
Priestess - Chapter 2081

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Priestess - Chapter 2081
Twelve Wings (March 10, 2081 Strength Update)

Captain and their dream beasts basically follow the level, so the level will rise slower, plus the already spirit level, the spirit level will require more energy after the dynasty, the higher the level, the more energy is needed, so the later upgrade will be very slow.

The strength of the small follower class is fast, it is they who major in the Heavenly Destiny Beast, the level of the contract beast will be lower, and the strength will naturally be weak. The

strength level is probably like this, it won't be too accurate, but it won't be much worse, don't be too serious ha.

Some dream beasts are one worse, not without ha, but not written, too lazy to think.

At present: 43 people + 24 people = 67 people

Twelve wings: Qian Muyu Han Baoer Shepherd Boy Bai Hao Qin Tianyu Qian Duoduo Xinglu'er Mo Lingling Lan Xiruo

Yemo (no contract yet, but I wrote it first)

A group: Wing

Qian Mu Yu: Spirit Level Five Stage Heavenly Destiny Beast: Twelve Winged Angel Pig (Old Pig) (Light Ancient Species Colorful Color).

Contract Beast: White Spirit Wolf Emperor - White Bone Saint Wolf Emperor (Eggshell) (Light/Undead Phantom Beast Species Orange) Life and Death God Tree (Mu'er) (Death/Life Divine Wood Species Orange) Emperor Moth Yin Yang Butterfly Super Seven Stages (Light/Dark Emperor Species Purple)

Dream Technique: Light Spirit Holy Hell Flame Death One Knife Death Realm Death Holy Light Armor Bone Emperor Armor Bone Saint Emperor Armor Evil Emperor Roar Holy Healing Technique Warm Warmth Refreshing Technique Virtual Arena Light Shield Exploration Life Absorbing


Han Baoer (Machine): Spirit Level Four Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Tianji Cat (Xiaobai) (Time Ancient Species Colorful

) Dream Beast: Chaos Dog (Chaos Phantom Beast Species Orange) Devouring Sky Ruo Cat (Devouring Phantom

Beast Species Orange) White Dragon Sword (General Weapon Species Orange) Lei Ming: Spirit Level Four Stage Beginning Heavenly Destiny

Beast: Thunder God Knife (Thunder Weapon Species Orange) Dream Fruit: Lizard Dragon - Black Thunder Dragon Lizard (Dark/Thunder) Contract Beast:

Thunder God Tree (Thunder God Wood Species Orange)

Thunder Sparrow (Thunder Noble Species Purple).

Li Mu: Spirit Level Second Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Bamboo Bear - Panda Wine Immortal (Black and White) (General Noble Species Orange

) Contract Beast: Sunshine Elf - Sun Elf (Light Elemental Species Purple) Burning Fire Spirit Tree (Fire Noble

Species Purple) Molten Turtle (Lava Defense Species Purple

) Liu Mufeng: Spirit Level Four Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Scythe (Dark/Wind Phantom Beast Species Orange) Dream Technique: Dream Entry (to pull an enemy into your own space within your own range) Stealth (absolute stealth, unable to be detected by enemies, Two levels above itself are invalid

) Contract Beast: Wind Chime Tianma (Wind Noble Species Purple) Phoenix Thunder Cicada (Wind/Thunder Defense Species Purple) Dream Fruit: Scythe

Yu Hao: Spirit Level Four Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Black and White Twin Fish

(Light/Dark Ancient Species Red) Contract Beast: Radiant Elf (Light Elemental Species Orange) Night Elf (Dark Elemental Species Purple) White Phoenix (Light Illusion Beast Species Purple)

Ding Zuo: Spirit Level 2 Heavenly Destiny

Beast: Demon Bat Demon - Demon Bat Ghost Demon (Dark Rare Species Purple) Contract Beast: Horned Bat - Water Horned Bat (Dark Rare Species Purple) Dark Attribute Dream Beast

Wine Swallowing Boy: Emperor Level Six Dan Shang (188)

Field Skill: Ghost God

of War Slogan: "God of War in Ghosts, Love for War!" "

Star Dew (Star): Spirit Level 3rd Stage Early Heavenly Destiny Beast: Star Map (Mysterious Emperor

Species Orange) Contract Beast: Starlight Crown (Star Defense Species Purple) Lucky Pig (Lucky Rare Species Purple) Second Cluster: Eating

White Underworld: Spirit Level Five Stage Beginning Heavenly Destiny Beast: Gluttony (Delicious Ghost) (Devouring Phantom

Beast Species Orange) Dream Fruit: Gluttonous Contract Beast: Giant Spirit Divine Tree (General, Shenmu

Species, Orange), Sea Dragon Elephant (Water Defense Species

, Orange)


: Lan Xiruo (yes): Spirit Level 4 Stage Pole Heavenly

Destiny Beast: Yemengad (Poison Ancient Species Colorful) Contract Beast: Glazed Ice Scorpion (Ice

