
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 96

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 96


In the hallway.

Lin Jiang was holding his mobile phone and was talking to someone.

"Qian Changhai, that little bit of your trouble, I don't want to shake it out for you."

"But you're a son who has messed with me several times."

"My patience is very limited..."

"I don't want your compensation, and I don't want to apologize."

"I took a fancy to Zhou Hua, the vice president of Qianjiang Group."

"Let her come with me tonight."

"Otherwise, the consequences are ~ known."

"Also, don't think about sending someone to investigate me."

"You should know that I can send you in minutes."

"And your Qianjiang Group..."

"I'll just watch last week's birch."

"I'm very upset that you annoyed me more than my son."

"Okay, I'll give you face, you can keep this matter private."


Hung up.

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and he turned around and entered through the private room.

As soon as he walked into the private room, he saw Zhou Hua walking out with his mobile phone.

In other words, Zhou Hua's body is extremely plump, graceful, round and jade, and his hips are round and big, and Lin Jiang secretly looks at him.

Qian Zong's expression was filled with an indescribable shock, and the person who called Zhou Hua was his father.

Could it be that Lin Jiang went out just now to call his father?

"The surname Qian, you can get out." Lin Jiang waved his hand like a fly.

Qian always looked angry, and Lin deceived people too much.

Really when he is a soft persimmon, pinched and pinched.

"The surname Lin, you deceive people too much, let's walk and see."

Qian Zong snorted coldly and went out from the private room.


In the hallway.

Zhou Hua's delicate body was trembling slightly.

"Uncle, I know you have difficulties."

"But I'm married."

"For the sake of the company, I can give... But......? "

"I know that you and my aunt have been very nice to me."

"But you let me accompany him..."

"Okay, I see."

Hung up.

Zhou Hua was very aggrieved in his heart.

Just now, Qian Changhai, chairman of Qianjiang Group, called her and asked her to accompany Lin Jiang this evening.

Qian Changhai's words, she couldn't help but listen.

After all, she worked in the Qianjiang Group.

Moreover, Qian Changhai also said that the company would compensate her.

"Sister, what did my dad say when he called you?" Mr. Qian asked busily.

"You go back, I have something to talk to Mr. Lin." Zhou Hua glared at Qian Zong, he caused trouble, but he asked her to pay for her as a cousin.

"Sister, my father asked you to accompany the surname Lin?" Qian always felt that his head was buzzing all of a sudden.

"It's none of your business here, you go."

Of course, Zhou Hua would not tell him that she was going to use her body to give Qian Zongping.

Qian Zong hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Qian Changhai.

"Dad, how can you do that?"

"My sister has done so much for the company..."

"It's me who caused trouble, but I can't let her accompany Lin."

"Dad, the surname Lin really has such great ability..."

"I know, I'll go back now."

Hung up.

Mr. Qian glanced at Zhou Hua apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, sister, it's all my fault." "

"Let's go."

Zhou Hua was upset, and his eyebrows frowned.

She shouldn't have participated in this drink today, but she didn't expect to put herself in it.

"Sister, take care."

Qian Zong glanced at Zhou Hua, ruthless, and the oil on the soles of his feet flashed people directly.

His father said on the phone that Zhou Hua alone could save the entire Qian family, so that he would not have much trouble and leave quickly.

Even though Mr. Qian was holding the fire in his heart, he also knew that compared to the Qian family, Zhou Hua alone was insignificant.

What's more, Lin Jiang just wanted to sleep with her, and he wouldn't treat her well.

Private rooms.

Lin Jiang leaned back in his chair, holding a cigarette in his hand, swallowing clouds and mist.

Shao Xiaodong was like an angry little daughter-in-law, standing beside Lin Jiang, waiting for orders.

"Xiaodong, my girlfriend has been interning in your company for a few months, and now she has been fired, how to calculate the salary?" Lin Jiang asked lightly.

"Miss Gu is conscientious in her work, she wants to leave, it is the loss of our Shaw Group, I decided on behalf of the Shaw Group to pay ten times the salary, what do you think?"

Shao Xiaodong is a smart man, ten times the salary, it sounds like a lot, but for a person of his status, it is just a meal money.

"Ten times the salary, isn't that right?" Lin Jiangdao.

"This is as it should be, just a little bit of our Shaw Group's heart."

Shao Xiaodong thought to himself, as long as Lin Jiang didn't trouble their Shaw Group, not to mention ten times the salary compensation, it was a hundred times a thousand times, and he didn't have a second word.

Lin Jiang glanced at Gu Nixiang and said, "I don't thank you President Shao yet." "


Gu Nixiang was shocked in her heart.

She didn't expect it.

This junior who suddenly appeared has such a strong background.

As soon as he said a word, Shao Xiaodong fired the financial director Zhao Fuding, and with a word, Shao Xiaodong promised to pay her ten times the salary.

"Thank you, Mr. Shao."

Gu Nixiang hurriedly got up and thanked Shao Xiaodong.

"Miss Gu is polite, I'm really sorry for today's matter, Old Zhao doesn't know the relationship between you and Mr. Lin, so there was a misunderstanding, please don't take it to heart."

