
My wife is Tsunade - Chapter 140

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My wife is Tsunade

My wife is Tsunade - Chapter 140
"No problem.

Uchiha Mikoto nodded calmly in agreement.

"If that guy dares to cheat and trick me right in front of my nose, I'm sure she'll beat her up and she doesn't even know her grandmother

!" "Well, I'll leave it to you!"

Temari said solemnly and gratefully.

"Don't worry!"

Mikoto said with a smile as she reached out again and patted Temari's shoulder.

The Uchiha Haiyan, who was standing on the side, watched a little speechlessly as the Uchiha Mikoto and Temari quickly reached some kind of agreement, and then went to count the supplies delivered.

"These two guys!"

Uchiha Haiyan shook her head a little helplessly, but the corners of her mouth raised a faint smile, and she seemed to be in a very good mood.

But fortunately, this time Tia also seemed to understand the importance of this matter, so she didn't make any trouble with the quantity and quality of materials, which also made Uchiha Haiyan's heart fall back into her stomach in an instant.

It seems that that guy is not so heinous!!,

Uchiha Haiyan thought to himself.

"No matter how many times you see it, the environment here in Sand Ninja Village is very different from our Konoha environment.

Uchiha Mikoto said as she stood beside Uchiha Haiyan.

The sky is full of flying sand, and there is very little green vegetation in the whole land, and most of the villages are sandy and dirt structures, no matter how long you stay, Uchiha Mikoto will feel that this is a completely different scenery from Konoha.

"It's kind of a different village. Looking

at the character and nodded, the country of wind on the side of the sand ninja village and the country of fire where Konoha is located are both one of the five major powers, and the strength of the battle between the ninja villages is not to be discussed.

The difference in power between the land of fire and the country of earth is not large, but relatively speaking, there are many differences between the geographical location and the human environment in it, and it is precisely because of this difference in the geographical environment that many merchants can mix between the two countries.

"I found out that the tasks we took seem to be related to the Sand Ninja Village.

Uchiha Mikoto flipped through the list of tasks she had placed in the package, raised an eyebrow and said.

"You seem to be in a good mood.

Uchiha Haiyan also smiled, this girl was really happy all of a sudden, probably thinking that after completing the task, she could go back to the village.

To put it bluntly, Sand Ninja Village is not Konoha after all, and it is somewhat uncomfortable here.

"Do you think we have a chance to go to other villages, such as material missions or something.

Uchiha Mikoto suddenly said, compared to the Sand Ninja Village, she would prefer to go to other Ninja Villages to see, after all, the Ninja Village is so big, and she hasn't taken a good look at it, but it would be good if she could take advantage of the convenience of the mission.

"Anyway, judging from the current situation, it shouldn't be possible.

Uchiha Haiyan spread his hands with an innocent look, he really thought that it was impossible to visit other people's villages by doing tasks, and he could only say that Uchiha Mikoto thought too much.

The Sand Ninja Village can only be said to be a special case, after all, it is very close to Konoha Village, and the communication between the two villages tends to be peaceful, and as for the other villages, it is estimated that there are not many other good opportunities for the time being, except for the war period.


Uchiha Mikoto obviously doesn't feel so much about war and the like, after all, now Konoha is the strongest ninja village, and he has too much say in the five ninja villages.

Therefore, the eldest lady of the village, such as Mikoto Uchiha, does not quite understand the dark and dirty things under the surface peace of each ninja village.

"Maybe it's too far away, and it's not easy to go to other ninja villages. The

Uchiha Petrel didn't explain much, just said that.

After all, compared to the Cloud Ninja Village that is hiding on the top of the clouds, and the Water Ninja Village, which is close to the sea and is still engaged in blood mist politics, and finally throws out the Earth Country that is too far away.

Relatively speaking, it is close to Konoha and the geographical location is not an obstacle to the Sand Ninja Village, so naturally the exchange with Konoha is very close.

Not to mention that the location of Sand Ninja Village is close to Konoha, but in terms of strength, it can't beat Konoha yet, so this also explains from a certain angle why the relationship between the two villages is as kind as it is now.

After all, even if Sha Ninja Village had any ideas, his strength didn't allow it.

But fortunately, this time the escort mission was successfully solved, although there were a lot of things on the way, but the big guys returned to Konoha Village safe and sound, and this is the best ending.

This Uchiha petrel had just returned to the wood village, and the Tsunade on the other side had only stepped out of the village one step earlier.

"The mission is accomplished?" After

hearing the sound of pushing the door, the three generations of Hokage immediately raised their eyebrows, and did not even raise their heads, and when they raised it, they immediately knew who it must be who came.


Uchiha Haiyan nodded affirmatively.

"That's fine.

The three Hokage nodded in satisfaction.

"I didn't run into any mess when I went out this time, did I?"

But just in case, the third Hokage still said one more word in advance.

"What are you doing with this old man, I'm just like I'm asking you for trouble, and things happen wherever I go?"

After Uchiha Haiyan heard what the three generations of Hokage said, she immediately raised her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth raised slightly and a rather bright smile, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her thoughtful gaze kept looking up and down in the direction of the three generations of Hokage, and then said.

"But I did find some strange things along the way, most of which I brought back to you, and a few that I couldn't.

Uchiha Haiyan shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and said in an indifferent tone.

"Okay!" Hearing

what Uchiha Haiyan said, the three generations of Hokage were suddenly speechless and wiped his face hard, and then silently took a deep breath and said.

"I'm mentally prepared, what exactly did you find?"

"Things are actually like this, just when our team of three was on the way to the land of sand, we accidentally passed through a jungle, and in the jungle I found a creature that should be synthesized using the number of seals, so that the chakra can circulate perfectly. "

Uchiha Haiyan thought about it and felt that it was better to tell the three generations of Hokage directly about this kind of thing, although Orochimaru's side was indeed very powerful, but the three generations of Hokage were even better than Orochimaru.

As the saying goes, it's good to have your back against a big tree, and if you think that the three generations of Hokage shouldn't mind being used by him as a gun!

Uchiha Haiyan thought secretly in his heart.

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My wife is Tsunade - Chapter 140

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