
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 97

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 97


Snake eyes.

Zhou Hua woke up faintly, his eyes slightly dull.

It's been a while.

She gradually came back to her senses and picked up her phone to take a look.

More than 70 missed calls.

More than 30 missed text messages.

Most of the calls were from her husband Guan Shilong, and the text messages were also sent by Guan Shilong.

The text message is full of care and concern.

A touch of guilt and guilt rose in Zhou Hua's heart.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, she couldn't believe that the person who was screaming hoarsely turned out to be her.

What she couldn't believe was that she had been hit seven or eight times with real gunfire, and until now, there were still bullets that Lin Jiang had in her body.

The images that made her unforgettable seemed to be imprinted in her mind.

After a while.

She took out her mobile phone and called Guan Shilong back, making an excuse to prevaricate the matter of not returning all night.

Hung up.

She opened Lin Jiang's phone number and sent this connotative text message: Thank you, let me understand what a woman's happiness is.

A few minutes later.

Lin Jiang replied to her message: No thanks, if you need it in the future, feel free to find me.

South China Sea.

Begonia District.

A medium-sized residential complex.

Thirty-one buildings.

Room 1302.

Layout of three bedrooms and one living room.

The décor is minimalist.


On the sofa.

A man of about fifty years old, looking decadent, sighed.

His name is Gu Mo umbrella, he works in a tempered glass factory, and this morning, for unknown reasons, the director of the factory suddenly fired him.

Unemployed at the age of fifty.

There is a fixed mortgage to be paid every month.

The family still has to live.

Gu Mo's heart was very heavy.

"Dad, why are you back?" Gu Nixiang came back from outside and asked in shock.

"Laid off."

Gu Mo sighed.


Gu Ni's "920" beautiful eyes were shocked, her father has worked in the glass tempering factory for more than ten years, and he was not laid off before, how could he suddenly be cut?

"The director of the factory said that the efficiency of the factory was not good, so let me go home and rest for a while, and when the efficiency of the factory was good, let me go back to work."

Gu Mo can only comfort himself like this now, in fact, he knows very well in his heart that it is impossible for the glass factory to go back.

"Dad, don't worry first, rest at home for a while, maybe one day the factory will ask you to go back to work."

Gu Nixiang keenly felt that there was something strange about her father's dismissal.

"I asked a friend to contact a construction site to do small work for a period of time, and the salary was paid daily." Gu Mo did not dare to rest for a day, after all, there was a mortgage pressing.


Gu Nixiang felt a little unbearable in her heart.

Her father is in his fifties, and in order to pay off the mortgage and the family's food and drink, he has to go to the construction site to earn sweat money.

"By the way, why are you back too?" Gu Mo glanced at his daughter and frowned.

"I... The company temporarily asked me to take a business trip. Gu Nixiang couldn't bear to disappoint her father and told a lie.

"It's still a big company like you, with high benefits, sitting in the office every day to blow the air conditioner, and leaving work when the time comes, your dad I can have such a job..." Gu Mo said with a smile.

Gu Nixiang felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

She had just gone to Shaw's Company, picked up her personal belongings, and settled her salary at the finances.

With Shao Xiaodong's words, she received ten times her salary, about 40,000 more.

For an ordinary family like her, more than 40,000 yuan is just enough to repay a year's mortgage.

"Dad, you rest for a while, I'll go to the room."

Gu Nixiang came to her bedroom.

There was a lot of melancholy for a while.

She couldn't help but think of Lin Jiang's words yesterday.

Three million villas.

A million mortgages.

As long as she nodded her head slightly, her parents would not have to work so hard.

But she was a little unwilling in her heart, after all, she hadn't even talked about a serious relationship once, and she was going to give birth to someone.

After a while.

Mother Gu also returned.

Her milk tea shop closed.

The reason is that the rent is about to expire, and the landlord is not willing to rent it to her again, so that she can move her things in these two days.


Gu's father and Gu's mother are all out of work.

Gu Nixiang suddenly understood in her heart.

Someone must be behind the ghost.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental.

She thought for a moment.

The biggest suspect is Lin Jiang.

He did it with his intentions.

Since he tried to force her to comply.

It's just that his method is too shameless.

Gu Nixiang called Lin Jiang and asked him to meet him in Jianghai Wetland Park in the afternoon.


A brand new yellow Lamborghini Urus off-road sports car, parked in the parking lot of Jianghai Wetland Park with a shrill roar.

Lin Jiang got down from the Urus car.

Although this car is not as domineering as Cullinan, it is very comfortable to handle.

Especially the wild sports car sound, full of full power.

He locked the car door and went inside the Jianghai Wetland Park.

He was supposed to go to see Gong Xue and Li Xinyu in the afternoon, but Gu Nixiang suddenly asked him to meet here.

Did she figure it out?

Decided to put down your dignity and accept his advice?

Lin Jiang secretly thought that if she agreed, then this month would be when she won the bid.

In this way, after ten months, the child croaks on the ground, and he can again harvest the wool of many children.

