
Priestess - Chapter 881

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Priestess - Chapter 881
Under the impact of the two, the huge smoke covered the entire ring in an instant, and the flickering elemental dream power of the two disappeared at this moment, and the surrounding Rakshasa Eagle Domain began to gradually dissipate.

The noisy spectators of the Ten Thousand Races Stadium instantly quieted down, nervously watching the dense fog one by one, waiting for the final result.

Soon after, as the smoke dissipated, the figures of Eagle Brake and Qi Lin also appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Win." Qian Muyu looked at the two people standing there with different expressions, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Win?" Han Baoer's head tilted slightly, full of doubts.

"Win!" Qian Muyu smiled affirmatively, picked up the fruit tea and took a sip calmly.

A minute later, the quiet two in the ring finally made a move, and saw the eagle brake showing an unwilling look towards Qi Lin, and then fell to the left.

With a bang, the sound of falling heavily sounded in the quiet Ten Thousand Races Stadium.

Qi Lin, who was standing there, looked at this scene and finally showed a bright smile.


The next moment, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out of his mouth, but with a firm consciousness, he did not fall, but looked towards the referee Inu Hao not far away.

Inu Hao appeared in the center of the ring, glanced at Qi Lin with appreciative eyes, and then shouted: "In the first duel of the intermediate ten stages, the Eagle Brake, the representative team of ten thousand races, lost its combat effectiveness, and the winner was Qi Lin, the representative team of the Terran race!" With

the announcement of referee Inu Hao, the match officially came to an end.

At the same time, the quiet audience instantly erupted into deafening cheers.

After hearing the results and cheers, the smile on Qi Lin's face became brighter.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned black and he fell directly down.

But before he fell to the ground, Yang Yan appeared at his side, picked him up with one hand, and disappeared in place.

The same was true of the eagle brake on the other side, who was taken away by Tiger Pride expressionlessly.

In the audience, Qian Muyu looked at the ring where only the referee Inu Hao was left, stood up lazily, waved his hand at the excited friends, and said with a smile: "Go!" Check it out in the lounge! "

Inside the live room.

Casa looked at the moment when the eagle brake fell, jumped up directly, and shouted: "Fall!" Poured! The eagle brake is down! The eagle with domain skills has fallen! He lost to an 18-year-old guy from Thor Island..."

"The referee announced the result! Let's congratulate Qi Lin and the Terran team for winning the first matchup! "


Inside a certain hall.

The woman sitting at the top, after watching the referee Inu Hao announce the result, snapped, slapped one hand on the seat, and shouted: "Beautiful!

"Qi Lin, this kid, it's still reassuring!"

"Well played! In vain, I raised him for a few months.

"Big sister, Qi Lin's injury?"


The woman listened to them and waved her hand and said directly: "Let me inform the people below, all of them have a day off!"

"As for Qi Lin's injury, you don't have to worry, they will help him treat it."

"Yes!" "

Terran team rest area.

As the referee announced that Qi Lin had won, the people sitting in the rest area instantly shouted excitedly, but it didn't take long for Yang Yan to walk in with Qi Lin in his arms.

"Quick! Fast treatment! Yang Yan, who walked in, shouted directly towards the woman who had already stood up not far away, "Sister Hua Yue is treating quickly, he can't hold on!"

"Don't worry! Hold your horses! Put him down first! Hua Yue instantly appeared beside Yang Yan, and the powerful healing power also poured directly into Qi Lin's body at this moment.

The excited people around them, under Yang Yan's shout, collectively quieted down, and their eyes nervously looked at Qi Lin who was being treated.

A minute later, Hua Yue, who had slightly wrinkled eyebrows, gradually loosened her eyebrows and said to everyone: "The danger is lifted, but the injury is a little serious."

After hearing that the danger was lifted, Yang Yan breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What do you say?" "

The origins of his Heavenly Destiny Beast and Contract Beast are broken, and they are both serious." Hua Yue sighed and looked at Qi Lin, who was breathing steadily, and continued: "I can restore his origin, but I'm afraid he won't be able to play in the next match."

