
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 95

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 95

Sorry, Mr. Zhao, I don't accept it. Gu Nixiang directly refused.

At this moment, she was ready to be fired from the company.

"Neon, college students like you can't find jobs outside."

President Zhao's expression was a little displeased, why was she so unsophisticated?

"President Zhao, don't say anything, I can't do anything that violates the bottom line, you find someone else."

After Gu Nixiang finished speaking, she directly stepped on the cool high heel and left.

"Neon, wait... It can be discussed again. "

Mr. Zhao hurriedly stopped her, if she left, would Qian always call the money as promised?

"No need to discuss, tomorrow I will go to the company to get personal belongings."

Gu Nixiang is not pretentious, but she has her own life values, and she will not make herself a lowly person for a job.

"Gu Nixiang..., do you know that if you offend President Qian, there will not be a company in the entire South China Sea that wants you." Mr. Zhao threatened.

"Then I'll go to Shangcheng and the capital to find a job." Gu Nixiang's personality is distinct, and the things she decides will never change.



Two loud applause came.

Lin Jiang came over from the other end of the corridor with a smile.

In this age where money is prevalent.

There are not many beautiful women with personality like Gu Nixiang.

If you change to someone else and are threatened by Zhao Fuding, most of them will obediently comply.

But she didn't, which shows that her three views are very positive.

"What's the matter with you?"

Zhao Fuding directly spread his anger on Lin Jiang, and shouted angrily: "Are you instigating her behind her back, I tell you, dare to offend the Shaw Group, you are the king of heaven, Laozi, don't want to mess around in the South China Sea." "

Lin Jiang came over with a smile.

Glancing at Zhao Fuding.

Then, he raised his slap.


Pull it down with an ear scraper.

Zhao Fuding was slapped firmly, dizzy, and Venus appeared in front of him.

"You... You dare to do it. "

Zhao Fuding covered his face with one hand and pointed at Lin Jiang with the other.

Lin Jiang smiled coldly.

He was most annoyed by someone pointing their feet at him.


He was again pumped with a big ear scraper.

Directly slapped Zhao Fuding to the ground.

Sudden changes.

Frightened Gu Nixiang.

She remembered Lin Jiang, the rich second generation who opened Cullinan at school in the afternoon, and told her biggest secret.

"Stop fighting."

Gu Nixiang was afraid that things would make a big deal and hurriedly stopped Lin Jiang.

"I'm angry for you." Lin Jiang said indifferently.

"I don't know you, and I don't need you to stand up for me."

Gu Nixiang thought that he beat Zhao Fuding, and said that it was for her, isn't this an indirect pit for her.

"It's not too late to meet 183 now, my name is Lin Jiang, your future child's father." Lin Jiang said with a smile.


Gu Nixiang was stunned, her future child father?

"What nonsense are you talking about." Gu Nixiang's face turned crimson, she had never seen such a shameless one

"Whether it's nonsense or not, soon you will know."

A curved smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, the woman he wanted to get, he hadn't gotten yet.

Besides, he had just taken a closer look at Gu Nixiang, her hips were plump and upturned, her body was graceful, and she was a good and fertile woman.


He grabbed Zhao Fuding's collar with one hand and dragged him to the private room.

"You let go of President Zhao."

Gu Nixiang is now full of people who are resting things, if she lets Lin Jiang make a big deal out of it, she will definitely not be able to get rid of it.

Lin Jiang came to the door of the private room.

Kick open the private room door.

Throw Zhao Fuding into the private room.

Then, he came in from the private room with a big grin.

Private rooms.

Qian was playing roulette and drinking with everyone.

Sudden changes.

Everyone in the private room was shocked.

Lin Jiang walked in and glanced at it.

Suddenly an acquaintance was spotted.

The corners of his mouth rose, and his eyes swept over Qian Zong.

"The surname Qian, came out of the hospital so quickly, it seems that your head is quite beaten."

After Qian always saw Lin Jiang.