A few minutes later.

Lin Jiang came to the bottom of a pavilion in the wetland park.

Gu Nixiang is wearing very fresh, a light green short sleeve, a pair of denim shorts, a pair of high-heeled sandals on her feet, graceful posture, quiet temperament, a fair face, very affinity.


Her watery eyes stared directly at Lin Jiang, with anger, doubt, and a trace of hatred in her eyes.

"What's the matter with asking me here?"

Lin Jiang secretly frowned, thinking that she was taking the wrong medicine?

"My dad was laid off by the factory today, and my mother's milk tea shop can't be opened, are you satisfied?" Gu Ni's beautiful voice was like a yellow warbler, with a hint of indignation.

"Your father was laid off, your mother's milk tea shop can't be opened, what does it have to do with me?"

Lin Jiang shrugged his shoulders, he couldn't help but be disappointed, he thought that Gu Nixiang was ready to bow to reality, but he didn't expect that she came to Xingshi to ask about sin.

"If it wasn't for you behind your back, how could my dad be laid off, and how could my mom's milk tea shop be forced to close?"

Gu Nixiang hated Lin Jiang in her heart, a despicable villain....

"I repeat, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Lin Jiang snorted coldly, his voice carried a hint of displeasure, even if he wanted to force Gu Nixiang to comply, there was no need to use this clumsy trick.

"Not you, still." Gu Nixiang said angrily.

"It's not me anyway, you love to believe it or not." Lin Jiang smiled coldly, turned around and left directly.

Although he really wanted to take Gu Nixiang, it was not necessary for her.

After all, there are thousands of beautiful women in the world, and without Gu Nixiang, there are thousands of Gu Nei clothes waiting for him.

This does not.

He had just walked a dozen steps.

A beautiful woman called and asked him to eat together.

However, he refused.

He wasn't interested in what was being sent to the door.

Instead, he likes to go hunting himself.

After all, the prey he hit with his own hands made him feel at ease.

Nine times out of ten, the beautiful women who are sent to the door come for money.

As for love, dogs don't talk about that thing these days.


Gu Nixiang returned home from outside.

Found your home in shambles.

It's like being patronized by thieves.

Gu Mo Umbrella yelled at Gu Nixiang, "Who the hell are you messing with outside?" "

Gu Nixiang's pretty face changed slightly, and she shook her head busily: "Dad, I didn't offend anyone." "

"He also said no, people came to the door, he said that you caused him to lose his job, you don't make him feel better, and he won't make our family feel better." Gu Mo roared angrily.

"Lost your job?"

Gu Nixiang heard this.

The pretty face changed color slightly.

She thought of it, it was Zhao Fuding.

He must have taken revenge on her.

"Neon clothes, we are just an ordinary family, we can't afford to offend people, you quickly apologize to others, let him let us go, your mother and I have no income, what can be done with the life of this family?" And your grandmother in the country, her living expenses cannot be left uncovered? "

Gu Moumbrella is a man who has been bent by life, in his opinion, dignity is nothing, life is the first.

"Dad, I'm sorry, it's all my bad and let you down." Gu Nixiang sighed faintly.

"No matter how you offend him, buy someone a gift, apologize, and let him stop embarrassing us." Gu Moyan didn't want to force his daughter like this, but this family really couldn't live without income.

"I see."

Gu Nixiang was also very aggrieved in her heart, and her father's incompetence made her feel a touch of grief and distress.

Finish speaking. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She turned and went into the room.

Take out your phone.

Call Zhao Fuding.

"President Zhao, the incident yesterday has nothing to do with me, don't you think it's a little too much for you to retaliate against me like this?"

"I compensate you for financial losses? I didn't do anything wrong, why should I compensate you for your losses? "

"Two hundred thousand, Mr. Zhao, you are extortion, I can report to the police."


Hung up.

Gu Nixiang felt a touch of exhaustion.

Zhao Fuding knew that Lin Jiang was not her boyfriend, so he dared to take revenge on her.

Moreover, Zhao Fuding said on the phone that he is now barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, and if he does not compensate for his economic losses, he will send people to their house to make trouble in the future.

This moment.

She experienced what it means to be sinister.

She wanted to call the police.

But did not dare.

After all, Zhao Fuding was asking her for financial compensation.

Moreover, his claim is well founded.

First, Zhao Fuding had a traffic accident because he picked her up.

Second, Zhao Fuding worked without mistakes, but he was fired because of his reasons.

For these two reasons, even if she called the police, the police could not convict him.

Gu Nixiang thought for a while.

Among the people she knew.

Only Lin Jiang has the ability to solve this matter.

After all, Zhao Fuding has worked in the Shaw Group for so many years, and he has connections and means, and ordinary people can't take him.

But will Lin Jiang help her?

This afternoon in the park, Lin Jiang left angrily.

Gu Nixiang wanted to try it.

Maybe Lin Jiang will help her regardless of previous suspicions.

She hesitated.

Dialed Lin Jiang's phone 0........