Yang Yan quickly responded, "Sister Hua Yue, you first restore his origin, and the next thing will be discussed after the two games in the afternoon." "Good

!" Hua Yue nodded, decisively released the dream technique in front of everyone, and began to help Qi Lin recover the origin scar.

Seeing this, Yang Yan said to everyone around him, especially the four intermediate ten-dan players, "You have already heard the results.

"Although we won this game, Qi Lin basically lost his combat effectiveness."

"So the next two games are very crucial for us..."

As Yang Yan spoke, Qian Muyu also brought the friends who wanted to come to see it to the door of the Terran lounge.

Qian Muyu listened to the voice inside, blinked, and said decisively: "Wait in, Brother Yang will give a speech, let's play outside for a while first." "

Won and gave a testimonial... This is too strict! "Bai Hao is very puzzled, shouldn't it be celebrated if you win? Why did you still initiate a testimonial?

Qian Duo thought for a while and spoke: "I understand, the strongest of the intermediate ten dan is Qi Lin, and the other few people are not of the same level as Qi Lin, so Brother Yang may feel that there is something Xuan next."

Mo Lingling shouted in surprise, "What? Intermediate Ten Dan is gone?

Qian Duoduo nodded and said, "It seems to be the case at present." "

It's really hard for a demon to stay in the intermediate tenth dan for a few months!

Therefore, the players of the intermediate 10 dan were determined in November, and the contestants before November had all been promoted to the senior level 1 and 2 dan .

"What are you all standing here for? Don't go in? When

Qian Muyu heard this, he looked up and saw that not far away, Li Laozheng was leading more than a dozen people, and he walked over with a spring face.

Qian Muyu pointed to the closed door not far away and said with a smile: "There is a meeting inside."

Elder Li nodded slightly, and asked a few people on the other side, "What about you?"

One man responded: "I saw they didn't go in, so I didn't go in." "

Let's go, come with me." Elder Li shook his head with a smile, stepped forward, and pushed the door directly.

Yang Yan, who was in a meeting, stopped talking and turned his head to look after hearing the sound of the door.

Looking at Elder Li who walked in, Yang Yan quickly shouted respectfully, "Elder Li!

Elder Li nodded with a smile, looked at the surrounding scene, and wondered, "What's going on?" Why do you look sad? Shouldn't you be happy if you win? "

Hey!" Yang Yan sighed and explained, "Qi Lin's injury is very serious, we..." Qian

Muyu, who walked in with his friends, leaned against the white wall on the side, listening to Yang Yan's explanation with his ears upright.

Not long after, after Yang Yan finished speaking, Elder Li spoke, "That's it?"

Yang Yan was slightly stunned, but still nodded.

"That's it, don't worry." Elder Li glanced at Qi Lin, who had come to his senses not far away, and said with a smile: "Leave Qi Lin's injury to me."

Yang Yan instantly shouted, "You always have a way?

Hua Yue also looked up at Elder Li at this moment, "Elder Li, is Sister Yin coming with you?"

"We don't dare let her dream of the Federation." Elder Li smiled and shook his head, "You can rest assured that the treatment can be done, I have a way to help him recover his combat strength." "

Every contractor who can restore the scars of their origin is a national treasure, and the Terrans will not let them go out easily, especially to a place so far from their territory.

As for Hua Yue, Hua Yue is a saint-level second-stage contractor and a well-deserved national treasure-level figure, but because of the competition, the Terrans had to send a contractor who could restore the origin, so she came.

In the eyes of the Terrans, a Saint-level second-stage nurse who can heal Origin scars is enough to treat all the injuries of the players, so no second Saint-level nurse was sent.

"Good!" Hua Yue was stunned for a moment, her eyes were full of curiosity, but she did not ask immediately, but continued to help Qi Lin treat the origin scars.

Qian Muyu, who was leaning against the white wall, heard this, and his face unconsciously became strange...

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Priestess - Chapter 881

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