It's full of excitement.

His eyes were as wide as a bull's eye, full of shock and dismay.

"You... How are you...? "

Qian Zong trembled unconsciously.

"The one who wants to sneak rules about my girlfriend won't be you, right?" Lin Jiang slowly walked towards Qian Zong, with a harmless smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Unspoken rules about your girlfriend? Not me, definitely not me. Qian was always busy hiding back, he didn't want to be trampled by Lin Jiang again.

"But how did I hear that there is a person named Qian Zong who wants to sneak rules about her, which makes me very unhappy."

Lin Jiang pulled a chair and sat down, took a pack of Ninety-Five Supreme cigarettes on the dining table, and lit one for him.

"You heard me wrong, no one wants to subtly rule on your girlfriend."

Qian always admitted directly, joking, this is a ruthless person who pulls Chen Duling Street to spank.

"Didn't you?" Lin Jiang frowned.

"No, absolutely not."

Qian Zong hurriedly looked at the others in the private room and said, "They can all testify, no one wants to sneak rules about your girlfriend." "

"Yes, I can testify."

"I can testify too."

"We can all testify."

The others in the private room hurriedly chimed in.

"That's where I heard me wrong."

Lin Jiang (AIEJ) stood up, pulled up Zhao Fuding, who was lying on the ground, patted the soil on his body, and solemnly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, I heard it wrong, no one wants to sneak rules about my girlfriend." "

Zhao Fuding's heart was full of anger, let Lin Jiang make such a mess, and the money of Qianjiang Company was probably going to be yellow.

"However, I warned you this afternoon not to bring her to the wine bureau, otherwise, you will be officially removed from the Shaw Group." Lin Jiang sneered.

"Who are you? Shaw Group's affairs, is it your turn to decide? Zhao Fuding thought about how such a green onion came out, and his tone was loud.

"Who am I...?"

Lin Jiang shook his head, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Shao Xiaodong.

The phone is connected.

Shao Xiaodong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Shao, what are your orders for calling so late?"

"Xiaodong, I'll send you a location and come in half an hour."

After that, he hung up the phone and sent Shao Xiaodong a positioning.


He glanced at the others in the private room and said, "Everyone, I have a little personal matter, please take a step first." "

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

Finally, a woman in overalls took the lead and left in twos and threes.

Mr. Qian also wanted to fish in troubled waters and leave, but Lin Jiang looked at him, and he could only retreat angrily.


Lin Jiang noticed the beautiful woman beside Mr. Qian.

About twenty-six or seven, his figure is very outstanding, plump and sexy, his face is very tender and white, his watery eyes are big, he is wearing a beige long skirt, long hair and shawl, and he is extremely seductive.

Lin Jiang didn't expect that in this kind of wine bureau, she could actually meet such a beautiful beauty, and her appearance was no less than Gu Nixiang.

"Mr. Qian, why don't you introduce this beauty?" Lin Jiangdao.

"Mr. Lin, this is the vice president of our Qianjiang Group, Zhou Hua, and my cousin." Mr. Qian stiffened and introduced.

"Miss Zhou, it's a great pleasure to meet you." Lin Jiang said with a smile.


Zhou Hua frowned.

How could she not tell.

This is a young man with a background.

Otherwise, with her cousin's arrogance, she would be so deflated.

Moreover, he made a command call and asked Shao Xiaodong to come.

It can be seen that this young man has a very strong background and can crush Shao Xiaodong and her cousin.

Lin Jiang glanced back and saw Gu Nixiang standing stupidly on the ground, and said, "Why are you standing, come and sit." "

Gu Nixiang was about to cry.

Suddenly such a person appeared, claiming to be her boyfriend, and still fighting for him.

He was not afraid of retaliation, but she was afraid of retaliation.

After all, she is just a female employee without any background.

"Miss Gu, I really didn't know that you were Mr. Lin's girlfriend, I apologize to you, you must not think about me." Qian always saw that the momentum was not good, and was busy apologizing to Gu Nixiang.

