
Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world - Chapter 105

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Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world

Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world - Chapter 105
When Liu Zhao and Groudon were connected in heart.

Outside the card making room, Zhan Qingqing fell asleep in Li Xin's arms.

Looking at Zhan Qingqing's well-behaved appearance, Li Xin felt a little warm in her heart.

After all, Qingqing was closer to her, and as for Shangguan Yan, she was just playing for the occasion.

Li Xin stroked a strand of Zhan Qingqing's black hair and sighed. There were some words stuck in her throat. She wanted to say it out but was afraid that she would lose her friends after saying it out.

In addition....

The girl's voice keeps ringing in my head

"Why don't you express your love for someone? You humans are so weird."

"The girls who met me were also very strange. Even though I had never done anything to harm humans, they would still try their best to kill me."

"If I want to survive, I have to fight them, but I don't want to fight at all"

"I also want to eat humans’ delicious food and drink humans’ delicious drinks. Why do they attack me every time I get close to humans?"

"So annoying."

Li Xin is so annoying!

She is really annoying!

This woman���Boy, why don't you keep your aloofness at the beginning?

Aren't you a pure-blooded elf?

Where is the arrogance of being a pure-blooded elf? In the auction video, where the cold and beautiful girl with a big sword was killing everyone?

Li Xin is really annoying.


She is the super rich woman who bought the heart of the pure-blooded elf.

That little money is nothing to her old man!

As a wealthy person in Black Rock City, Li Xin's old man has an unusual talent for business, and her wealth is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Therefore, in Liu Zhao's eyes, it is not worth spending money that exceeds the value of the materials to buy materials. In Li Xin's eyes,...That was just to please her.

She was really happy when she bought the pureblood elf's heart.

Because she thought that if she could get closer to someone, then a gift must be an indispensable thing.

A top-grade material would definitely bring the relationship closer, right?

Li Xin swore that she was not a bootlicker! Nor was she attracted by beauty.

Although someone was really handsome, but...She is not a face lover, how can she like someone just because he looks good?

The main reason is that this good-looking person usually has a world-weary face, is handsome and aloof, but is surprisingly considerate to the people around him~ This makes people want to know more about him.

Of course, it's not all because of personality and appearance.

Li Xin thinks that someone's talent + appearance + personality are all in line with the image of her future partner, so she gave it a try.

Although this attempt is likely to cause her to be hacked by her bestie, how can she know the result if she doesn't try?

For some things, you have to fight for it.

Even if you are hacked, you have to fight for it.

So, Li Xin naturally bought the pure-blooded elf heart and bought the material that was not worth so much money at a high price.

After buying it back, she recognized the girl who was living in the pure-blooded elf's heart.

That is, the girl on the screen.

This girl has no name, and the reason why she is living in the pure-blooded elf's heart is that she is not dead at all.

According to her, when she was traveling in the gaps of the world, she was inexplicably attracted to that secret realm.

As a result, she was trapped in the pure-blooded elf heart in the secret realm.

The pure-blooded elf heart created a fantasy version of her through her existence.

In the end, the illusion version of her was killed, and the pure-blooded elf heart fell into the hands of humans and was auctioned.

Li Xin called the girl"Princess", just like the battle card master on the screen, as the girl's code name.

The girl seemed to dislike this name very much, but because she didn't have her own name, she reluctantly agreed to Li Xin's naming.

Then Li Xin was miserable.

She underestimated how much an elf who had never communicated with people, and who would fight to the death when meeting people, wanted to communicate with people after untying a certain restraint, and how many questions were held in her heart, waiting for answers.

As a result, Li Xin almost didn't sleep well all night.

It was even more so during the day today!

Until the signing of the shop contract with Liu Zhao before, the girl code-named Princess was quiet for a while.

Damn, it's simply.

How can there be such a talkative material!

She is so annoying

"Can you please stop talking! I really regret buying it for you."

"But you have already bought me, so you can't regret it.""The princess doesn't understand the ways of the world.

Li Xin's eyebrows twitched:"I bought you to give to someone else."

"Is he the one you like? Can you tell me what it feels like to like someone? The"princess" is looking forward to it. She and Li Xin have a special connection and can know what the other person is thinking.

Li Xin is particularly disadvantaged in this regard.

Because the"princess" is as pure as a piece of white paper, so white that people can't bear to have a trace of black spots on it.

But Li Xin is different. Her mind is full of thoughts about getting Lao Deng's gold coins, taking care of Lao Deng in the future, letting Lao Deng hold his grandchildren, and how to share her charming brother without being discovered by her besties.

As a result, Li Xin is very passive.

The princess can know what she is thinking, but she knows very little about the princess.

Whose princess's mind is full of"Ah, human food looks so beautiful""、"Why do humans always hit me?"、"Human clothes are also so exquisite" and so on!

"How would I know what it feels like to like someone?" Li Xin was so depressed that she vomited blood:"Like is a two-way thing, and mine is just a secret crush!"

"What wonderful words, you humans are so interesting! Why didn't I meet you earlier? If I had met you earlier, we would definitely become better friends, better friends than the girls around you." The princess' words were full of longing, longing for humans.

Li Xin sighed.

It's not that she really hates this princess, but she is a little annoyed because she is too talkative.

Now hearing her longing tone, Li Xin couldn't help but said with pity:"Have you figured it out? I can ask my friend to make you into a magic card, so that you can leave this pure-blooded elf heart in the form of a magic card."

"Go out? Will I be hunted by humans?"

The princess said with a little trepidation:"I am not afraid of fighting with humans, but I don't like fighting all the time."

"Don't worry, if you become that guy's magic card, no one will hit you for no reason."

"Become someone else's magic card?" The princess hesitated for a moment:"Li Xin, do you know that when you first came into contact with me, we had already signed a contract? A contract called alliance!"

"Is the person you are talking about the one you like?"

"Do you want me to be your love assistant? I have no objection, but I also want to experience this kind of feeling....Can you let me like the person you like first? After I have experienced it, I will help you!"

"This is the meaning of alliance."

Li Xin:

As a magic card material, you are against Tiangang, right?

Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world

Magic Card: Sacrifice Xiaozhi! Pikachu's wrath destroys the world - Chapter 105

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