
Priestess - Chapter 886

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Priestess - Chapter 886
Main stage live broadcast room.

The moment Casa saw Yu Mingyue release the Baiyan Realm, he instantly shouted excitedly: "Realm! It's domain technology! "

The senior second stage has released the domain technique, then it is obvious that the Terran representative team player Yu Mingyue, she has an ancient Heavenly Destiny Beast!"

"Speaking of which, I know that some of you may want to say that it is not an ancient species that also has a chance to be in the advanced comprehension field technique, so this is not necessarily an ancient species."

"But what I want to tell you is that if you want to comprehend a realm technique at a high level without being an ancient species, it is a very small chance, and you may only see it once in hundreds of years!"

Casa said, the corners of his mouth rising slightly, "Of course, I can be so sure that she has the Ancient Destiny Beast because I already know who the Ancient Species she possesses is.

Looking at the barrage that was instantly piled up on the screen, he continued with a smile: "As for who it is, I will tell you more when this game is over." "

Time is back on track.

With the disappearance of the middle-aged man, the referee Butterfly Immortal appeared in the ring.

She looked at Yu Mingyue, who was not far away, with a trace of appreciation in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she announced the result of the game succinctly.

"The winner of the third match of the second stage of the Ten Thousand Clans Order is, Yu Ming Yue!"

"Since the Terran representative team won all three games of the senior second stage, I hereby announce that the final winner of the senior second stage of the Ten Thousand Races Order is the Terran representative team!"

After Yu Mingyue listened to the referee Disc Immortal announce the result, a bright smile finally appeared on his calm face.

Then, she shouted at the two-headed wolf of Bing Yan lying not far away: "Bing Yan, go." The

Bing Yan two-headed wolf slowly stood up from the ground, shook his body, spat a mouthful of bruised blood to the side, and walked towards Yu Mingyue with some grievances, "Won't you feel sorry for me?" I was hit hard!

"You are a defensive species, not an ordinary species, a rare species!" Yu Mingyue gave it a blank look, and after complaining in his heart, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, "It's hard." "

Hehe, it's not hard." When the two-headed wolf heard this, he ran over with a grin, rubbed Yu Mingyue's pant legs, and left the ring with Yu Mingyue.

Terran player area.

At this time, the contestant area is filled with the joy of winning.

Qian Muyu felt the joy around him, took the fruit tea with a smile, stood up from his seat, and looked at a person and a wolf who were walking towards here not far away.

At this moment, one of the Terran leaders standing on the side, Yang Yan clapped his hands and said, "Everyone be quiet!" Our heroes are back! In

the contestant area, the noisy scene instantly quieted down, and everyone collectively looked towards a person and a wolf not far away.

Not long after, as Yu Mingyue walked into the contestant area, everyone who was quiet collectively congratulated Yu Mingyue.

Qian Muyu looked at Yu Mingyue who came out of the crowd and said with a smile: "Good job, do you need to treat it?"

Yu Mingyue nodded and said, "Trouble boss."

Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and directly threw the two healing techniques over.

He did not release the Holy Healing Technique, firstly, it was not necessary, after all, Yu Mingyue was not seriously injured, and secondly, there were too many people around, and he was afraid that Yu Mingyue would be embarrassed.

Soon, the trauma of Yu Mingyue and the Ice Flame Two-Headed Wolf recovered well under the treatment.

"Comfortable!" The Bing Yan two-headed wolf howled lazily, then turned into a ball of light, flew into Yu Mingyue's body, and entered the dream space.

After feeling the healed body, Yu Mingyue said to Qian Muyu: "Thank you, boss!"

"Little things, come and have a cup of fruit tea to suppress the shock." After Qian Muyu took out a cup of fruit tea and threw it to Yu Mingyue, he continued: "Watch the live broadcast of the main stage, Ka Sheng is going to talk about your Heavenly Destiny Beast. When

Yu Mingyue heard this, she was slightly stunned, and turned her head to look at the big screen not far away.

Main stage live broadcast room.

After the victory of the imperial moon, Casa said some official words and came to the revelation that everyone was looking forward to.

"Don't worry, everyone, the official process still has to go." Casa looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and the smile on his face became brighter.

He loves the atmosphere! This lively atmosphere!

"I don't know if you remember, I took a call not long ago." Casa looked at the barrage of 'remembering' and continued: "That call was from the family of the ancient species of Yumeiyue.

"As for who can get through to my phone, I understand everything, so I won't say more."

"What I want to say now is that the ancient species of Yu Ming Yue was the first demon of that race back then!"

Casa held up one finger and was silent for two seconds, then raised the second finger with a smile, "Now he is the second demon in the history of that race.

Looking at the pile of question marks that brushed the screen, Casa continued with a smile: "Although he is now the second demon, the first demon has a close relationship with him.

"As for what the relationship is, guess it yourself, I won't say more."

"That's all I can tell you this time."

Casa looked at the irritable barrage, calmly drank a sip of water, and continued: "Don't worry, everyone, next I will tell you about the identity of the middle-aged man who appeared in the ring just now." After

seeing the revelations, the irascible audience gradually calmed down.

"Just now in the ring, you should have heard what Ape Zi said at the end."

"That's right, the last thing Ape Zi said was, 'Dad, why are you here?'"

"You should know what you said."

"Then the middle-aged man is Ape Zi's father, Ape Town."

"Ape Town, one of the Sages of Huaguo Mountain, you can call him the Town Saint or the Purple Gold Sage."

"Well, the above is the content of today's revelation, see you next time." Casa smiled and waved at the camera, and just as he was about to go on the air, he suddenly clapped his hands and said, "That's right!"

"I almost forgot to tell you something." Casa smiled and continued, "It's not a big deal, it's that I feel that Yu Mingyue should be the No. 1 seed player of the Terran team, not the No. 2 seed. "

Judging from her strength after releasing the field, the second seed has somewhat wronged her."

"So I feel that she should have released water during the Terran Trials, and she should have hidden a domain technique."

"That's all I have to say, see you tomorrow!"

The live broadcast screen of the main stage, under Casa's farewell, went black.

Terran representative team player area.

Yu Mingyue looked at this scene and fell into deep thought, and the Baiyan Dragon Fox in her arms also fell into deep thought.

Of course, Bai Yan Dragon Fox was not really summoned by her, but displayed a virtual state, which only she could see.

Qian Muyu looked at Yu Mingyue, who was in deep thought, and calmly spoke, "They should rush over to find you in the next few days."

"But don't be afraid, we're here."

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Priestess - Chapter 886

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