
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 90

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 90


A golden private clubhouse doorstep.

Lin Jiang was dressed in a suit and walked down from the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Tonight, he is a brand-name suit and brand-name leather shoes, like the elite in the mall, heroic and vigorous.

Yi Yunxi was dressed in a long dress, with beautiful makeup, luxurious and atmospheric, and gently held his arm.


Huang Wentao ran over from the door of the clubhouse and said respectfully, "Mr. and Mrs. Yang Zi have arrived." "


Yi Yun's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of surprise, and said softly: "You want to see Yang Zi and his wife from Juli Group?" "


Lin Jiang nodded gently.

The stars he wants to meet tonight have a very average influence in the entertainment industry, but in the live broadcast industry, the couple still has some energy.

"Boss, President Yi, please." Huang Wentao said respectfully.

Lin Jiang took Yi Yunxi into the private club.

This private club adopts a private membership system.

It is an industry under Linjiang.

Managed by Huang Wentao.

A little later.

Lin Jiang took Yi Yunxi to a private box on the 7th floor.

In the box, there is a man and a woman, the male looks very general, and the woman is plump and beautiful.

Huang Wentao, as an intermediary, introduced: "This is Mr. Yang Zi and Ms. Huang Shengyi. "

"Mr. Yang, Ms. Huang."

Lin Jiang nodded lightly, and his gaze swept over Huang Shengyi's plump physique.

Huang Wentao continued: "This is Mr. Lin Jiang, Chairman of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group, Chairman of Jiangyu Cultural Investment Company, Chairman of Tianjiang Group. "

This string of titles was introduced from Huang Wentao's mouth.

Not only Yang Zi and his wife were shocked.

It is Yi Yunxi next to Lin Jiang, who is also secretly frightened, she guessed that the power behind Lin Jiang is good, but she did not expect that he himself held a number of listed companies, no wonder he could swallow the seven billion equity of the Yi family in one go.

"Lin Dong, Jiu Yang."

Yang Zi was secretly surprised, he didn't expect that this young man in his early twenties in front of him had such strength.

"Jiu Yang."

Huang Shengyi nodded slightly.

Huang Wentao continued: "This is Miss Yi Yunxi, CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group. "

"I'm always good."

Yang Zi glanced at Yi Yunxi, beautiful and gorgeous, which made him suddenly feel a touch of fascination in his heart, but he hid it very well.

"Mr. Yi, you are so beautiful."

Huang Shengyi couldn't help but be a little envious of Yi Yunxi's beauty and temperament, after all, Yiyun 837 is a gorgeous age, has an identity and status, and is so beautiful and moving.

Although she is also very beautiful, she is past the age of grace.

"Mr. Yang, Ms. Huang."

Yi Yunxi nodded gently, she couldn't look at Yang Zi and his wife from the bottom of her heart.

However, in this kind of social situation, she will not show half contempt.

Huang Wentao introduced the identities of both sides and invited everyone to sit down and talk.

"Mr. Yang and Ms. Huang, we Lin Dong want to invite the two of you to do a one-month live broadcast for our Jiangyu Cultural Investment Company." Huang Wentao said.

"A month of live streaming?"

Yang Zi frowned, thinking to himself, did Jiang Entertainment Culture Company also want to invite their husband and wife to bring goods live?

However, as far as he knows, Jiang Yu Culture Company mainly operates bars, hotels, and clubs, and he has not heard that they produce anything.

"Yes, we Lin Dong believe that Internet live streaming should not be limited to physical goods, but also live broadcast bars, clubs, and hotels, and make a name for bars, clubs, and hotels through a series of small activities." Huang Wentao said.

Yang Zi was slightly confused.

Live bars, clubs, hotels.

Not selling?

How to make money?

Is it just to make a name for yourself?

Lin Jiang took over the conversation: "Some time ago, Mr. and Mrs. Yang brought goods in the live broadcast room, and the total amount of live broadcast goods was more than five million yuan, and according to the calculation of two percent commission, Mr. Yang and his wife's income in one night was more than one million. "

"The offer of Jiang Entertainment Company to Mr. Yang and his wife is one million for a live broadcast for one month."

Yang Zi glanced at Huang Shengyi.

Jiang Yu's live broadcast quotation is very generous.

He was impressed.

Huang Shengyi nodded lightly without a trace, a live broadcast of one million, a live broadcast fee of 30 million in a month, which is much more cost-effective than receiving advertising endorsements.

"Lin Dong, if it is just a live broadcast, we can agree, but there is one point, we must state in advance that no matter what the benefits of the live broadcast are, it has nothing to do with us."