Defense Species Orange) Plover (Poison Phantom Beast Species Orange) Lu Guan: Spirit Level 4 Stage Upper Heavenly Destiny Beast: Zhao Ti (Baxia) (Water/Earth Phantom Beast Species Orange) Moving Mountains (Can carry everything within a certain range on the body) Contract Beast

: Misty Dragon (Water/Poison Defense Species Orange) Spiny Turtle (Earth Noble Species Purple)

An Sheng: Spirit Level 2nd Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Water Spirit - Ice Spirit (Ice Element Species Purple) Dream Beast: Flower Fairy - Flower Fairy (Wood Rare Species Purple) Holy Light Spirit Tree (Light Noble Species Purple) Cai Yang: Spirit Level 2nd Stage Heavenly Destiny Beast: Water Ghost Crab - Water Ghost Spirit Crab (Water Defense Species Purple) Contract Beast: Light Jade Spirit Deer (Light Noble

Species Purple) Huang Tao: Spirit Level Second Stage Early Heavenly Destiny Beast:

Water Turtle - Giant Cannon Spirit Shrimp (Water Rare Species Purple)

River and Sea Spirit - Ocean Spirit (Water

Elemental species purple

) contract beast: Water attribute dream

beast three groups: phantom shepherd boy: Spirit level five dan early Heavenly Destiny Beast: heavy pupil ghost (small ghost) (ghost ancient species red) contract beast: ghost insect - ghost queen (ghost

emperor species orange) nightmare phantom rat (phantom beast species orange) dragon (phantom

beast species orange)


: Lan Yu: spirit level four dan upper Heavenly Destiny Beast

: Xi and Crane (small crane) (light Ancient species red) Buddha dust

contract beast: Mu Xiaoluan (light noble species purple) Yunrui Xuan turtle (light defense species orange) Dao robe

Qingxing lantern (phantom emperor species orange

) Sun Yu: Spirit level second stage pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Big Red Black Tiger - Red Flame Demon Tiger (Little Tiger) (Fire Noble Species Purple) Contract Beast: Shadow Wolf King (Dark Rare Species Purple) Thunder War Eagle (Thunder Rare Species

Purple) Flower Fall: Spirit Level Second Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast:

Falling Snow Bow - Falling Flower Snow Moon Bow (Snow Weapon Type Purple)

Contract Beast: Storm Spirit Eagle (Wind Rare Species Purple) Wusheng: Spirit Level 2nd Stage Beast Heavenly Destiny Beast: Fear Dryad - Dire Demon Spirit Tree (Wood Rare Species Purple) Dream Fruit: Fear Dryad - Dire Demon Spirit Tree Reincarnation Dao (Fire Noble Species Purple

) Four Regiments

: Gun Qin Tianyu: Spirit Level Eighth Stage Early Heavenly Destiny Beast: Overlord Gun - Overlord Sky-Breaking Gun (Fire Weapon Species Orange)



Imposing Silk - Almighty Silk (Mysterious Defense species orange) Blazing Spirit Dragon (fire defense species orange

) Thunder fire Xuan Spirit Snake (thunder/fire rare

species purple) Wine bear: Spirit level seventh dan early Ghost dance heavy axe (general

weapon species purple) contract beast: lava spirit bird (fire element species purple) Wanchun Mountain: spirit level seventh beginning spring water moon knife (water weapon species purple) Akita: spirit level six-stage pole fire spirit red bird (fire noble species purple) dragon yang (fire dragon): spirit level three-stage

pole The overall improvement of the dream beast will be a little slower, but he is a dragon clan, so the speed will not be much slower.

Long Wangwang: Spirit Level Four Stage Beginning Heavenly Destiny Beast: Dragon Turtle (Earth Defense Species Purple) Qingyan Spirit Ox (Earth Riding Species Purple) Zhao Xiaoya: Spirit Level Three Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Dragon Spirit Tree (Wood Weapon

Species Purple) Five Regiments

: Tiger Mo Lingling (Tiger): Super Ten Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny

Beast: White Tiger (White White) (Gold Illusion Beast Species Purple) Contract Beast: Sky Devouring Demon Tiger (Black Black) (Dark Illusion Beast Species Purple) Yin Yang Miao Tiger (Blue Blue) (Water Defense Species Purple)

Pang Xiaofat: Spirit Level Five Stage Beginning Heavenly Destiny Beast: Whale Sea Flipping Hammer (Water Weapon Type Purple) Long Yanchen: Super Ten Stage Heavenly Destiny Beast: Five Souls (Five Elements Elemental Species Purple

) Lewei: Spirit Level Two Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Weapon Type General Attribute Monkey Contract Beast: Defense Seed Fire Attribute Monkey + Rare Seed Fire Attribute Monkey

Six Regiments

: Night Ink (Night): Spirit Level Four Stage On Heavenly Destiny


Night Evil (Little Ghost) (Dark Elemental species orange

) contract beast: Shadow Emperor Owl (dark emperor species purple) Dark spirit (dark weapon species purple) Zhong Kui (ghost

phantom beast species purple) Sima Jing: Spirit level four stage Heavenly Mandate Beast: Qingluan (fire/wind ancient species orange) contract beast: White Tibetan Lord (fire phantom

beast species orange) Qingzhi

: Spirit level three stages Heavenly Destiny Beast: Bamboo and ink sword flute (wood/water weapon species purple)

contract beast: thunder spirit (thunder element species purple).

