
Priestess - Chapter 878

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Priestess - Chapter 878
"Since the Order of Ten Thousand Races is a competition, there must be a reward, and how can it be called a competition without a reward, so I will briefly talk to you about the reward next."

"Because the nature of each dan rank and each competition is the same, the reward for each dan rank and each match is the same, so the winner of each dan rank will receive an exclusive medal from the Wanzu Order."

"That is, as long as you win today, then each of you will receive a medal."

"In addition to the medals, the winner will receive 10 million Dream Stones."

"How to divide these ten million dream stones depends on yourselves."

"That's the reward for this competition."

Qian Muyu, who was standing below, couldn't help but nod with satisfaction after listening to the reward that Casa said.

He thought there was no reward for this competition!

Now after listening, he found that this reward is not bad, at least he will not work for nothing.

Although only the winner will have it, for him, the reward of the royal level three stages, that is not to have a hand!

In addition to Qian Muyu, those players who came to participate in the competition couldn't help but show excited smiles one by one after hearing the competition rewards.

Immediately afterwards, Casa said something inconsequential, and then announced that the entrance ceremony was officially over.

After that, the delegations of both sides left the venue, walked backstage, and began to watch the opening ceremony program that began again in the center of the stage.

The opening ceremony's performance program did not officially end until twelve o'clock in the evening, with the sound of Casa's words.

At the same time, the opening ceremony of the Order of All Nations was officially concluded.

January 1st.

9:45 a.m.

Wan Zu Stadium.

Qian Muyu was not in the backstage of the players, but came to the VIP seat.

Qian Muyu, who was sitting in his seat, felt the terrifying atmosphere of the scene and silently drank the juice in his hand.

The first game was important and stressful, but there was nothing he could do but sit here and watch silently.

As for losing probes or something, he didn't dare.

Although others will not feel it when you use the Dream Detection Technique to watch others, your own dream power will decrease when you release it.

How many sages were hidden on the scene, he didn't know and didn't want to know, but he knew that as long as he released his dream technique, causing his dream power to decrease, he would inevitably attract a lot of attention.

Therefore, he did not dare to mess around.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was fifty minutes.

I saw that a man wearing a referee's uniform appeared on the stage, standing there calmly, without saying a word.

The leaders of the contestant areas of the two sides, after seeing this scene, tacitly left the contestant area and walked towards the ring.

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Races Order live broadcast room.

Casa and Mu Huang sat in the live broadcast room, chatting with laughter.

After seeing the man in the referee's uniform appear, Casa directly stopped the topic in his mouth and said: "Here, the referee is here!"

"This man is the chief referee of the intermediate ten-dan competition, from the royal family of dogs, the hellhound family."

"His real name is Inu Hao, and he has the strength of the third stage of the Saint level, you can call him Hao Sheng."

"Our referee team this time is exceptionally strong, and each of them is a powerful sage."

"Of course, our commentary team is more powerful than the referee group, although the number of people is not as good as them, but the commentators who appear here are all the top in their respective fields."

"Yes, Muhuang."

"Haha, you're right." Mu Huang smiled and nodded.

After watching the leaders of the two sides enter the field, Casa directly changed the topic and said: "Look, the leaders of the two sides have entered the field." "

They now have to guess the order in front of the referee."

"The way to guess is very simple, just toss a coin."

"The side that guesses the positive and negative sides of the coin will be selected."

"The last selector can see the player who comes first, so they can do some targeting."

"By the way, the leaders of both sides are also sages."

"The leader of the Ten Thousand Races is from the Tiger Clan, he is a Saint of the Five Races Alliance, Tiger Ao, he is a Saint with the strength of the second stage of the Saint Level, you can call him Tiger Brother or Proud Tiger Saint."

"The leader of the Terran side is from the Dream Federation, the Saint of the Dream Alliance, Yang Yan, he is also a Saint with the strength of the second stage of the Saint Level, you can call him Uncle Yan or Yan Spear Saint."

"The Proud Tiger Saint and the Yan Spear Saint fought each other in the Hanging Dragon City battle a few years ago..."

"Look, the referee tossed a coin!"

"Ah! Looking at the face of the Proud Tiger Saint, it was obvious that they had chosen the wrong one!

At the scene, Hu Ao looked at the coin on the back of the referee's hand, his face turned dark, and Yang Yan stretched out his left hand towards Hu Ao with a smile.

Seeing this, Hu Ao couldn't help but snort softly and shook it towards Yang Yan.

Yang Yan looked at Hu Ao, whose face turned black, and said with a smile: "Good luck."

"Hmph, wait for me!" Hu Ao snorted softly, put down Yang Yan's hand, and turned around and left.

After Yang Yan thanked the referee, he also turned and left.

After watching the two leave, the referee Inu Hao looked up at the audience and shouted: "The game starts in five minutes, and the first to play is the Ten Thousand Races!"

"Please the players of the Ten Thousand Races side, appear in two minutes!"

Qian Muyu, who was sitting in the VIP seat, kept looking at the pre-match process with a smile on his mouth, "This competition is a bit interesting!" "

Live streaming is more interesting." Han Baoer on the side shook the mobile phone in her hand.

"I feel like my dad was taken by Uncle Void, he wasn't so open before." Mu'er's mouth pouted slightly, rising, and she couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Haha, isn't that good!" When Qian Muyu heard this, he instantly laughed.

"That's right, so I can see my dad from time to time." Mu'er thought for a moment and couldn't help but nod.

While they were chatting, Hu Ao walked to the player area, looked at the five people who were eager to try, was silent for two seconds, and spoke: "On the first day of the competition, we can only win and not lose!" Hear no!

"Heard me!" The two contestants shouted first.

Hu Ao nodded slightly and continued, "The process of the game can burn essence blood.

"If you really can't beat it, don't hesitate to burn your essence blood directly to fight with him!"

"As for the effects after burning, you don't have to worry, we will help you recover well, and even further is not impossible."

"So, you just have to fight, just think about how to win the game, and we'll help you level the rest!"

"Well, it's useless to say anything else." Hu Ao looked at the cynical man sitting there, and said with a serious expression: "Eagle Brake, the first game is handed over to you."

"Hahahaha..." Eagle Brake's burst of laughter instantly, then stopped laughing with a smile, and said proudly to the tiger: "Obey the order of Brother Tiger!" Watch me tear him apart! "

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Priestess - Chapter 878

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