Yang Zi is a very cunning businessman, 30 million is quite tempting, but it must be made clear in advance, don't spend a lot of money at that time, and the Jiang Entertainment Company will not achieve the expected results, so you will blame them.

"Mr. Yang rest assured, no matter how much traffic can be attracted to bars and clubs this month's live broadcast, the 30 million we paid to Mr. Yang and his wife will not be less." Lin Jiang said lightly.


Yang Zi and Huang Shengyi were secretly relieved.

Since Jiang Entertainment Company is willing to burn money to invite them to do live broadcasts, they will naturally agree, after all, 30 million is also a lot of input.

Next, the two sides carefully discussed the matter of cooperation.

After all the details are negotiated.

Both sides toast each other.

"Lin Dong, with all due respect, you spent such a large price to divert traffic to bars and clubs, and the possibility of making a profit is very small, what is your intention in doing this?" Yang Zi asked curiously.

"I just want to tell netizens across the country that there is a bar called Yindi in Shangyuan, the consumption is very high, the decoration is very luxurious, the high-end is high-grade, and every night there will be beautiful young ladies on the stage to perform."

Lin Jiang can only say so much, now the bar industry is not easy to do, if you want to become bigger, the only way is to live broadcast and drain traffic, spend money to buy hot search.

"Lin Dong, I wish you success." Yang Zi toasted.

Lin Jiang raised a glass and touched him, and his eyes inadvertently swept past Huang Shengyi.

Huang Shengyi is very well-known in the entertainment industry, but her works are not much.

The main thing is her appearance, which is deeply loved by the Chinese people.

She is a temperamental beauty of the Wangfu type.

In her thirties, the years have not left a trace on her face, but have made her ripe like a peach.

She wore a set of yellow long skirts tonight, with a ponytail tied behind her head, a face like a water hibiscus, painted with delicate makeup, Wang Yang spring eyes, flaming red lips, and vividly exuded the unique charm of the young woman.

Lin Jiang's interest in Huang Shengyi was quite strong.

After all, he was at the age of hot-blooded Fang Gang, and a beautiful and charming young woman like Huang Shengyi had a very powerful temptation for him.

But Huang Shengyi is Yang Zi's wife, and he can't blatantly get close to other people's wives.

"Come, Mr. Yang and Ms. Huang, happy cooperation." Lin Jiang toasted again and invited.

Of course, Yang Zi did not refuse to come, after all, the cooperation with Lin Jiang allowed him to have three million dollars.


Around eleven.

Lin Jiang and his party came out of the clubhouse.

Huang Wentao invited: "Mr. Yang and Ms. Huang, it's not early, why don't you two stay at our Huamao Hotel tonight and feel the atmosphere of our hotel." "

Yang Zi hesitated, thinking that it was really not early, driving home, at least more than an hour, since the partner invited, you might as well go to the hotel for a night, just tomorrow to sign a contract with Jiang Entertainment Company, no need to toss back and forth.

"Thank you Mr. Huang, then we are welcome." Yang Zidao.


Huang Wentao invited Yang Zi and his wife into his car.

Lin Jiang and Yi Yun fell on the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

In the car.

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of doubt: "If you want to invite celebrities to live broadcast, stars who are more famous than their couple abound, why choose them?" "

"In terms of live broadcasting, Yang Zi and Huang Shengyi can be described as full of experience, moreover, Yang Zi's pseudo-wealthy identity brings its own traffic." Lin Jiangdao.

"How do you know he's a pseudo-giant?"

Yi Yunxi is not a person in the entertainment industry, and naturally he is not very clear about the little things in the entertainment industry.

"Juli Group is a family business, Yang Zi holds 17% of the shares, according to the market value of Juli, the shares in his hands are worth about 500 million, and the annual dividend is about 5600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

"And Jushi Film and Television Company under Juli Group, there have been no big moves over the years, mixed food and clothing are okay, and the profit is average."

"In order to maintain his image as a wealthy businessman, Yang Zi bought a purple clay pot today and a Pixiu tomorrow, which earned enough attention from netizens and attracted traffic to himself."

"If he is really a wealthy businessman worth tens of billions of dollars, then he needs to bring goods live online? Can he see that little commission? "

Lin Jiang was in a good mood and solved Yi Yunxi's doubts.

"You know he's a pseudo-rich man, and he asked the couple to livestream?" Yi Yunxi didn't understand even more, once a rich businessman like this collapsed, the money that Lin Jiang smashed out was equivalent to hitting water. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"He needs the identity of a pseudo-rich man to attract traffic for himself, and I also need his identity as a pseudo-rich to attract rich people in the country, and we each take what we need." Lin Jiangdao.

Yi Yunxi secretly shook her head, if it was her, she would never use Yang Zi as a pseudo-rich star.