Ye Xiuwen

: Spirit Level Three Stage Heavenly Destiny Beast: Purple Nether Sparrow (Phantom Weapon Species Purple) Contract Beast: Shadow Beast (Dark Element Species Purple) Mountain Giant (Earth Defense Species Purple) Logistics Regiment (generally follow the boss

): Fortune Duoduo (Cai): Spirit Level Four Stage Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Golden Ingot-Cornucopia (Gold Weapon Species Orange

) Dream Fruit: Lu Wu Contract Beast: Heavenly Fortune Spirit Rat (Gold Noble Species Purple) Three-legged Golden Toad (Golden Illusion Beast Species Purple).

Fengsheng: Spirit Level 2nd Stage On Heavenly

Destiny Beast: Unknown Contract Beast: Fire Attribute Tiger Red Lotus Heavy Sword (Fire Weapon

Species Purple) Tong Yaoyao: Spirit Level One Pole Heavenly Destiny Beast: Ghost Cat - Ghost Cat (Dark Rare Species Purple)

Contract Beast: Wood Attribute Healing

Style: Spirit Level Six Stage Dream Fruit: Wind Qing Earth Dragon

Wu Moran: Spirit Level Five Stage

Separate Regiment:

Wu Tian: King-level Nine Stages (King-level Twenty) Heavenly Mandate Beast: Fire Attribute Moon Blade

Dream Fruit: Storm God (Elemental Species)

Domain Technique: Storm Field Slogan:

"Storm God, master all the wind power in nature!" "

Mio Yuyan: Spirit Level Six Stage Early Heavenly Destiny

Beast: Xiangliu (Water/Poison Illusion Beast Species Orange) Contract Beast: Autumn Cold Sword (Ice Weapon Species Orange) Star Rune Compass (Mysterious Weapon Type Purple

) Dream Fruit: Xiangliu

Lirin: Imperial Grade Eighth Dan Shang (18th) Heavenly Mandate Beast: Yagi Great Serpent (Dark/Poison Ancient Species Colorful Species) Contract Beast:

Li Mio Ice Scorpion (Ice Weapon Species Orange) Dark Scythe Shadow Scorpion (Ghost Weapon Species Orange) Dreamless Scorpion (

Phantom Defense Species Orange)

Field Technique: Yagi Field

Slogan: "Yagi Demon Snake, Heavenly Cloud Sword!" "


: Moon Spirit (Moon Spirit Rabbit) (Rabbit Clan): Spirit Level 2 Noble Species Purple Dream Technique: Moon Spirit Shield, Moon Spirit Slash, Moon God's Guardian

Gongzhi: Spirit Level 7 Heavenly Destiny Beast: Flaming Sun Scimitar (Fire Weapon Species Orange

) Idu: Super Five Dan Heavenly Destiny Beast: Fire Crystal Spirit Sheep (Fire Rare Species

Zi) Jiang Xiaofat: Super Ten Dan (75 people) Defensive contractor

Fang Yi: Super Ten Dan (123) Assassin-type Contractor

Guan Min: Super Ten Dan (131) Archer, with the talent of command

Yao Ke: Super 7 Dan Auxiliary Contractor

Jing Dust (Jing Kun): Spirit Level 2 Kunai

Noble Species Water Orange Ice Kunai (Ice Dust): Spirit Level 3 Dapeng Noble Species Ice Purple

Monarch Dynasty: Spirit Level 10 Dan (12) Heavenly Mandate Beast: Wuzhiqi (Dark/Water Ancient Species Red).

Contract Beast: Zeshui Spirit (Water Elemental Species Orange) Ghost Demon Wolf (Dark Defense

Species Purple) Dragon Vigor Ape (General Noble Species Purple) Dragon Amber: Spirit Level Ten Dan (15) Heavenly Mandate Beast: Nine Babies (Water/Fire Phantom Beast Species Orange) Contract Beast: Dragon Spirit Grass (Thunder/Fire Noble Species Orange) Song Fish Spirit (Thunder/Water Elemental Species Orange

) Amber Fire Chasing Phoenix (Fire Phantom Beast Species Purple)

Xin Wu: Spirit Level Eight Dan Big Dao Woman Chubby

Kong Junjie: Spirit Level 7 Stage Auxiliary Old Ge

Gehei: Spirit Level 4 Ancient Golden Scorpion (Sand Noble Species Purple).

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Priestess - Chapter 2081

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