Shao Xiaodong apologized to Gu Nixiang.

Of course, it is for Lin Jiang's face.

Otherwise, how could heirs of the Shaw Group apologize to an employee.

"Mr. Shao, I... It's okay. "

Gu Nixiang glanced at Lin Jiang, and she knew very well in her heart that Shao Xiaodong was willing to apologize to her, completely for Lin Jiang's face.

"Xiaodong, you have worked hard, and I will let you run in person." Lin Jiangdao.

"It's not hard, it's my honor to worry about Lin Shao." Shao Xiaodong is now more and more good at.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Jiang saw that Shao Xiaodong was familiar and obedient, so he did not embarrass him and waved his hand to let him leave.

"Lin Shao, you play slowly, I'll withdraw first." Shao Xiaodong nodded hurriedly and went out of the private room.


Only Lin Jiang and Gu Nixiang were left in the private room.

Lin Jiang glanced at Gu Nixiang, and a meaningful smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Gu Nixiang is a beautiful woman with a very positive three views, and it is difficult to win her down with general unspoken rules.

So, he's going to have to get a little bit of stuff.

"Senior Sister Gu, your father's factory is not profitable this year, and he may be laid off."

"And the milk tea shop opened by your mother, the geographical location is remote, the flow of people is small, and you can't make much money after a hard month."

"In order to buy a house, your father made a down payment of 300,000 yuan, a loan of 800,000 yuan, and about one million dollars left over from the mortgage and interest."

"With your father and your mother's income, I am afraid that it will be difficult to pay off the mortgage in this life."

"You are a female college graduate, it is very difficult to find a suitable job, and, with your appearance, things like today, will definitely happen in the future, next time, can you guarantee that you will refuse the unspoken rules of the workplace?"

Although Lin Jiang's words were not heard, he said a fact.

"You... You help me, for what? Gu Nixiang raised her eyebrows lightly and asked softly.


Lin Jiang did not hide his purpose, and said: "I also want to implicit rules about you, the difference is that they want to prostitute your body in vain, and I will not prostitute in vain, I will pay off your family's mortgage in one lump sum, and will also find a decent job for your parents." "

Gu Nixiang listened to what he said so bluntly.

I couldn't help but feel slightly angry in my heart.

In the final analysis, Lin Jiang, like those people, has impure purposes.

"I don't accept any unspoken rules." Gu Nixiang said angrily.

"Don't say this too early."

Lin Jiang has always believed that if cooperation fails, it is because there are not enough chips.

Moreover, Gu Nixiang has just left school and has not been severely beaten by the Social University.

When she graduated from the Social University, she naturally understood that not everyone has opportunities.

"Thank you tonight, help me get ten times the salary compensation, if nothing happens, I will go first." Gu Nixiang didn't want to stay any longer, she was afraid that she would be deflected by Lin Jiang's words, after all, what he said was too demagogic.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows, increased the weight again, and said, "I can buy a villa worth three million for your parents, and when they get older, they can live in the villa and raise their lives." "


Gu Nixiang's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of heartbeat.


She works from now on. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ten years later, it will not earn three million.

When I think of my parents' hard work all my life, I am reluctant to buy a famous brand, I am reluctant to enter a hotel, and even the only car in the family is reluctant to refuel.

She was moved.

What life values and morals were all suppressed by her.

"What about the conditions?"

Gu Nixiang turned to look at Lin Jiang, he offered such generous conditions, wouldn't it be just to get her body, right?

"The condition is that you need to bear a baby for me." Lin Jiang said it unabashedly, in his eyes, this is a transaction, both a transaction, there is no need to hide it.

"Having a baby?"

Gu Nixiang almost fainted.

She never considered having children.

In the outline of her life plan, first find a job, have a stable income, find a man with three positive views to marry, work together after marriage, and pay off the mortgage...

"Otherwise, you think I'm spending so much money just to sleep with you for a few years?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself that if he just slept with a woman, would he need to spend money?

With his capital, those women who have tasted sweetness, who do not want to stick to him.


Gu Nixiang's face turned crimson.

Lin Jiang's words were too blunt.

He could put it mildly.

"Think for yourself, of course, if you don't agree, I won't force you." Lin Jiang would not force her, but he had a hundred ways to let Gu Nixiang take the initiative to send it to the door.

"I... I...... Think about it. "

Gu Nixiang wanted to refuse.

But as soon as the words of refusal came to his lips, he swallowed them alive.

After all, Lin Jiang's conditions were full of temptation for her.

"I'm an impatient person, I hope you will give me an answer sooner." Lin Jiangdao.


Gu Nixiang nodded lightly and turned to leave.

Lin Jiang watched her tall and graceful body disappear from the doorway, and secretly said: What a good and fertile woman.

After a while.

The private room door was pushed open from the outside.

Zhou Hua walked in wearing an off-white long dress.

Lin Jiang would not be as polite to her as he was to Gu Nixiang.

After all, the latter is his intended candidate for the mother of the future child.

And Zhou Hua, in his eyes, is just a beautiful plaything.

