
Priestess - Chapter 879

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Priestess - Chapter 879
"It's out!"

"The first contestant of the Ten Thousand Races delegation came out!"

"The contestant walking towards the ring now is the Eagle Brake from the Eagle Clan!"

"Eagle Brake is a genius demon who emerged from the Eagle Clan a month ago, and its strength should not be underestimated!"

In the live broadcast room, after Casa frantically typed a meal, he smiled mysteriously towards the camera not far away: "I have a gossip here, do you want to listen to it?"

"If you want to listen, type '1' on the public screen, and '2' if you don't listen, I see if it's more '1' or '2'."

In an instant, the word '1' full of screens appeared on the barrage screen next to them.

"It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic!" Casa's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled happily: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I won't hide it."

"But before I say it, I have one more thing to say, that is, this news is gossip, not necessarily true, so everyone just listens to it."

Two seconds later, Casa continued, "I heard this grapevine that the eagle brake is a reincarnated saint.

"He is the little saint of the eagle clan who was killed by the Queen more than ten years ago, and the eagle captured."

"The above is the gossip I heard, as for the true and false, please distinguish by yourself."

After Casa finished speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room entered a short silence, followed by a large number of shocked, unbelievable words that appeared on the screen.

"This news is a bit exciting!" In the audience, Qian Muyu looked at the live broadcast screen on his mobile phone and opened his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he looked up at Eagle Brake, who was standing in the ring, looking at Eagle Brake's cynical expression, he couldn't help pinching his chin, "Look at his expression, it's a bit like real!"

"Who are we in the Intermediate Ten Ranks?" Can you win? Qian Muyu subconsciously looked at Qian Duoduo on the side.

Qian Duoduo thought for a moment and responded: "The strongest of our intermediate ten dan is Qi Lin from the Thunder Domain, Qi Lin, like Brother Ming, is a talented Terran, and he has the affinity of Thunder. "

Thunder Domain, Thunder Affinity, Thunder God Island!" Qian Muyu muttered a few times and continued, "He is Thor's subordinate?

"Yes." Qian Duoduo nodded and said, "The force that Thunder God is forming now, the Thunder Domain, has the trend of the Fourth Federation of Human Races.

"O Fourth Federation!" Qian Muyu looked at the sky and showed a confident smile, "We can also in the future." The

little friends around, listening to Qian Muyu's soft voice, did not speak, but collectively couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Not long after, Qian Muyu watched a handsome young man with short purple hair walk out of the Terran side, and spoke, "Is he Qi Lin?"

Han Baoer on the side said, "He is Qi Lin, but I don't know if I can win."

Immediately afterwards, Qian Duoduo spoke: "If the eagle brake is really the reincarnation of the sage, then Qi Lin's winning rate is sixty percent, if not, then Qi Lin wins one hundred percent." "

Hmm." Qian Muyu nodded slightly, "Watch the game!" "

In the ring.

Qi Lin walked to a place five hundred meters away from the eagle brake, stopped, raised his head, looked at the eagle brake, looked at the empty audience seats around him, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But soon, he calmed the tension in his heart, and his eyes looked firmly towards the eagle brake.

The referee Inu Hao looked at this scene, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of appreciation.

Being able to adjust his mentality so quickly is worthy of being a demon of the Terran race!

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in the center of the two and spoke: "The two sides began to introduce themselves. When

Eagle Brake heard this, he instantly put his mind in the right mood and smiled at Qi Lin: "Hehe, one of the royal families of the Lower Eagle Clan, the Eagle Brake of the Falcon Clan, belongs to the Five Races Alliance!"

"Brother Eagle is so fierce!" Qi Lin changed his previous state and grinned: "Little brother Terran Qi Lin, hometown Thunder God Island, belongs to the Thunder Domain.

At the moment when Qi Lin said Thunder God Island and Thunder Domain, the referee Inu Hao took a deep look at Qi Lin, and then continued to shout: "The introduction of the two sides is complete, and the game begins!"

Qi Lin, who was highly concentrated, instantly shouted: "Fit! In

an instant, the combined light fell on his body and wrapped him up.

At the same time, the eagle brake's hands also began to condense the wind attribute dream technique at the first time, ready to strike at any time.

"Audience masters, audience masters!"

"The first game of the first day of the Order of Ten Thousand Races has officially begun!"

"Terran player Qi Lin entered the state of merging at the first time, and he was very decisive!"

"The distance of five hundred meters between the two sides makes the eagle brake have no time to stop it!"

"The distance of five hundred meters may be the time for the Terrans to get fit, so that the weaker players have a safe time to fit."

"Look, Qi Lin's combined light has disappeared!"

Casa stared at the playing field below with wide eyes, for fear of missing Qi Lin's every move.

"Everyone, look! Qi Lin's combined state came out, he had an extra long sword in his hand, and an extra pair of wings behind him!

"This wing, somewhat like the wings of a griffin, the sword in his hand is shining with thunder, and the scale armor of the sword body is a bit like the scale armor of the Qilin clan!"

"The unicorn and the griffin! Not simple! Not simple! Qi Lin is not simple at all!

Casa looked at Qi Lin's contract status, shook his head frantically, and called it not simple.

At the same time, Qian Muyu in the audience didn't care so much, and directly probed the two who had already fought in the ring.

Two seconds later, information from both sides appeared directly in his mind.

"Qi Lin

Gender: Male

Age: 18 years old

Race: Terran

Level: Intermediate Ten Stage Talent:

Thunder Affinity (Top) Thunder Affinity

(Top): Contract Thunder Attribute Dream Beast, which can increase the strength of this dream beast by 20%; Contract other attributes other than the thunder attribute dream beast, reducing the strength of this dream beast by 20%; Dream beasts that balance contract thunder with other attributes (such as dual attributes and three attributes), the strength of this dream beast does not increase or decrease.

Heavenly Destiny

Beast: Thunder Qilin Level: Intermediate Ten Stage

Types: Phantom Beast Species

Quality: Purple

Attribute: Thunder Dream Technique: Sword Blade Thunder, Nu Lin Thunder Breath, Thunder Lin Blessing......

Contract Beast: Thunder Burst Gryphon

Level: Intermediate Ten Stage Species: Emperor Species Quality: Purple Attribute: Thunder

Dream Technique: Thunder Wings, Thunder Breaking Dawn, Thunder Burst Spurt..."

""Eagle Brake (

Rakshasa Holy Eagle) Level: Intermediate Ten Stage

Species: Phantom Beast

Species Quality: Purple

Attribute: Wind

Dream Technique


Rakshasa Eagle Domain, Rakshasa wind claw, instant eagle strike, raksha eagle cannon..."

After reading the information of the two, Qian Muyu couldn't help but burst out foul language.

Han Baoer turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?" Qian

Muyu waved his left hand, and the invisible shield directly enveloped them.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the battle not far away and sighed, "Eagle Brake is the reincarnation of the Eagle Clan Sage, he has domain skills!" "

Groove!" Xiao Bai shouted instantly.

"No, what Ka Sheng said is true!" Liu Mufeng's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe all this.

Do you really have to lose?

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Priestess - Chapter 879

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