
Priestess - Chapter 884

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Priestess - Chapter 884
January 3rd.


1:58 a.m.

The third and last game of the day in the senior second stage, and at the same time, if the Terrans win, then they will directly win the advanced second stage.

At the moment when the two players appeared, the referee Butterfly Immortal appeared in the center of the ring.

Butterfly fairy, female, one of the sages of the butterfly clan, has the strength of the third stage of the saint level, and its own power, the Butterfly Immortal Valley, is a neutral camp.

Butterfly Immortal looked at the players who had been prepared on both sides, and said directly: "The first hand side will introduce himself first." "

First hand convenience is the one who guesses the coin to win.

Ape Zi, a player from the Ten Thousand Races Team, couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing the referee's voice and looked up at Yu Mingyue.

With two games lost, this one was really stressful for him!

"In the Lower Ape Purple, it belongs to Huaguo Mountain."

Under pressure, he didn't say much, only reporting his name and the forces he belonged to.

"Yu Ming Yue, belongs to the twelve wings." As the second-seeded player of the Terran team, she also didn't say much.

Butterfly Immortal looked at the two people who were briefly introduced, and after being silent for two seconds, he said with a smile: "After the introduction of the two sides, the game begins!" "

Main stage live room.

Casa, who was introducing where Huaguo Mountain was, couldn't help but pause when he heard the words 'Twelve Wings'.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the Mu Huang beside him with extreme excitement and asked, "I should have heard correctly, right?"

"Nope." Mu Huang shook his head with a smile.

The three words 'twelve wings' are extremely sensitive to all forces.

"Twelve Wings, a player from the Twelve Wings Guild has appeared!" Casa instantly looked at the camera and continued to shout: "The guild of the twelve wings, some of you may not know, but it doesn't matter, let me introduce it a little, you will know their horror." "

The founder of the Twelve Wings Guild is Qian Muyu from the Terran Clan, and Qian Muyu is currently at the third stage of the imperial level."

"That's right, this guild does not have a saint level, just a guild created by the imperial level."

"But don't think that their guild doesn't have a Saint level and underestimate this guild!"

"Although this guild does not currently have a saint level, how many saints stand behind them, I can clearly tell you, more than one!"

"As for how many, I don't know." Casa shrugged his shoulders and continued with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, you just need to know that this guild is very dominant in their rank!"

"How strong is it?" This... The Imperial Moon is combined! Let's first take a look at what the Imperial Moon looks like when it is combined. Casa instantly changed the subject and looked towards the Imperial Moon in the ring, which was illuminated by the combined radiance.

At the same time, when the Royal Bright Moon merged, Qian Muyu, who was sitting in the player area of the Terran representative team, had already probed and threw towards the ape purple not far away.

"Ape Purple (

Purple Gold Emperor Ape) Level: Advanced Second

Stage Species

: Emperor Species Quality: Purple Attribute: Golden Dream Technique:

Purple Gold Body, Emperor Ape Roar, Purple Gold Emperor Fist..." Looking

at Ape Zi's information, Qian Muyu calmly drank a sip of fruit tea, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "It's stable." In

his opinion, as long as the opposite side is not a dream beast with reincarnation and top potential, then everything is a floating cloud.

Han Baoer looked at Qian Muyu's movements and asked curiously, "How?"

Qian Muyu transmitted, "Purple-gold emperor ape, emperor species... It's just an ape in and out of the top. "

Steady!" When Han Baoer heard this, her nervous mood relaxed a little.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa watched the combined light disappear, showing one person and one wolf, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and fell into deep thought.

While he was pondering, the Mu Huang, who was sitting next to him, spoke: "From the form of the Imperial Bright Moon Combination, it can be seen that she has a dream beast with the bloodline of the dragon clan. "

The two horns on her forehead are obviously dragon horns, and the scales on the four tails behind her are, in my years of experience, dragon scales."

"The shape of the ice crystal bow in my hand is an eagle at a glance, so this weapon is not made, but a weapon species."

"Therefore, the two corners of her forehead and the four tails behind her must be formed by merging with a dream beast."

"As for what kind of dream beast this is, I still need to observe."

After Mu Huang finished speaking, Casa, who had long come to his senses on the side, added: "The combined state of Yu Mingyue, Mu Huang has said enough, I won't say it, I'll talk about the two-headed wolf next to her."

"The two-headed wolf beside her, judging from the appearance, should be the two-headed wolf of Bingyan."

"The Ice Flame Two-Headed Wolf is an extremely rare dual-attribute defensive dream beast..." After briefly introducing the Ice Flame Two-Headed Wolf

, Casa fell silent again.

Seeing this, Mu Huang asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Casa shook his head, looked at Yu Mingyue, who was fighting in the ring, and continued: "The aura emanating from her body, I have a familiar feeling. "

Familiar?" Mu Huang was stunned for a moment.

"Hmm." Casa nodded slightly, "It feels like I've seen it before."

"You've seen it, that means she has an ancient species!" Mu Huang smiled and continued, "Since we can familiarize you, then we have to take a good look."

Casa stared at the battle field and nodded, "With my memory, as long as she unleashes a few more dream techniques, I should have remembered."

Just when he was still remembering who it was, in a city 108,000 miles away from the Ten Thousand Races City, in an extremely hot place, a terrifying saint-level aura instantly rose up into the sky and swept the earth.

"What's wrong, Ninth Master?"

"Jiuwa, what happened?"

One after another doubtful voices, accompanied by various powerful auras, sounded in the city.

"Nothing, just accidentally overexcited overexcited."

Soon, the holy level aura disappeared along with a word.

In the city, the terrified clansmen stood in place one by one dazed after feeling the aura disappear.

Although the breath disappeared, the few people who had just asked the question each disappeared into their own courtyard and appeared at the source of the saint-level aura.

Jiu Ye looked at the several clan bigwigs who rushed in, pointed to the screen not far away, and said with some embarrassment: "My mother said that the dragon horns on her head are somewhat like his dragon horns, so..." Jiu Ye

said, innocently looking towards the woman sitting on the side.

When the people who rushed over heard this, they were collectively stunned in place.

After the quiet atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, the old man at the head said to the woman: "Really? "

Hmm!" The woman who stared at the screen nodded vigorously, "This dragon horn and dragon scale, I won't be mistaken!" Definitely him! He's back! The

old man listened to the woman's words and did not speak, but walked to the screen and watched the battle on the screen.

A minute later, the old man's calm face gradually revealed an excited smile.

I saw that his lips trembled and said: "It's him!" My baby! Dragon Fox! "

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Priestess - Chapter 884

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