He wanted to tell Qian Changhai of the Qianjiang Group through this matter, take care of his son, and don't provoke him again, otherwise, next time it would not be for Zhou Hua to sleep with him.

"Qian Changhai told you?"

There was a faint mockery on the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.


Zhou Hua glanced at him: "I hope you keep the matter of this evening, after all, I am married, I have a husband's family, if there are rumors, it will be difficult for me to be a person." "


Lin Jiang frowned and said, "Your husband's name is Guan Shilong?" "

"Hmm." Zhou Hua nodded gently.

"Guan Shilong?"

Lin Jiang sneered: "He is a very playful person, every three to five, about the periphery of the Internet parachute, package college students, spend money to smash Internet celebrities..." "

"You talk nonsense."

Zhou Hua Mei's eyes surged with anger.

"Is it nonsense, you go back and check his mobile phone, you will understand."

Lin Jiang thought that Guan Shilong had some skills, playing so much outside and his wife still believed in him, he had to be like him, the colorful flags fluttered outside, and the red flags at home did not fall.

Zhou Hua secretly wrote down Lin Jiang's words, and flipped through Guan Shilong's mobile phone another day to see if he was doing something wrong outside as Lin Jiang said.

"Now, it's time to fulfill your obligations."

Lin Jiang stretched out his palm, pulled Zhou Hua's arm, and pulled her into his arms and sat down.

As soon as Zhou Hua was about to resist, he suddenly remembered Qian Changhai's words, so he half lay in Lin Jiang's arms and let him go up and down.

After a while.

Zhou Hua muttered, "This is a private room, let's go upstairs." "

Lin Jiang frowned, he hated staying in hotels.

Every time he stayed in a hotel, he would be warned by the police for ward rounds, which made him unhappy.

"I don't like staying in hotels." Lin Jiangdao.

"I... I opened a luxury suite. Zhou Hua looked struggling, and his expression seemed to be painful.


Lin Jiang's hand was taken out from under his skirt and reluctantly agreed.

A married woman like Zhou Hua can shoot down overnight, as for the rest, forget it.




Zhou Hua was still asleep.

Lin Jiang got up to wash up and went to school with shaky spirits.

His Cullinan car was sent to the fourth son's shop for repair, and there was no car to drive for the time being.

In this day and age, it is very uncomfortable to not have a means of transportation.

After all, the car is too versatile, it can be a means of transportation, a suitcase, it can also shelter from the wind and rain, and the most important use is that the car can take him to any place to shoot.

Without a car, it is inconvenient to fire a gun.

Lin Jiang took out her mobile phone and called Wu Yindi, asking her to send a driver to the underground garage, pick up a Lamborghini Urus, and send it to the school parking lot.

Come to school.

He attends and leaves class as usual, and lives a leisurely life.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, Guan Shilong, who was an executive of Qianjiang Group, was going crazy.

His wife Zhou Hua did not return overnight.

Doesn't answer phone calls in the morning.

Call in the morning or not answer.

He asked a lot of people.

All said I don't know.

This made Guan Shilong have a bad premonition, could it be that his wife had an accident?

He was very anxious in his heart, thinking that there was no news from Zhou Hua at noon, so he called the police.

Qianjiang Group.

Office of the Chairman.

Qian Changhai, who is in his fifties, was slightly uneasy in his heart.

Zhou Hua has not heard from him since the morning.

It's not just Guan Shilong who is in a hurry.

He was also in a hurry.

After all, what Zhou Hua went up to do yesterday, he knew very well in his heart.

If Zhou Hua has a three long and two short, how can he explain it to his wife when he goes home?

"Dad, my cousin doesn't answer the phone, Guan Shilong is going crazy, he said that if there is no news at noon, he will go to the police station to call the police." Mr. Qian came in from the office and busied.

"Messing with things, it's not all good things you did, plain for no reason, what are you messing with him for?" You got kicked in the brain by a donkey, is he something we can provoke? Qian Changhai scolded angrily.

"Dad, I don't understand, what is his identity, why are you so afraid of him?" Qian was very upset.

"You understand a fart, one word from him can make our Qian family break and die, and one word from him can make everything that Lao Tzu has worked so hard to manage go down the drain, can you say I am not afraid of him?" Qian Changhai said angrily.

"Dad, what is his identity?" Mr. Qian asked.

"What identity he is, you should never know, because the more you know, the faster you die, you remember one thing, don't provoke him in the future, which woman he fancy, you let him be." Qian Changhai instructed.

"Then if he takes a fancy to my sister, you will let him too?" Mr. Qian pouted.

"If he really fancy your sister, I... I also gave my daughter to him. Qian Changhai thought that as long as he could keep the Qian family, there was nothing he couldn't give up.

Mr. Qian was stunned suddenly, the old man in his family was really ruthless, even his sister was willing to give it away.

No wonder yesterday night, he would promise Lin Jiang to let his cousin Zhou Hua go to sleep with him.

"Dad... You are so ruthless. Mr. Qian secretly swallowed and spat, thinking that he was a man.

PS, ask for a monthly pass to evaluate fresh pill flowers.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 96

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