
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 92

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 92

Huamao Hotel.

Yang Zi came back from outside.

It was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

And Huang Shengyi was still asleep on the bed.

There is no sign of waking up.

Yang Zi couldn't help but wonder, what was wrong with her?

Even if it's a night of insomnia.

It's time to get up too.

"Wake up, wife." Yang Zi shook Huang Shengyi's shoulders.

Huang Shengyi opened his eyes, and his expression was slightly dull.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Yang Zi thought that she wouldn't be an evil spirit, right?

"Didn't think about anything."

Huang Shengyi glanced at Yang Zi.

Not sure why.

She was a little disgusted and disgusted when she saw Yang Zi now.

"Why did you sleep for so long, is there something uncomfortable?" Yang Zi said with concern.

"It's okay, it's just insomnia."

Huang Shengyi rolled over and turned his back to Yang Zi.


Her mind was full of Lin Jiang's shadow.

Compare Lin Jiang and Yang Ziyi.

She felt that Yang Zi was nothing, hypocrisy, incompetence, etc., all shortcomings.

"Get up." Yang Zi urged.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, sleep a little longer." Huang Shengyi said coldly.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Zi heard the coldness in her words, and couldn't help but wonder, was it that he secretly saw Ying'er some time ago and was known by Huang Shengyi?

"I'm a little uncomfortable, can you please stop bothering me." Huang Shengyi was very impatient.

"Okay, I don't bother you, you can sleep as you like, I made an appointment with a friend to meet in the evening." Yang Zi's temper also came up, and he went directly to the living room to play with his mobile phone.

Huang Shengyi's body was sore and weak, especially a pair of knees, the skin was worn out, and her legs seemed to have been beaten, which hurt her bones.

She took out her mobile phone and quietly sent a text message to Lin Jiang, asking him to help buy a box of Yuting, and when Yang Zi left, she sent her "nine seven zero".

Next room.

Lin Jiang was holding his mobile phone to reply to Huang Shengyi.

Lin Jiang: Okay, he'll leave in a while, send you in.

Huang Shengyi: I'm a little worried, these days are ovulation.

Lin Jiang: It's okay, if I win the bid, let Yang Zi help me raise it.

Huang Shengyi: You dare to think about it.

Lin Jiang: What don't you dare to think about?

Huang Shengyi: Did you take drugs yesterday night?

Lin Jiang: Drugs? Do you think I'm going to take drugs?

Huang Shengyi: Also, it's not as good as you if you take medicine.

Lin Jiang: Is your mouth better? Need to buy medicine?

Huang Shengyi: It's okay, just rest for two days.

Lin Jiang: You have a good rest, I'll go to you in the evening.

Huang Shengyi: Not tonight, I'm not feeling well.

Lin Jiang: ????

Huang Shengyi: I can't stand up now, do you want me to die?

Lin Jiang: No, you both gave birth to two sons....

Huang Shengyi: I am lucky to have a child, otherwise, would I still have my life?

Lin Jiang chatted with Huang Shengyi for a while, then put the phone down.

At present, Qiao Xin has successfully given birth.

He also named the child.

Jianghai Pharmaceutical also acquired the shares in the hands of the Yi family's father and daughter.

Jiang Entertainment Company also began to arrange and build high-end well-known bars and clubs, and Huang Wentao can also handle the rest.

It's time for him to go back to the South China Sea.

After all, the women of the South China Sea urged him several times a day.

If he didn't go back, Chen Huang dared to hold the crying Lin Jinglei to look for him.

Of course.

This time back to the South China Sea.

Yi Yunxi must be brought back to the South China Sea.

He had to work harder to get her pregnant this month.

At that time, if she returns to Shangjian to raise a baby, it will not be impossible.

There is also Zhao Wenyun in the South China Sea, which cannot be delayed, and must also be pregnant this month.

He couldn't help but sigh that the road to eternal life is a long way to go, and the task is heavy and the road is long....

But Yi Yunxi didn't know that Lin Jiang had already made up her mind to get pregnant this month.

And she is still thinking about waiting for her to get better, go home, and then go to work at Yi's Pharmaceutical Group and continue to be her CEO.

"Have you been to the South China Sea?" Lin Jiangdao.

"I've been there once or twice, it's fun." Yi Yunxi nodded slightly.

"I'll go back to the South China Sea tomorrow, and you will go back with me." Lin Jiang's words seemed to be giving an order.

"I don't want to go."

Yi Yunxi frowned slightly, her father had just sold his shares, and he was idle at home, and he needed his children to accompany him.

Besides, Lin Jiang promised to let her return to the CEO of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group.

"I'll let you go, you have to go, don't forget the agreement between us, you want to be my lover for a year." Lin Jiangdao.

"No, I really don't want to go." Yi Yunxi is now afraid when she sees Lin Jiang, if she follows Lin Jiang to the South China Sea, she must not be split by him.

