
Priestess - Chapter 885

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Priestess - Chapter 885
Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa, who was passionately commenting on the game, immediately stopped talking after feeling the vibration of his mobile phone and apologized to the camera: "Sorry, there is a call."

After that, he looked towards Mu Huang, "I'll take a call, and the explanation will be handed over to you." "

Go ahead." Mu Huang smiled and nodded.

For this situation, he can still understand.

After hearing Mu Huang's response, Casa took out the mobile phone in his trouser pocket on the spot.

Looking at the incoming call information displayed on his phone, he was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the doubts in his mind about the Imperial Bright Moon Dragon Horn instantly realized.

"So that's the case, I said how can it be so familiar!" Casa disappeared in place under Mu Huang's puzzled and curious eyes.

Mu Huang looked at the disappeared Casa and smiled towards the camera: "He is gone, but judging from his expression when he left, there should be good news later."

"Okay, now keep your eyes focused on the ring, the two sides in the ring..."

two minutes later.

Casa appeared beside Mu Huang with a smile on his face.

Mu Huang looked at him and said with a smile: "Back? "

Hmm." Casa nodded.

"What do you say?" Mu Huang asked curiously.

Casa looked at the battle in the ring and responded, "This match is almost over, wait until the match is over."

Mu Huang smiled and said, "It seems that this information is very exciting!"

"Of course." Casa smiled, and after adjusting his mood instantly, he began to explain the game in a high voice.

In the ring.

The mighty and majestic Purple-Gold Emperor Ape was frantically slapping the ground, chasing Yu Mingyue who was riding the Ice Flame Two-Headed Wolf.

The trembling of the ground did not affect Yu Mingyue, who was riding the ice flame two-headed wolf.

I saw that she calmly pulled out her longbow and shot an arrow towards Ape Zi.

The arrow turned into an eagle, carrying the power of frost, and slammed into Ape Zi's body in an instant.

"Roar!" Ape Zi screamed under the attack of Yu Mingyue.

Immediately afterwards, he shook the ice and snow on his chest and rushed towards Yu Mingyue again.

Looking at the ape purple who rushed again, Yu Mingyue did not panic at all, pulled out the longbow, and shot over again.

This time, Ape Zi was not hit like before, but in the surprised eyes of everyone, he jumped directly, stepped over the eagle arrow, and towards Yu Mingyue was a heavy fist carrying the power of purple gold.

Yu Mingyue did not panic at all, her calm expression seemed to see through everything, and she saw the two-headed wolf under her crotch quickly rushing to the left side, and on the way to run, a wolf howl sounded, and the ice flame armor directly wrapped the two.

Riding on the two-headed wolf, nine white-gold flames quickly condensed behind him, and when the ape purple's punch arrived, the nine white-gold flames directly bombarded it.


A huge roar sounded, and Yu Mingyue lay on the body of the two-headed wolf, tightly hugged a wolf's head, flew out of the thick smoke, and fell violently on the ground not far away.

Yu Mingyue's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she quickly stood up, looked at the thick smoke that gradually dissipated not far away, and said softly: "It should be almost."

The Bing Yan two-headed wolf spat a mouthful of blood to the side, his eyes fiercely looking at the huge body that loomed not far away, "The energy in his body is almost the same, I can smell it." "

Whew~" Yu Mingyue nodded slightly, slowly exhaling a breath.

Then, she took a deep breath, and with a firm and confident look in her eyes, she suddenly pulled up her longbow and aimed it at the huge figure not far away.

At this moment, a blazing white-gold realm force instantly rushed out from under her feet and spread out towards the surroundings.

Baiyan Field: Baiyan Dragon Fox's unique domain skill, after releasing the field, it increases the damage of its own fire attribute dream skill by 50%, and the temperature of the flesh of enemies in the field rises rapidly, except for friendly parties.

Under the field of white flame, the temperature in Ape Zi's body increased rapidly, making his eyes couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Under the high temperature, the ape purple, who was a little unclear, looked at Yu Mingyue, who was condensing powerful dream skills in a full bow state not far away, and roared angrily: "Don't underestimate me!"

As his roar sounded, the powerful purple-gold power suddenly rushed out, and the aura in his body also increased rapidly at this moment.

The price of all this is that he completely lost consciousness and entered a state of loss of control.

The powerful aura blew Yu Mingyue's hair, Yu Mingyue looked at the ape purple who rushed over, and she was strong in her heart, steadily pulling the longbow, continuing to condense powerful dream skills.

At this time, her longbow was wrapped in a layer of dazzling white-gold flames, and behind her, five white-gold flames and a white-gold flame that had not yet condensed intact.

If you look carefully, you can see that inside each white-gold flame, there is a dragon fox that is spinning in circles with the flow of flames.

Not long after, with the condensation of the sixth flame intact, the appearance of the seventh flame, Ape Zi was about to arrive in front of Yu Mingyue.

"Gao Lengyue, I'm going." After the Ice Yan two-headed wolf said to Yu Mingyue, he crashed towards the ape purple who was rushing quickly without looking back.

Ice Flame Wolf Attack!

A phantom that was taller than the two-headed wolf of Ice Yan was superimposed on its body, and with the power of Ice Flame, it rushed towards the ape purple not far away.


The roar sounded again, and the Ice Yan two-headed wolf was instantly knocked out and fell not far away, life and death unknown.

And Ape Zi paused his body under the impact of the ice flame two-headed wolf, and shouted on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, as if it didn't know the pain, it rushed towards Yu Mingyue again.

At this time, behind Yu Mingyue, seven white-gold fire balls had condensed, and the eighth had already condensed half of them.

Just when everyone thought that Yu Mingyue was going to condense the eighth white-gold fire mass, Yu Mingyue decisively loosened the bowstring in his hand with an expressionless face.

In an instant, seven dragon foxes wrapped in white-gold flames and a dragon fox with an unstable breath rushed out from the eight white-gold fire balls behind her, accompanied by arrows wrapped in the power of white flames, and shot at the ape purple who was out of control not far away.

At the moment when the arrow was about to attack the ape purple, a terrifying aura directly shattered the arrow.

At the same time, a strong middle-aged man appeared directly in front of Ape Zi and smiled slightly at Yu Mingyue who was not far away, "You won."

After that, he turned to Ape Zi, who was roaring hoarsely, and roared: "Sober up, isn't it shameful enough?" The

man's roar instantly made Ape Zi stunned.

Immediately afterwards, after Ape Zi glanced down at the man, his red eyes gradually sobered up, "Dad, why are you here?"

Ape Zi, who had just finished saying this, rolled his eyes and tilted to the side.


"Hey!" The man looked at the fallen ape purple, sighed in puzzlement, then nodded to the referee Butterfly Immortal, and then disappeared into the ring.

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Priestess - Chapter 885

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