
Priestess - Chapter 880

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Priestess - Chapter 880
Qian Muyu felt that the atmosphere was almost the same, so he smiled and said, "The eagle brake is indeed strong, but the Qi Lin of our Terran race is not bad.

"As Duoduo said before, Qi Lin's winning rate is 60%."

"As for the four percent of the failures, it is that the combat experience and strength use are not as much as the eagle brake, and the eagle brake is not as strong."

Han Bao'er couldn't help but give him a blank look, "You can just say what Qi Lin's Heavenly Mandate Beast and Contract Beast are." "

Double Thunder, Thunder Qilin and Thunder Burst Gryphon, one phantom beast and one emperor." After Qian Muyu finished speaking, he calmly took a sip of fruit tea.

"Steady!" The shepherd boy's voice came from the side.

"Since it's a unicorn, there's something!" Bai Hao shook his head with a smile, and asked with a smile towards Qin Tianyu on the side: "Brother Qin, as a Qilinzi, do you have any feelings?"

Qin Tianyu smiled and said, "Stabilize!"

Liu Mufeng on the other side asked curiously: "In other words, boss, you just released your dream technique, are there any strange eyes around you?"

"There were indeed a few glances at me." Qian Muyu smiled calmly, "But after seeing who I am, they took their gaze back."

"So I feel that on the competition field, there should be a protective shield, a protective shield to protect all types of dream skills."

"These shields block our dream skills while observing who has these types of dream skills."

"It's just that my probing is relatively advanced, and these shields can't stop it."

"Probably understood." Liu Mufeng nodded slightly, "The invisible protective shield is very strong, and it can block ninety-nine nine nine percent... so they are not afraid of us release.

"In their view, when we release these types of dream techniques, we expose our own abilities so that we can know who has them."

"Boss, that's what you mean."

Liu Mufeng grinned, instantly feeling that he was very witty.

"That's probably it." Qian Muyu shrugged his shoulders and continued, "I have the matter of probing dream skills, they all have guesses, but now they have directly determined it. While

they were chatting, the two people in the duel venue below were already inextricably matched.

Ying Sha's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, he had already felt the pressure from Qi Lin.

It's not easy to win this one!

As a result, he instantly put himself in the right state of mind, and that hint of cynicism disappeared in an instant.

"Seriously?" Qi Lin noticed the change in Eagle Brake's attitude, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, held the Qilin Sword in his hand, waved his griffin wings, and rushed straight away.

Eagle Brake looked at Qi Lin, who was rushing at great speed, and the wind around his body instantly roared, and a powerful aura suddenly rushed out from his body.

"Rakshasa Eagle Domain! Give me death! In

his shout, the huge Rakshasa holy eagle phantom appeared above him, and the eagle chirp instantly resounded in the heavens and earth.

A powerful Rakshasa wind domain directly wrapped the entire ring, and Qi Lin, who was affected by the Rakshasa wind, fell backwards one after another, until he fell not far away, and then stopped his backward body.

Rakshasa Eagle Domain: Rakshasa Eagle's unique domain technique, after release, the surrounding body will produce a powerful Rakshasa Wind Domain, and its own speed will increase by 50%.

The Rakshasa Wind Domain is formed by a large number of Rakshasa winds, which are one of the top winds in the world and have strong attack power.

One after another Rakshasa wind slammed into Qi Lin's body, emitting one crisp boom after another.

The subtle blood stains revealed on the skin, and the clothes that had been blown apart by the Rakshasa wind, made Qi Lin painful.

Eagle Brake looked at the scene not far away, sneered, and rushed straight away without hesitation, he wanted to quickly solve the battle!

Domain skills are not dream skills that his current strength can continue to unleash, so he must solve the battle in one minute!

"Domain skills! Eagle Brakes unleashed domain skills!

"This field is so familiar! Be... It's..." Casa froze instantly.

Mu Huang smiled and spoke, "It's the domain technique of the Rakshasa Holy Eagle, the Rakshasa Eagle Domain."

"Yes! It's Rakshasa Eagle Domain! Casa clapped his hands and shouted: "The puzzle is solved, the eagle brake is the sage of the eagle clan more than ten years ago, the eagle capture!"

"The Eagle Capture Domain Technique is the Rakshasa Eagle Domain!"

"Therefore, the eagle brake must be the reincarnation of the eagle!" Casa shouted excitedly.

Mu Huang listened to his shout, couldn't help but pinch his ears, and said with a smile: "Can you be quieter?" "

Haha, sorry." Casa laughed loudly and continued: "Now let's focus on Qi Lin, whether Qi Lin can survive this wave, the probability will determine the trend of this game..."

Mo Lingling couldn't help but roar, "Lie in the groove! This eagle brake is a little decisive!

Qian Muyu said with a smile: "He is the reincarnation of the sage, and this decisiveness is still there."

"You can still laugh, we're all losing!" Mo Lingling looked at Qian Muyu with some puzzlement.

"Don't worry, just look slowly." Qian Muyu calmly took a sip of fruit tea, looked at Qi Lin, who was hit and flown by the eagle brake, and said softly: "It can be released." "

, Qi Lin, who fell to the ground, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood to the side.

"It's killing me!" Qi Lin felt his injuries, looked at the eagle brake that rushed again not far away, and said with a bitter smile: "It seems that I have to fight hard." I

saw that lying on the ground, his whole body was instantly filled with the power of thunder, and he disappeared in an instant and flashed to the side.

Standing on the side, he took a deep breath, and a powerful dream power suddenly burst out from his body with a crisp sound.

"Wow~" The

Thunder Qilin Shadow shone in the sky, and the terrifying power of thunder instantly filled the entire ring.

The split Rakshasa wind and the furious thunder power began to cross wildly and bombard.

Qi Lin, who was holding the sword of the thunder unicorn, gasped, looked at the eagle brake that frowned not far away, did not say a word, directly turned into a bolt of lightning, and rushed straight away.

"Thunder Qilin! Sure enough, it's Lei Qilin!

"This is a blessing dream technique unique to the Qilin clan, which can greatly increase one of its own abilities!"

"He is so decisive, knowing that he can't hold on, he directly breaks the origin to release the blessing dream technique!"

"This one is in the air!"

Casa's excited commentary instantly woke up the audience who were stunned over there.

The audience who woke up began to roar with excitement one by one.

"Wow! It's really explosive! The eagle brake cursed angrily, but he did not explode, but turned into an eagle with both hands and rushed directly up.

"Give me death! Instant eagle strike! "

Thunderburst Spurt! Nu Lin Thunder Blade! The

griffin wings behind Qi Lin directly turned into thunder light under the powerful thunder attribute and merged into Qi Lin's body, causing Qi Lin's entire body to turn into a bolt of lightning and rush towards the oncoming eagle brake.

In an instant, Qi Lin, who turned into lightning, collided with the eagle brake, which turned into the phantom of the Holy Eagle in an instant.

With a bang, a huge roar instantly filled the Ten Thousand Races Stadium.

In the Ten Thousand Races Stadium, the noisy spectators also quieted down collectively at this moment, each nervously watching the results of the battle not far away.

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Priestess - Chapter 880

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