"If you don't go...?"

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone, clicked on a beautiful video, and slowly enjoyed it.

"I'll go."

Yi Yun hurriedly spoke.

Lin Jiang, that bastard, recorded her most difficult to talk about, she dared to say no.

"I like obedient women." Lin Jiang smiled.

I don't know.

Yi Yunxi was secretly cursing him for becoming smaller, not lifting, and three seconds.


Yang Zi went to meet with friends.

Lin Jiang bought a large bottle of vitamins and gave Huang Shengyi one.

Huang Shengyi did not suspect that she and Yang Zi had always used Durex.

And Lin Jiang insisted on not using Durex, she could only eat Yu Ting.

Lin Jiang took advantage of Yang Zi's absence and forcibly dragged Huang Shengyi into the bathroom and took a mandarin duck bath.

Who would have thought.

Mandarin duck bath halfway through.

Huang Shengyi actually bleed.

Lin Jiang, who was engaged, was suddenly disappointed and had to send her to the hospital.

Union Hospital.

A female doctor told Lin Jiang.

Fortunately, his wife gave birth.

Otherwise, don't think about getting pregnant again in this life.

The female doctor repeatedly admonished: "Conjugal life is for inheritance, not to use machines to destroy the oriental body.... "


Lin Jiang was puzzled.

When did he use props?

He's always been shirtless, okay?

A high-end hotel.

Yang Zi is having dinner with friends.

At the same table, there are two newcomer beauties who have just stepped into the entertainment industry, and they frequently send autumn waves to Yang Zi, and they are engaged in Yang Zi's heart and horses.

He and Huang Shengyi have been married for so many years, and the novelty has long been gone.

As the saying on the Internet, the goddess in the eyes of thousands of people, there is always a man who has slept enough for her.

This sentence is most suitable for Yang Zi, Huang Shengyi is the popular lover of the 80s, and he has long been tired.

Looking at the two young and beautiful beauties, Yang Zi was slightly moved, and then thinking of Huang Shengyi's attitude towards him today, he decided to open up and play this evening.


Huang Shengyi's phone called.

Yang Zi was busy going to the hygiene and listening to the phone indirectly.


"My stomach hurts."

"I'll be in the hospital right now."

"Just checked, the doctor said that I was bleeding irregularly."


Hung up.

Yang Zi was anxious all of a sudden.

Although he was already tired of Huang Shengyi's body.

But after all these years, the husband and wife still have a relationship.

Hearing that Huang Shengyi was hospitalized with irregular bleeding, Yang Zi hurriedly returned to the private room and said hello to his friends, as for the two young beauties, they left contact information for each other and made an appointment another day.

Yang Zi hurried to the Union Hospital.

I saw my wife lying on the hospital bed.


Haggard looking.

Yang Zi couldn't help but feel distressed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I didn't feel well today, but I didn't expect irregular bleeding."

"Does it matter?"

"It's okay, just rest for a few days."



Pudong Airport.

A man and a woman got down from a big running car.

The man was dressed in a suit, about twenty years old, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a heroic posture.

The woman is wearing a short blue skirt, twenty-five or six years old, beautiful and luxurious.

Huang Wentao came out of the cab and said respectfully: "Boss, welcome to come back next time." "

"Lao Huang, Jiang Entertainment Company has handed it over to you, according to the plan I gave you, gradually implement it." Lin Jiangdao. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Yes, boss." Huang Wentao said respectfully.

Lin Jiang nodded, glanced at Yi Yunxi, and said, "Let's go." "

The latter nodded slightly, pulled the suitcase, followed him, and walked towards the departure hall.


Past eleven.

A China Southern Airlines passenger plane flying from Shangyuan to the South China Sea slowly landed on the airport.

Lin Jiang got off the plane and felt the climate of the South China Sea, and his mood was suddenly good.

He and Yi Yunxi pulled their suitcases to the parking lot and got into his Cullinan car.

"Stay in a hotel? Or live in a villa? Lin Jiang asked.

"Is there a difference?"

Yi Yun thought to himself, as long as he could keep his distance from Lin Jiang, he could live anywhere.

"Yes, stay in a hotel, I can go to see you at any time, stay in a villa, I can only go up to see you in the evening."

Lin Jiang didn't know what she was thinking, he deliberately said this, that is, let Yi Yunxi choose to live in the villa, so that it was convenient to drive piles.

After all, the sound insulation effect of the hotel is too scum, and it is easy to be reported by those lonely men and women.


Yi Yunxi chose to live in the villa without hesitation.


A meaningful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.


He started the car and headed back to the Shahai villa area.

Come to the Shahai villa area.

He placed Yi Yunxi in Villa 9.

So I made an excuse.

Coming out of the villa, walk to Chen Shao's villa No. 2.

From Villa 9 to Villa Two.

