
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 94

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 94


Senior graduates pose for a group photo at their alma mater.

The fat man was stupid and lacked things, so he had to pull Lin Jiang to see the new school flower Gu Nixiang, he said that he would look at her less, and if he wanted to see her in the future, he would have no chance.

Near the library.

Lin Jiang saw Gu Nixiang.

She is about twenty-two or three years old, one meter seventy-two tall, tall and wonderful, wearing very fresh, denim shorts, pink T-shirt, small white shoes, long tan hair tied into a ponytail, a pair of slender legs white and straight, a thin waist like wicker, the mountain peak is not very large, but very strong.

Her face is very marked, willow eyebrows are curved, big eyes, beautiful nose bridge, pink lips are full, slight smile, two small dimples, very affinity.

"Lin Jiang, is she particularly like Lin Xinru when she laughs?" The hara at the corner of the fat man's mouth is almost left.

"Was Lin Xinru beautiful when she was young?"

Lin Jiang also felt that Gu Nixiang's face shape was a bit like Lin Xinru when he was young.

But her appearance and figure are higher than Lin Xinru.

"Lin Xinru is not old now, huh?" The fat man frowned secretly.

"She's more than enough to be your mother." Lin Jiang thought that the orientation of this product was abnormal, and he actually liked the forty or fifty-year-old aunt, and the taste was heavy enough.

"No personal attacks."

The fat man looked at Gu Nixiang's legs with a pair of small eyes and said, "These long legs are not much better than your ex-girlfriend Li Xinyu's pair of fairy legs." "


Lin Jiang kicked the fat man fiercely and scolded: "Shut up if you can't speak." "

The fat man grinned, thinking that Lin Jiang's non-human thing, Li Xinyu's next boyfriend, can be regarded as unlucky.

This is like a sachet, supported by Lin Jiang's big stone, other people's small stones enter, can you still distinguish the southeast, southwest and northwest.

Lin Jiang didn't know what the fat man was thinking, if he knew, he would definitely beat the fat man's chicken trembling.

"It's beautiful."

The fat man swallowed his saliva without hesitation, and whispered: "You said that if I go up and confess to her, how sure will I be?" "

"Not a single percent."

Lin Jiang shook his head, thinking that with the fat man's fat body, which woman could not hide when he saw him, who dared to agree to be with him?

"Damn, I'll go up and confess now, you'll see."

The fat man's eyes widened, holding up his big belly, like a pregnant woman, moving step by step, towards Gu Nixiang.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

This product really dares to go on.

He is not afraid of shame either.

I saw that the fat man stopped Gu Nixiang, and he said a lot, and then saw the fat man take out his mobile phone and leave a social way with Gu Nixiang.

Then, Gu Nixiang smiled and turned to leave.

The fat man hummed a little song triumphantly, came to Lin Jiang, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Senior Sister Gu said, make an appointment another day for dinner, go shopping..." "

Words of the fat man.

Lin Jiang didn't believe a word.

This product must be living in fantasy.

If Gu Nixiang can see him, the sow can go up the tree.

"Did Senior Sister Gu say, let you lose weight first." Lin Jiangdao.

The fat man looked confused.

How did Lin Jiang know?

He has clairvoyance?

"I know you're envious, jealous and hateful, but I don't care, who let us two be dudes in the same bedroom." The fat man smiled smugly.

"I envy you weak chicken?" Lin Jiang mocked mercilessly.

"You... Don't hurt people by talking. As soon as the fat man thought of this, he felt his self-esteem being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"That's better than you kidding yourself." Although Lin Jiang didn't know what the fat man and Gu Nixiang said, it was definitely not a confession.

"Senior Sister Gu's VX"

The fat man took out his mobile phone and shook it for Lin Jiang, looking proud.

Lin Jiang sighed secretly, this product is really helpless, living in fantasy all day.

The two chatted without a match.

On the way back to the bedroom.