"Mr. Qian, you misunderstood, me and him..."

Gu Nixiang's words came to his lips, and he was glared back by Lin Jiang's vicious eyes.

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry, tonight's matter, I will definitely apologize to you specifically another day, for Du Ling's sake, give me a face." Mr. Qian said.

"Chen Duling?"

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, listening to the meaning of the surname Qian's words, as if he knew about him and Chen Duling.

Chen Duling is a person in the entertainment industry, so she should not talk nonsense.

"I have business cooperation with Du Ling, and I know a little about her." Mr. Qian said.

"Know how much?"

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, thinking that he would have to tell Chen Duling another day, some things could not be said, he didn't want to wake up and become Chen Duling's gossip boyfriend.

"Not much, not much..." Mr. Qian shook his head busily, secretly guessing in his heart that nine out of ten times what happened between him and Chen Duling was true.

"For Chen Duling's sake, I'll give a face tonight, you can go, but she can't." Lin Jiang's eyes swept over Zhou Hua's body.

Qian Zong suddenly became nervous.

Zhou Hua is his cousin.

If he just left like this and threw Zhou Hua down, the devil knows what Lin Jiang would do.

Qian always had to sit down in embarrassment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I thought that this matter would not be good tonight.

He glared at Zhao Fuding fiercely, all blamed this bastard, looking for someone to accompany the wine, and didn't know to wipe his eyes.

"Come, Qian Zong, two."

Lin Jiang picked up the wine bottle and poured him a glass.

Qian always smiled bitterly and sat down and drank with him.

After a while.

The private room door was pushed open from the outside.

Shao Xiaodong hurriedly came in from the private room.

"Lin Shao, what?"

Shao Xiaodong received a call from Lin Jiang, did not dare to delay for a minute, and hurried to this hotel.

"Xiaodong, do you know him?" Lin Jiang pointed at Zhao Fuding.

Shao Xiaodong turned around and looked, isn't this Zhao Fuding, the financial director of the group?

"Old Zhao, why are you here?"

"I... I talked to Mr. Zhao about that payment.... Zhao Fuding said dejectedly.

Shao Xiaodong glanced at the situation in the private room and judged that it must be Zhao Fuding and they provoked Lin Jiang.

"Xiaodong, from today onwards, he is no longer the financial director of the Shaw Group, can I do this?" Lin Jiang asked.


Shao Xiaodong hurriedly turned around and said, "Zhao Fuding, from now on, you will be officially expelled from the group, and tomorrow I will arrange for the finance to settle your salary." "

"Zhao... Mr. Zhao, you can't do this, I have worked in the Shaw Group for ten years, there is no credit, there is also hard work. "

Zhao Fuding did not expect that as soon as Lin Jiang said a word, Shao Xiaodong would fire him.


Shao Xiaodong pointed outside the private room and roared.

Offended Lin Jiang.

That's self-defeating.

Moreover, Zhao Fuding, the financial director, he had already seen it badly, and he just took this opportunity to win.

"President Shao..., you give me another chance." Zhao Fuding was completely panicked and expelled from the company, where did he go to find such a well-paid job?


Shao Xiaodong roared: "Don't roll anymore, wait for the company's legal affairs to sue you." "


When Zhao Fuding heard this, he hurriedly went out of the private room.

Shao Xiaodong turned around and said, "Lin Shaoke is still satisfied?" "


Lin Jiang pointed at President Qian and said, "Xiaodong, this surnamed Qian wants to sneak rules about my girlfriend, what do you say?" "


It was Shao Xiaodong's turn to be dumbfounded.

He can manage Zhao Fuding.

That's because Zhao Fuding is a member of his Shaw Group.

But the money is always from the Qianjiang Group, and he can't fight with him.

"Lin Shao, I think Qian should always apologize to you and compensate you for all your losses." Shao Xiaodong is a smart person, and his words are not leaky.