It's about seven or eight hundred meters away.

Ten minutes later.

Lin Jiang came to Villa No. 2.

Hall 0.......

Chen Huang was wearing a loose version of his home clothes, and he was holding the screaming Lin Jinglei in his arms.

"You're back."

Chen Huang's face was beaming, in the past few days when Lin Jiang was away, she always felt that something was missing.


Lin Jiang nodded and took the child from her hand.

Strange to say.

Lin Jiaolei, who was still crying just now.

Suddenly stopped crying.

See this scene.

Chen Huang was a little surprised in his heart, worthy of being a father and son, Lin Jiang hugged him and immediately stopped crying.

"Thunder has always cried these two days, and it turns out to be waiting for you to hold." Chen Shao chuckled.

Lin Jiang held Lin Jinglei and coaxed him for a while, and when he fell asleep, he put him in the cradle.


Lin Jiang gave Chen Shao a look and motioned for her to sit down and speak.

The latter saw that he had a serious expression, and suddenly felt a little flustered, and sat down uneasily.

"The agreement between us is that you give me a baby, I will give you resources, and protect you from any bullying in the entertainment industry."

"Now that the child has also been born, what are your plans? Back to the entertainment industry development? Or be a stay-at-home mom? "

Lin Jiang is now desperate to make a baby.

And he couldn't find a suitable candidate for the child's mother for a while.

Therefore, he targeted Chen Huang, who had just given birth to a child, and persuaded her to have a second child.


Chen Shao glanced at Lin Jinglei, who was sleeping in the cradle.

The radiance of maternal love flooded in my heart.

If she chooses to return to the entertainment industry to develop, she will inevitably leave Lin Jinglei behind.

And Lin Jiang's father is very incompetent.

How can a child grow up without her?

She thought about it, she could give up everything for Lin Jinglei.

"I chose to stay home with my children full-time." Chen Shao said softly.

"In the future, every month, I will give you and Thunder 500,000 living expenses, and if there is any place where you need money in life, tell me directly."

Lin Jiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she stayed as a full-time mother, the second child was still far away.


Chen shook his head slightly, 500,000 yuan a month for living expenses, enough for her and her children's daily expenses.

Lin Jiang transferred the villa to her name and gave her a luxury car.

There are not many places where she needs to use money, plus she filmed these two, and she also saved some money in her hands, as long as she is not extravagant and wasteful in the future, her life will be safe.


Lin Jiang said another thing.

"You know about Chen Duling?"


Chen shook her head, a few days ago, she accidentally met Chen Duling in the villa area, and at that time, she understood.

"If you feel awkward, I can send her to another place to raise a baby." Lin Jiangdao.


Chen Huang forced a smile.

She knew that there would definitely be many women in a man like Lin Jiang, and if she was angry about this kind of thing, she would not live a comfortable day in her life.

But for Chen Duling, she will not forgive.

The best girlfriend, taking advantage of her birth and robbing her child's father, she will always remember this matter in her heart.


Lin Jiang and 5.4 began to talk about business.

"Thunder is also more than two months old, should we consider having a second child?"

Second child?

Rao is Chen Huang mentally prepared.

I couldn't help but be startled by Lin Jiang's words.

As soon as she came out of the confinement period, Lin Jiang planned to give birth to a second child, did she still want to die?

"Not now, in another three months..." Chen shook his head.


Lin Jiang agreed, three months, he can still afford to wait.

Besides, Chen Huang just came out of the confinement period and really needed to rest for a few months.


He accompanied Chen Huang to talk for a while.

He also went to the confinement center to visit Gong Xue and Li Xinyu.

Gong Xue will be able to move back to the villa from the confinement center in a few days.

Li Xinyu has to stay for at least another month.

Both of them recovered well after giving birth.

After all, the confinement center has a special confinement sister-in-law and a nutritious caterer, and all aspects of care are in place.

Lin Jiang stayed in the confinement center for an hour or two, and then turned back to the villa to see Liu Hua.

She is a rational and overbearing beauty, even if she is pregnant and raising a baby, she still insists on studying every day.

Liu Hua didn't see him these days, quite a criticism, after all, she was carrying Lin Jiang's child in her belly, and Lin Jiang's cheap father had not seen anyone for several days, which was too unreliable.

Lin Jiang accompanied her for a while, ate afternoon at her place, coaxed her to be happy, and then went to see Chen Duling.

Among these women, Chen Duling is the most clingy one, who can send hundreds of messages a day, and every hour that passes, she shares with him all kinds of pregnancy.

It is said that pregnant women have a strange temperament, and Chen Duling is like this, crying for a while, making trouble for a while, and laughing for a while.

Lin Jiang was annoyed.

But for the sake of the children.

He can endure what ordinary people cannot.

PS, ask for a flower monthly pass evaluation ah. Irons.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 92

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