Lin Jiang suddenly spoke, learning the fat man's tone: "Senior Sister Gu, I'm a freshman..., I heard that Senior Sister works in the Shaw Group, can Senior Sister introduce me to the recruitment requirements of Shaw Group?" "

"Thank you, Senior Sister, I will definitely work hard and strive to enter the Shaw Group after graduation..."

"Fatty, you're so funny."

Lin Jiang laughed heartily, and laughed forward and backward.


The fat man's face is like a monkey's butt.

He never expected that what he said to Gu Nixiang, Lin Jiang actually said it word for word.

At this time, Rao is fat and thick-skinned, and he can't hang up.

"What are you laughing at, I'm outflanking her, first take her VX, and then leave a good impression on her." The fat man blushed and defended.

"Junior, there is one article in the recruitment information of the Shaw Group, the facial features are correct, you should lose weight first'~." Lin Jiang said Gu Nixiang's original words.

"You... How do you know? The fat man looked confused.

"I also know you're a five-fingered girl."

Lin Jiang glanced at the fat man with disdain, hummed a small song and left.

The fat man was dumbfounded, is this a person, how do you know everything?


Lin Jiang came to the parking lot, got into the Cullinan car, and prepared to drive away.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang, and he opened it to see that it was a message from Chen Fang.

She rested well these days and wanted to meet Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang politely refused, after all, the lesson of the last heavy bleeding was vividly remembered.

The doctor also said that for a few months, intercourse is prohibited.

Put your phone down.

Lin Jiang stepped on the accelerator.

The car swooped out.

Drive out of school.

While passing by the door of the library.

Lin Jiang clicked the brakes.

After all, students come and go at the door of the library.

It's not good to bump into people.

But didn't want to.

He braked down.

A Audi 5 in the back hit it directly.


Lin Jiang thought to himself, what kind of rear-end, which comparison was rear-ended?

He stopped the car, hurriedly pushed the car door, and went down to take a look.

Cullinan's car butt was hit with a big hole.

Lin Jiang thought that the car was really evil, and since he was rear-ended by Qi Tiangang, he was rear-ended again.

He glanced at the other party's Audi 5L, and the front bumper hit a big hole.

A man in his thirties wearing glasses, who took a few glances under the Audi, looked a little ugly, and actually rear-ended a Cullinan.

Fortunately, he bought full insurance, and the insurance company paid for it, and the excess part was paid by himself.

"Let's go safe." The glasses man said with a bitter face.

Lin Jiang has no opinion, after all, traffic accidents are a common thing, as long as the other party's attitude is okay, he is too lazy to care.


A beautiful woman wearing denim shorts and a pink T-shirt got out of the car, her legs were straight, her face was very marked, and she had an idyllic temperament.

Gu Nixiang.

She walked to the glasses man and said softly, "President Zhao, I'm really sorry." "

"Little things, it's not worth mentioning, when the insurance claims adjuster arrives, deal with it, and I'll send you back." The glasses man was dripping blood in his heart, but his face was generous and arrogant.

"Senior Sister Gu?"

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, thinking that she had just left school and got into the car of the old fritters of society.

"Hello, classmate, I'm really sorry." Gu Nixiang nodded slightly to Lin Jiang and apologized.

"What do you say to me I'm sorry, it's him who is driving, not you." Lin Jiang shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

Gu Nixiang nodded and got on the Audi car.

After a while.

The claims adjuster from the insurance company arrived.

Took photos of the scene.

Follow the normal procedure to take the insurance.

They called the fourth son's store, and after communication, the repair cost of Cullinan was about 200,000.

The insurance covers 70 percent, and the rest of the repair costs are borne by the Audi owner.

The glasses man was very bitter in his heart, but he couldn't pay the bill, so he could only grit his teeth and agree.

After things are settled.

Lin Jiang gave the keys to the Cullinan car to the insurance company personnel, and the car was towed to the 4S shop for repair.

