
Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world - Chapter 101

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Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world

Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world - Chapter 101
There are no requirements for opening a store in Black Iron City.

If there are any, there are actually three.




Black Iron City is one of the two central cities of Daqian. Except that it does not have the strong political atmosphere of the imperial capital, it is almost at the top of Daqian.

No other city can be as developed as Black Iron City.

How developed is Black Iron City? Many times when famous card makers release new magic card series, they will choose to release them in Black Iron City, and then spread them from Black Iron City to surrounding cities.

"Brother, if we want to open a shop in Heitie City, should we rent a shop or buy one?"Zhan Qingqing followed behind Liu Zhao, holding hands with Li Xin, which made Liu Zhao jealous.

Why do you like holding hands with your bestie? Can't you see that I'm such a grown-up? Come here and hold hands with me! Damn it!

Liu Zhao was also thinking about this.

He had money, so he could buy a shop in Heitie City, and buying a shop would save him a lot of trouble, unlike renting a shop, where some landlords are simply not human.

Seeing that your business is good, hey, he will raise the price!

After forcing you away, he will inherit your will and open a new shop that is exactly the same as yours, using your popularity to make his shop's business successful. Don't you think it's infuriating?

Liu Zhao was cheated in his previous life! This is also the reason why he was too lazy to rent out the shop left by his parents. It's troublesome! (Friendly reminder to friends who rent a house outside, be sure to read the contract carefully when signing~)

Li Xin interrupted at this time:"It would definitely be better to buy a shop. My husband happens to have a vacant shop in Heitie City. Do you want to take a look?"

Li Xin is much more normal today. Compared with the gentle older sister version of Li Xin yesterday, today's Li Xin makes Liu Zhao feel much more comfortable.

""Huh?" Liu Zhao stared at Li Xin:"Your father is really a tycoon. It's okay that he has so many industries in Heiyan City, but he also has a layout in Heitie City?"

"Humph, my husband is a psychopath! He says that money in hand is not money, you must spend it! Don’t be fooled by the fact that my house looks big now, but in fact, the cash flow may not be as much as your brother and sister."Li Xin complained:"If you buy my shop, I will give you a discount"

"Another discount?"

Liu Zhao was stunned by Li Xin's operation.

When replicating the magic card before, Li Xin had already given him a big discount.

Compared with other replica factories, Li Xin's discount for him was basically a family price. He really treated him as a family member. That discount was equivalent to Li Xin's family not making a penny. The money they made was probably all spent on factory employees' wages and machine wear and tear.

Now buying a shop is discounted again. Liu Zhao swallowed his saliva. Although he likes to get free stuff and like to get something for free, he can't get something for free from just one sheep, let alone the family of his sister's best friend.

If he gets all the wool from this sheep, what should he do in the future? To get something for free, you need sustainable development.

"Let's not do it." Liu Zhao shook his head and rejected Li Xin's proposal:"Your family has helped me a lot. If I ask you for a discount when I buy a shop, I will be a ruthless person."

Li Xin looked at Liu Zhao strangely, as if to say,"How can you refuse a discount when you are like this? Are you really Liu Zhao?"

It would have been fine if she didn't wink, but when she looked at him, Liu Zhao couldn't help himself.

"No, what's that look? I'll buy it! Where is your shop? As long as the location is good, I'll take it."

"That's right! Don't worry, this shop is the dowry my father gave me. If I sell it to you, the money will belong to me and will not go to my parents. My parents will not care about these trivial matters."Li Xin smiled.

Zhan Qingqing took Li Xin's arm and looked at her best friend strangely.


However, out of trust in her best friend, Zhan Qingqing did not say anything.

Liu Zhao did not even notice the other meanings in Li Xin's words, and directly let Li Xin lead the way.

Soon, the three of them came to a large commercial street in the center of Heitie City.

"Look, that's my shop." Li Xin pointed to a huge storefront in the center of the commercial street and said,"It just so happens that the original tenant also runs a magic card store. The lease just expired this month, and I didn't agree to renew it. It's a bargain for you. Otherwise, if you sell it, you can't open a store right away."

The lease contract has a high priority.

Sometimes, even if the buyer and seller have completed the transaction, the buyer cannot use the purchased property immediately, because if the property comes with a lease, then everything takes precedence over the lease. The buyer can choose not to rent it when it expires, but if he or she is forced to leave, he or she will have to pay a penalty.

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Liu Zhao didn't doubt too much and said with a smile:"Thank you very much, I won't look at the situation inside, let's sign the contract directly, after signing the contract, I plan to go to the Battle Card Master Association to recruit some Battle Card Masters to be employees in my store."

"OK, let's sign the contract first. By the way, you and Qingqing don't have to give me the money right away. After the contract is signed, when your Magic Card Store officially opens, you can pay me in installments every month. I don't want to see Qingqing living in poverty with you."Li Xin waved her hand, very generously.

Zhan Qingqing almost stuck to Li Xin:"Thank you, Xin! Brother, you should say thank you too.""

"Listen to me~ Thank you~ Because you warm the four seasons~" Liu Zhao said jokingly.

Li Xin rolled her eyes at Liu Zhao, then turned her head and smiled at Zhan Qingqing, with a hint of guilt in her eyes.......

Li Xin is worthy of being the daughter of a business tycoon. She signed a contract with Liu Zhao in no time, and the discount was huge! The shop was sold to Liu Zhao at almost the cost price that her husband bought it for. Not only that, there was no interest on the subsequent installments.

This made Liu Zhao very embarrassed, and he added another clause at the end of the contract. Li Xin owned 5% of the shares of the magic card store in Heitie City.

In the future, she will get dividends every month, and as long as the store does not go bankrupt, the dividends will never stop.

After the contract was settled, Liu Zhao came to the Battle Card Master Association in Heitie City accompanied by two girls.

Big cities are different.

The Battle Card Master Association in Heitie City occupies a very small area, with only a few buildings. The

Battle Card Master Association in Heitie City is almost the size of a residential area, so how can it be more than just a few buildings?

Under the guidance of the staff, Liu Zhao came to the task hall to issue the task

"The Magic Card Shop needs several clerks, preferably above level 5, who can stop some uncivilized behaviors of customers. Salary is negotiable! If you are interested, please contact the staff of the Battle Card Master Association."

After this task was released, all the Battle Card Masters in the Battle Card Master Association received the news.

However, when they saw that a Magic Card Shop actually needed Battle Card Masters above level 5, many Battle Card Masters just laughed it off.

What level of players are they? They actually need Battle Card Masters above level 5?

To put it bluntly! Now the highest clerk of the largest Magic Card Shop in Black Iron City is only level 3! Who has ideals and ambitions for Battle Card Masters and is willing to serve others? Going to the secret realm is the romance of Battle Card Masters.

At this time, an anonymous post was quietly posted on the forum of the Black Iron City Battle Card Master Association.

"The creator of the Pokémon series, the boy who defeated the diamond-level card maker, the 6th-level battle card maker, the card maker with unbeatable defense...Prepare to open a magic card store in Black Iron City! Rumor has it that this store is recruiting staff."


The Battle Card Master Association in Kurotsuchi City is overcrowded.

Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world

Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world - Chapter 101

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