclude that the relationship between Lin Jiang and Chen Huang surpassed ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend.

She was slightly unhappy in her heart, Lin Jiang, the bastard, while harming her, was unclear with the star.

Come to your senses.

She thought that she and Lin Jiang were just trading relationships.

Not boyfriend and girlfriend again.

Lin Jiang interacts with stars, what does it have to do with her.

Room 7888.

Lin Jiang and Chen Huang returned to the room, and the two were excited and got carried away.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated violently.

He reluctantly let go of Chen Shao's small man's waist, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Gong Xue calling, so he pressed the answer button.

"You arrived?"

"Wait a minute, I'll come right over."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang glanced at Chen Shake and said, "I have something to do, I want to go out." "


Chen Huang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, now she was really afraid of Lin Jiang's toughness, but she was unconsciously addicted to his strength and couldn't help herself.

Lin Jiang turned around and went out of the room and went straight to the next room.

In the room.

Gong Xue sat on the e-sports chair, a pair of slender snow-white legs folded together, swaying and shaking, which was very attractive to the eye.

She stared at Lin Jiang with a pair of spring waves, as if she wanted to see through the secrets in his heart.

But unfortunately, she didn't see anything, Lin Jiang seemed to be a big mountain, wrapped in layers of fog, the more she wanted to see clearly, the more she couldn't see anything.

"I'll accompany you one more night, my dad's tax evasion..."

Gong Xue's exquisite face surged with a trace of sourness and helplessness.

Previously, she had to give her innocence to Lin Jiang for her mother's embezzlement and bribery.

Now, for her father's tax evasion, she must not exchange her body with Lin Jiang again.

This made her a proud heart, full of humiliation and helplessness.

She only hopes now that Lin Jiang can pity her a little, after all, she has only broken her body for a short time and cannot accept high-intensity torture.

"My words count, after tonight, your father's tax evasion and evasion will not be leaked out."

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, Gong Xue thought that this was the last time, in fact, this was just the beginning.

Next, he will have countless reasons and excuses for her to lie down obediently.

Moreover, the more times he sharpened the gun with Gong Xue, she would naturally slowly accept reality.


Gong Xue nodded gently, until now, for the sake of her family, she can only sacrifice herself, which can be regarded as a little comfort she gave herself.

"Put this on."

Lin Jiang took out a small bag from his pocket, which contained a set of blue and white uniforms and a small tie.

"You want me to wear this?"

Gong Xue looked at the uniform in the small bag, and suddenly felt that her dignity was rubbed by Lin Jiang on the ground.

"Can't you?"

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, thinking that when he came over just now, he should have taken a black silk one-piece suit instead of this flight attendant uniform.


Gong Xue hesitated for a few seconds and nodded slowly.

For parents.

For the family.

What's the harm in bending yourself.

She picked up the uniform in the small bag and went in through the bathroom.

Ten minutes later.

After taking a bath, Gong Xue walked out wearing a blue and white flight attendant navel-baring uniform.

Her height of one meter seven, wearing this flight attendant uniform, looks even tall and wonderful, her hips are wrapped in a short skirt, plump and round, and her long legs are straight and smooth.

Lin Jiang's gaze was slightly sluggish.

Although he was familiar with Gong Xue's body.

But when she put on the uniform, he suddenly wanted to move.

Without saying a word, he directly knelt down on Gong Xue and lifted her white and delicate chin...

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 9

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