The front bumper of the Audi hit a big hole and was dragged to the 4S shop for repair.

No car.

Lin Jiang walked out of the school.

The glasses man and Gu Nixiang walked behind him.

He overheard the glasses man say: Money is always the company's big customer, and it cannot be offended.

Listen to this.

Lin Jiang immediately understood that the man who dared to love glasses was asking Gu Nixiang to accompany the wine.

However, he doesn't have much to do, the school flowers and department flowers in the school, if they have no background, if they want to gain a foothold in society, they will undoubtedly pay a lot, accompany alcohol, unspoken rules and so on.

A beautiful girl like Gu Nixiang.

I was dived just out of school.

Lin Jiang felt a little pity in his heart.

Even if you want to dive. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Why can't that person be him?


Even if he wants to sneak into the clothes.

Check her background information as well.

After all, they are not beautiful women, and they all have the qualifications to be dived by him.

If it is Fang Jing's kind of broken shoes.

Love who dives and who dives.

He couldn't get off anyway.


He consciousness enters the system database.

I checked Gu Nixiang's information.

The three views are straight.

Nothing black.

There is only one relationship history.

In high school, I talked with a male student for half a year, and I didn't even pull my hand once.

In college, many people chased her, but she refused.

Her goal is to become a business elite and share the financial pressure for her parents.

What she doesn't know is that society is far from being as beautiful as she imagined, a female college student with no background and only good looks, if she wants to become a business elite, she must go through the rules before the drinking game, the rules before the upper position, the rules before the rules...


If female college students want to achieve success in the business world, their appearance should be average, otherwise, high-value beauty in the workplace will only become a plus for unspoken rules.

Lin Jiang checked her information.

Immediately there was interest.

He likes places.

Don't like being processed.

Gu Nixiang's appearance and blank relationship history are in line with his child's mother's candidate.


He stopped.

Waiting for the glasses man and Gu Nixiang to come up.

"Mr. Zhao."

Lin Jiang glanced at the glasses man and pointed at Gu Nixiang: "From now on, she does not belong to your company." "

"What did you say?"

Mr. Zhao was slightly confused, and did not understand the meaning of his words.

Not only did he not understand, but Gu Nixiang did not understand either.

The two looked confused.

"I said that from now on, she will be officially expelled from the Shaw Group." Lin Jiangdao.

"Who are you?"

President Zhao frowned, his expression was a little displeased, the personnel appointment of the Shaw Group, he had the final say.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that if you dare to take her to the liquor bureau, I will even expel you together."

Lin Jiang thought to himself that even if it was the former rule, it had to be him, as for what kind of big customer Qian Zong, where to stay cool.


President Zhao frowned tightly, how did this college student who opened Cullinan know that he was going to take Gu Nixiang to participate in the wine bureau? Still taking such a big breath, I don't know, I thought he was the chairman of the Shaw Group.

"The words are spoken to you, but I will not listen to you."

Lin Jiang glanced at Gu Nixiang, and said with a meaningful smile: "Place-real fragrance." "

These words.

Money always didn't understand.

But Gu Nixiang understood.

For a moment, her face turned crimson, as if she could drip blood.

Lin Jiang smiled and turned away.

He was also anxious to go to the confinement center to see Gong Xue and Li Xinyu.

After all, he waved at sea for three days and two nights.

His women, once again, blew up VX

Get out of school.

He took a taxi.

First go to the confinement center to see Gong Xue and Li Xinyu.

Then he went to the villa to see Chen Huang and Lin Jinglei.

Immediately afterwards, he went to Villa No. 9 to see Zhao Wenyun and Yi Yunxi.

The nanny told him that Zhao Wenyun and Yi Yunxi had eaten at that time and fell asleep again.

Finally, he went to the TV station and took Yao Kesi outside for a candlelight meal.

Splendid clouds.

An upscale hotel.

In a large private room.

A young man sits in the center, wearing a name tag, from head to toe, and an international watch on his wrist, showing his arrogance.

