
Priestess - Chapter 883

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Priestess - Chapter 883
"How does it feel? How many percent has it been restored? "

Ah! I'll see! Qi Lin, who was blushing, immediately came to his senses after hearing Elder Li's voice, closed his eyes, and began to feel his own strength.

Not long after, he opened his eyes excitedly and excitedly shouted at Elder Li: "Eighty percent! Elder Li, I recovered eighty percent! "

He who could only exert fifty percent of his strength before, instantly increased his strength by three percent under a single holy healing technique!

"Good!" Elder Li suddenly shouted, which directly startled the people around him.

"Eighty percent, it's stable!" The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Qi Lin listened to Qian Muyu's words, instantly came back to his senses, turned his head and thanked him: "Thank you Sleeping God!"

Qian Muyu smiled and shook his head, "Winning the evening competition is the best thank you to me."

Qi Lin clenched his hands and responded vigorously, "I will!"

Immediately afterwards, after Elder Li chatted with Qian Muyu again, he left the room with Qi Lin.

After they left, several people in the room finally couldn't help but speak.

Mo Lingling: "I'm choking me, if I don't come next time, it's not fun at all!"

Liu Mufeng: "It's okay, the expression of that kid just now is quite interesting."

Bai Hao: "Indeed, if it weren't for the eldest sister, I would have laughed out loud."

Lei Ming: "It's boring, who is going to drink?" Bai

Hao: "I'll go with you!"

Liu Mufeng: "Count me in!"

Mo Lingling: "I'll come too!" "


Qian Muyu looked at the departing friends, yawned lazily, and said to Han Baoer on the side: "Bao'er, I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, I'll go shopping with Xi Ruo and Mu'er." Han Baoer nodded with a smile, and left the room with Mu'er and them.

At this time, Qian Muyu's strength can already allow Mu'er to leave him and go far away, at least it is still no problem to go to the nearby street market.

Qian Muyu looked at the room and only him, after the old pig and the eggshell, he calmly picked up the old pig and walked in the direction of the bedroom, "The eggshell is gone, go to sleep." "

"Here it comes!" The eggshell stood up directly and followed behind Qian Muyu in a fart.


January 1st.

Wan Zu Stadium.

At night.

7:18 a.m.

Qian Muyu put down his hands that had just finished clapping, looked at the sunny boy standing in the ring, and couldn't help but feel a little sorry: "It's a pity."

"Didn't we win? Pity what? Han Baoer looked at Qian Muyu suspiciously.

Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "It's a pity that he has a guild.

"It's a pity." Han Baoer nodded approvingly.

Immediately afterwards, she smiled playfully at Qian Muyu, "But the new generation of our guild is not necessarily weaker than him.

"Of course." Qian Muyu responded without hesitation.

For the strength of Junze and Junyi, he is a hundred satisfied.

After watching the intermediate ten-dan competition, he felt that if he gave Junze a little resource and let him work hard, it was not impossible to participate in the intermediate ten-dan competition.

At least he felt that apart from Qi Lin, Junze's strength was no weaker than the other two Terran players.


January 2nd.

After the Ten Thousand Races Team failed in the Intermediate Ten Stages, the senior 1 competitions seemed to be fatal, as if they had beaten chicken blood, directly stunned the three players of the Terran Team.

In the end, the Ten Thousand Races team pulled the Terran team into the evening ring match with a record of two wins and one loss.

In the night ring, the second-seeded player of the Terran team was finally defeated by the opposite first-seeded player, and unfortunately lost.

Two hours later.

Wangu Lou.

Conference hall.

All the Terran players gathered here, concentrated here to listen to the impromptu meeting held by Yang Yan.

Qian Muyu sat at the back of the meeting, lazily listening to Yang Yan's encouraging words in front of him.

Not long after, Yang Yan looked at the silent people in the conference hall and shouted angrily: "It doesn't matter if you lose a while, we can just fight back tomorrow!"

"But if you lose the game, you can't lose the momentum!" Momentum! Did you guys get it?

Yang Yan finally shouted angrily, which instantly startled Qian Muyu.

Just when Qian Muyu was stunned, everyone around him shouted: "I know!"

"Just know, come on tomorrow!" Yang Yan waved his hand, "Disperse!" "

Losing today, in fact, in his opinion, there is nothing, after all, victory and defeat are common things in soldiers, but today the momentum was broken by the opposite side, he can never understand, so there is the current temporary meeting.

Hearing that the meeting was over, the people around stood up one by one and walked in the direction of the door.

Qian Muyu also hit Hache, followed his friends, and went out after him.

Qian Muyu, who left the conference hall, did not go directly back to the hotel, but brought his friends to the famous Gufeng restaurants around.

That's right, they haven't eaten yet!

Coming to the private room, Qian Muyu directly found a place to sit down, and he who sat in the position said lazily: "I'm so tired!"

"I haven't seen you not tired." Han Baoer couldn't help but give him a blank look and sat down next to him.

Qian Muyu sat up with a smile, turned his head to look at Han Baoer and said, "Tired means I'm hard!" "

Chairs were being dragged around, and the friends who were moving around heard about it, and fell silent en masse.

It was eerily quiet for a moment, making Han Baoer respond with a smile: "Do you feel it?" "

Felt it." Qian Muyu nodded seriously, then stood up directly, and shouted with a smile: "Oh, can't you cooperate?"

Liu Mufeng was not afraid of death and said, "Boss, can you teach me how to cooperate with you?"

Mo Lingling responded seriously: "That's right, the boss is right, the boss is very hard, and he took time to play a game with me three hours ago."

Bai Hao said very facelessly: "The boss is really hard today, and he called me up this morning." "


Listening to the words of the surrounding friends, Qian Muyu sighed silently, "Hey! Stop, stop! Eat Eat! "

Hahahahaha..." The friends sat down amid laughter.

Qian Muyu looked at everyone seated and stood up again.

After watching the boss stand up, everyone's eyes instantly focused.

"Without further ado, I am here to wish Yu Mingyue, Comrade Mingyue will be victorious tomorrow and start the first shot of our guild!" Qian Muyu looked at Yu Mingyue, who was a little confused not far away, smiled and raised the cup in his hand that was already filled with juice, and took a sip of it.

After finishing it, without waiting for everyone to come to their senses, Qian Muyu sat down with a smile, "Eat and eat!" Mo

Lingling, who was the first to come to his senses, instantly shouted: "Sister Mingyue, come on, dry them up!"

Zhao Axiang: "Come on!" Come on! Let them see the strength of our twelve wings guild women!

Akabane: "That's right, blow them up!" Let them know how good we are! "


"Hmm!" Yu Mingyue listened to the words of his friends and nodded vigorously, "I will shoot them!" "

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Priestess - Chapter 883

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