Lin Jiang didn't say a word, Huang Shengyi was very ripe, spending 30 million to drive a pile, he didn't lose money.

He started the Mercedes Big G, kicked the accelerator down, and the car sped out.

After a while.

Huamao Hotel.

Lin Jiang just got down from the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

I saw Huang Wentao taking Yang Zi and his wife to enter the hotel.

He glanced at the back of Huang Shengyi, who was in his thirties, and his figure remained quite graceful, showing the style of a young woman perfectly.

Lin Jiang took Yi Yunxi into the hotel and took the elevator to the top floor with Yang Zi and others.

Come to the top floor.

Huang Wentao placed Yang Zi and his wife in the suite next door to Lin Jiang.

This made Lin Jiang very speechless, secretly scolding Lao Huang for not doing things.

He was going to practice Yi Yunxi hard tonight.

She is recovering well today, she can walk normally, and if she doesn't practice, she will be able to jump alive tomorrow.

But Lao Huang arranged for Yang Zi and his wife to live next door to him, and with his pile driving sound, he did not frighten Yang Zi and his wife.

Lin Jiang and Yang Zi said hello.

So he took Yi Yunxi into the room.

Go back to the room.

Evian went to the bathroom.

Lin Jiang lay on the sofa, his eyes fixed on the wall, motionless.

If anyone else, they must have thought that he was staring at the wall, contemplating something.

Not really.

He stared at the wall because he had clairvoyance, he could see through the wall and see the scene at that end of the wall.

In the room at the other end of the wall.

Yang Zi sat on the sofa and talked to people.

Huang Shengyi went to the bathroom to take a bath.

It has to be said.

She is in her thirties, the mother of two children, her skin is very well maintained, her lower abdomen is flat, there is no trace of excess flesh, her waist is upturned, and her long legs are plump and straight.

Lin Jiang looked a little angry.

But across a wall, no matter how big the fire was, he couldn't leak out on Huang Shengyi's body.

He looked at it for a while, and reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

At this time, Yi Yunxi finished taking a bath and came out wrapped in a white bath towel.

She glanced at Lin Jiang, and her beautiful eyes were a little evasive.

She is almost resting today, Lin Jiang must not toss her again, otherwise, she will not be able to get off the ground tomorrow.

She wrapped herself in a bath towel and got into bed.

But saw Lin Jiang get up from the sofa with a smile and pounce on Yi Yunxi.



"There's Durex in the bathroom."

"I don't need that thing."

Next door.

Luxury suites.

Yang Zi was in a good mood today.

Someone gave out 30 million.

Let them live stream for two husband and wife for a month.

This is like sending money to the door, not earning for nothing.

Although he has always been labeled as a rich businessman.

But his financial situation is far from as good as the outside world thinks, and he is even a little unable to make ends meet.

"Husband, Lin Dong doesn't look old, and he is quite powerful." Huang Shengyi took a bath and put on a mask.

"Jiangdi Group in Nanhai and Tianjiang Group in Beijing are both large companies with a market value of tens of billions of yuan, and they are stronger than our Juli Group." Yang Zi looked a little envious, after all, his shares in Juli Group were only a few hundred million.

"He controlled a number of listed companies at a young age, and it seems that the background behind this Lin Dong should not be underestimated." Huang Shengyi said.

"The beauty beside him is Yi Yunxi of the Yi Group, which shows that the strength behind him must be good."

Yang Zi is mixed in the business world, knowing that in the mall, a woman is a man's face, whether a man has strength or not, just look at the women around him.

Just while the couple were chatting.


There was a knocking sound from the walls.

It was as if someone was smashing a wall with a hammer.

Black lines appeared on Yang Zi's brain door, in the middle of the night, what kind of decoration?

"It's noisy, you call and ask Lin Dong, what is he doing!" Huang Shengyi frowned lightly, and his voice carried a hint of displeasure.

Yang Zi smiled, thinking that women's hair is long and short, there is nothing wrong with this, Lin Dong is now their rich man, for such a broken matter, is it appropriate to call someone?

He lay on the wall and listened, and his face suddenly changed.

"Wife, let's sleep."

"What are you doing next door?" Huang Shengyi asked.

"Lin Dong and President Yi are fighting." Yang Zidao.


Listen to this.

Huang Shengyi's gossip curiosity was hooked.

"How can the two of them fight? Besides, Lin Dong, a big man, why is he so ungentlemanly and actually fights with women? "

"I mean, the two of them are . . ." Yang Zi explained.


Huang Shengyi's face was abrupt, thinking that Lin Dong was so powerful, he could make such a big move in a fight? .

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 90

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