"It's me, Gu Nixiang."

"I'm sorry, I blamed you for the afternoon's incident."

"Can you help me?"

"Zhao Fuding came to my house to make trouble, and let my parents be laid off, I want to invite you..."

She was halfway through her sentence.

The phone microphone suddenly lost sound.

She glanced at her phone busily, and the other party had already hung up.


Gu Nixiang actually felt helpless.

She knew that Lin Jiang would not be able to help her.

After a while.

Zhao Fuding called again.

He changed conditions this time.

Gu Nei is not required to compensate for the loss.

As long as Gu Nixiang accompanies him for a month.

He promised that he would no longer embarrass the Gu family, and would not trouble Gu Nixiang again.

Gu Nixiang directly refused, Lin Jiang offered such rich conditions, she did not agree, not to mention, she was threatened.

She felt it for the first time.

It turns out that looking beautiful is not necessarily a good thing.

If she looked ordinary, Zhao Fuding would not have asked her to accompany the wine, let alone have unspoken rules in the workplace....


Gu Mo went out to buy fritters in the morning, but was stopped by two ruffians under the building, and he was so insulted that he almost died of anger.

After Gu Mo came back, he scolded Gu Nixiang again.

Gu Nixiang was very aggrieved in her heart, but it was difficult to explain what happened to her.

After all, she is an adult, and even if she says things, it will do no good but increase her parents' worries.

Look at the disappointment and anger in his father's eyes.

Gu Nixiang's morality in life has deviated.

She was thinking that since she couldn't change reality, she would compromise with reality.

There is nothing wrong with giving birth to children to the rich.

At least she can get a good amount of money, so that her parents can live a good life and no longer be weighed down by life.


Decisions are often instantaneous.

When she makes up her mind, she puts it into practice.

She went back to the bedroom, picked up her mobile phone, dialed Lin Jiang again, and asked him for an interview.

Lin Jiang will not take the initiative to see her this time, but let her come to Nanhai University to talk.

Gu Nixiang put down her mobile phone, dressed up carefully, and went out with a pair of long legs.

Nanhai University.

On campus.

Summer vacation is approaching.

Other students are busy reading books, looking for part-time jobs, and so on.

Lin Jiang and the fat man wandered around the campus.

The two are fighting over one thing.

The fat man said: "Yu Shuxin is much more beautiful than Zhao Lusi, the two are not of the same level at all, right?" "

"Did your eyes get kicked by a donkey, or did your head get caught in the crack of the door, and Yu Shuxin can also be called a beauty?"

Lin Jiang thought about the character of the dead fat man, really different from normal people, Yu Shuxin is very ugly, all supported by beauty filters, the dead fat man actually said that she is more beautiful than Zhao Lusi, what eyes?

"Your head was just caught in the crack of the door, Yu Shuxin's family has hundreds of billions of wealth, does Zhao Lusi's family have it?" The fat man said.

"Damn, Laozi discussed the appearance of the two of them with you, and you actually took money to say something." Lin Jiang shook his head, unable to continue the discussion with the dead fat man, not on the same line, discussing a fart.

"Wealth is also a plus for appearance." The fat man rightfully said.

At this time, Lin Jiang's mobile phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Gu Nixiang calling.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Stop 5.5 depot."

"Got it."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang glanced at the fat man with disdain: "I still have something, you can slowly slip away by yourself." "

"Why are you going?" The fat man shouted.

"Beauty has a date." Lin Jiangtou did not turn back.

"Believe you have ghosts."

The fat man said this, but his actions did not lag behind, and he quietly followed.

Parking lot.

Lin Jiang put his hands in his pockets and hummed a ditty and walked over.

Gu Nixiang was indiscriminate yesterday and blamed him for the layoff of her parents, which made him very angry in his heart.

If it weren't for her good fertility, he wouldn't bother to take care of her.

In front of a white off-road vehicle, Gu Nixiang was wearing a white hip-wrapped skirt, a rose gold shirt, long hair draped obliquely over her shoulders, and a pair of cool high heels on her feet, looking like an urban beauty.

Gu Nixiang belongs to the kind of beauty with affinity.

Especially when she smiled slightly, the two small dimples on her face were very good-looking.

Lin Jiang came over with his hands in his pockets, glanced at her, and sneered: "What is the matter with me?" "

"I'm sorry, yesterday's incident was that I misunderstood." Gu Nixiang took the initiative to apologize.


A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "My time is precious, I have something to say quickly." "


Gu Nixiang saw the sneer at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and the words came to his lips, and he didn't know how to say it for a while.

"If you came to talk to me about having a baby, I'm interested in talking to you, and if you came to me to help, sorry, I can't help you."

Lin Jiang is very direct, he is not a good person, he has no compassion.

"You said that as long as I promise to give you a baby, you will give my parents a villa, and you will pay off all the mortgages for our family at once?" Gu Nixiang raised her eyebrows lightly, and her voice was pleasant.

"I said that, but I won't count it today." Lin Jiang sneered.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 97

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