On his left and right, sat two beautiful women with different appearances.

The beauty on the left is the deputy general manager of Qianjiang Group, named Zhou Hua.

The beauty on the right is Gu Nixiang, a new employee of the Shaw Group's financial director department.

Tonight, Gu Nixiang wore a very beautiful dress, wearing a golden sleeveless long skirt, which outlined her Miaoman's body to the fullest.

"'Mr. Qian, I'll toast you again.'"

Zhao Fuding, financial director of Shaw Group, toasted and smiled.

The young man named Mr. Qian glanced at the wine glass in front of him, but he didn't move, and said lightly: "Mr. Zhao, I can't drink enough, so I won't drink it." "

Listen to this.

Qian Zong was busy giving Gu Nixiang a look, and asked her to toast Qian Zong.

"Mr. Qian, I respect you."

Gu Nixiang disliked this kind of drinking very much, but she also knew that she was a newcomer who had just entered the company, and if she offended her boss, it would definitely be difficult to move in the company.

Mr. Qian glanced at Gu Nixiang and nodded, "You respect, I will drink." "

After speaking, he picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it down.

Qian always hurriedly cast an appreciative look at Gu Nixiang, encouraging her to continue her efforts.

"Mr. Qian, I respect you again." Gu Nixiang had to raise her glass again.

"Your name is Gu Nixiang?" Qian always glanced at her, but did not move the wine.

"Yes, please take care of you in the future." Gu Nixiang knew that this Qian Zong in front of her was the son of the chairman of Qianjiang Group, the general manager of a subsidiary of Qianjiang Group, and the rich second generation of the business community, which was not something she could offend.

"I will take good care of you in the future."

The corners of Qian Zong's mouth crossed a touch of obscenity. Swing a smile.

Generally, like this kind of wine bureau, (Li Nuohao) is pushed out to accompany the beautiful woman who accompanies the wine, in his opinion, it is a tool to send to the door, not playing for nothing.

"Mr. Qian, our money?" Mr. Zhao asked while the iron was hot.

"Call tomorrow."

Qian always thought that the other party had prepared a good gift for him, so he promised to call the money tomorrow.

"Thank you, Mr. Qian."

The stone in Mr. Zhao's heart was immediately put down, and the money of Qianjiang Group arrived in the account, and his commission was indispensable.

Mr. Qian smiled slightly, toasted everyone and invited everyone to toast.

Three rounds of wine.

The dish has five flavors.

President Zhao quietly gave Gu Nixiang a look.

The two came out of the private room.

Come to a corner.

Mr. Zhao glanced at Gu Nixiang, who had a crimson face, and whispered: "Neon clothes, you also know the identity of Mr. Qian, he seems to have an interest in you, and after a while the drinking game is over, you go with him." "


Gu Nixiang's pretty face flushed with a streak of whiteness: "President Zhao, what do you mean by this?" "

"Neon clothes, you are a recent college graduate, you can enter the group financial director department, this is the dream position of many people, you have to seize the opportunity."

"Of course, your contribution to the company, the company will not lose you, when the money of Qianjiang Group arrives, I will apply to President Shao and give you a huge bonus."

Mr. Zhao is obviously an expert in this area, and the routine is very slippery, first threatening the job, and then throwing bonuses to lure, if he has no social experience, he will be designated to give the routine.

Gu Nixiang didn't know how to choose the village for a moment.

Shaw Group job.

She worked hard to earn it.

If she loses it like this, how can she explain it to her family?

After all, her parents are ordinary people, so they expect her to enter a big company and have a decent job after graduating from college.

She thought twice and decided to follow her heart.

Do not accept the unspoken rules of the workplace.

That's her bottom line.

If she accepts the unspoken rules today, then tomorrow the company's top management will make non-point demands, and she will be forced to accept the unspoken rules again.

In this way, isn't she reduced to selling her body in exchange for a decent job, which violates her social values and morals.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 94

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