"He has already apologized, as for compensation, how do you think it should be compensated?" Lin Jiang asked.

Shao Xiaodong was very depressed in his heart.

How could Lin Jiang force him to be an evil man every time.

Last time Chen Duling did that, he acted as a thug for Lin Jiang's puff girl.

Won't you have to repeat the same old tune today, so you will repeat the technique?

"I think...?"

Shao Xiaodong still hadn't said anything.

Lin Jiang interrupted him: "He wants to subtly rule my girlfriend, then I will subtly rule his girlfriend, okay?" "

Shao Xiaodong clenched his teeth and was silent.

"I'm single and don't have a girlfriend." Mr. Qian hurriedly explained, thinking that this surnamed Lin was really not easy to mess with, didn't he see that Shao Xiaodong was respectful to him.

"Who can testify?" Lin Jiangdao.

"Chen Duling, she can testify for me." Qian Zong hurriedly spoke.

"You're so badly beaten." Lin Jiang's hands are a little itchy, this thing opens his mouth to Chen Duling, and closes his mouth to Chen Duling, which makes him really unhappy.

"I really don't have a girlfriend."

Qian always thought that he had been chasing Chen Duling for the past two years, but before he could catch up, he let Lin Jiang cut off his beard.

"Since you don't have a girlfriend, leave your cousin behind." Lin Jiangdao.

"No, my cousin is married." Qian always shook his head busily.


Lin Jiang glanced at Zhou Hua and said with a smile: "Actually, I like a married woman like you, with taste." "

As soon as the words came out.

Zhou Hua's white and tender face surged with a hint of shame.

Shao Xiaodong thought that he guessed correctly, and Lin Jiang really had the proclivity of a thief.

Qian Zong's heart was burning with anger, and the surnamed Lin insulted his cousin in front of him, wasn't this hitting Qian Jiang Group in the face.

"The surname Lin, you don't have to step in, I haven't even touched a single strand of your girlfriend's hair, you want compensation, say a number, I'll give it to you." Qian Zong said angrily.

"Xiaodong, do I look like someone short of money?" Lin Jiang asked.

"You are not short of money."

Shao Xiaodong could only follow his words.

"I'm not short of money, so what can I do?" Lin Jiang sighed.

"If you feel that this matter can't go away, what kind of woman do you want, I'll find it for you, Internet celebrity, peripheral, flight attendant, you pick one." Qian always thinks isn't it a woman, something that can be done with a little money.

"I'm not an inferior thing like you."

Lin Jiang thought to himself that the taste of this product is too bad, which rich and powerful person will choose to play peripheral and Internet celebrity?

Except for Wang Sicong's comparison, every three to five to change Internet celebrities to play, everyone else is playing high-end routes.


Qian Zong did not expect that he was actually despised, and he choked for a while.

"Xiaodong, this kind of person is too disgraceful of your rich second generation's face, what age, and still play Internet celebrities and peripherals." Lin Jiang buried the road.

Shao Xiaodong smiled and did not speak, thinking that Qian Zong is really stupid, Lin Jiang is a person who lacks women, and everyone is playing big stars and hosts.

"You... What exactly do you want? Mr. Qian frowned.

"Leave your cousin, you get out." Lin Jiangdao.



"No negotiation."

"Then I'll make a call."

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and went to make a call outside the private room.

Qian Zong snorted coldly, he just moved the Heavenly King Laozi out today, and it was impossible.

"Mr. Qian, you are really bold enough, even his woman dares to dive." Shao Xiaodong shook his head, thinking that the surname Qian was going to be unlucky this time.

"I... I haven't even touched a single strand of her hair, besides, isn't she an employee of your Shaw Group? "

Mr. Qian greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the Shaw Group in his heart, looking for someone to accompany the wine, and did not figure out the identity, and invited people to the wine table in confusion.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything irrational, otherwise, the surname Lin would not have killed him.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 95

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