
Priestess - Chapter 888

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Priestess - Chapter 888
A beaver looked at the gradually clear figure in front of Yu Mingyue, and his eyes finally couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment.

"Brother Yan!"

At the moment when Bai Yan came out, the beaver rushed up without hesitation, rushed into Bai Yan's arms, and cried with joy.

"I thought I would never see you again in this life."

Bai Yan looked at the beaver in his arms, silently hugged her, and said softly, "I'm back." At

the moment when the beaver rushed out, Jiu Ye, who stood up, looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a trace of inexplicability in his heart.

Qian Muyu, who was sitting there, turned his head and muttered a little puzzled: "Hey, this scene, the last thing I want to see."

Mo Lingling was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qian Muyu's eyes curiously, "Boss, shouldn't you be moved to cry?"

Qian Muyu gave her a blank look, "Get out!" You're crying!

"Boss, don't worry, I won't tell Sister Bao'er!" Mo Lingling secretly transmitted.

At this moment, her heart was extremely excited, because she saw the tears in the corner of the boss's eyes, although there was only one drop, but it was also tears!

She instantly felt that this trip was worth it!

Not long after, the beaver lying in Bai Yan's arms suddenly thought of something, his face turned red instantly, patted Bai Yan's chest, and whispered: "It's okay, so many people next to you are watching."

Bai Yan responded with a smile: "Look at it, I hold my wife, it's righteous." "

Hmm!" The fox, whose face was flushed, nodded slightly, and continued to enjoy the temperature of Bai Yan's chest.

"Shhh! Is mom such a little woman? Looking at this scene, Jiu Ye couldn't help but take a deep breath, not daring to say a word.

Qian Muyu, Mo Lingling, Li Lao, and Yu Mingyue also fell silent collectively.

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely strange under the silence of several people.

But fortunately, it didn't take long for Bai Yan to finally let go of the beaver in his arms.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yan sat next to Yu Mingyue, and the beaver sat back in his original position.

Bai Yan, who sat down, apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting."

Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "Soon, you can continue." "

Hahahahahaha..." When Mo Lingling heard this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud instantly.

The fox returned to his original demeanor, not caring about Mo Lingling's laughter at all, and even felt that Mo Lingling's laughter was very good.

"I'm sorry!" Mo Lingling, who laughed for a while, felt the concentrated gazes around him and instantly closed his mouth.

A beaver shook his head with a smile and said to Jiu Ye: "Stinky boy, don't call dad yet!" The

silent Ninth Master, after hearing the beaver's voice, quickly shouted at Bai Yan: "Dad!

Bai Yan looked at Jiu Ye curiously, smiled and nodded, "It's all so big, I remember that when I left, there were still five months before you came from." Jiu

Ye listened to Bai Yan's words and instantly fell silent.

"Don't say that!" After glaring at Bai Yan, the beaver pulled Jiu Ye and proudly introduced Bai Yan, "He is our son, Fox Jiuyan, his body is a Jiuyan Dragon Fox, and his current strength is the fourth stage of the saint level. "

Saint Grade Four Stage!" Bai Yan's eyes widened instantly, and he couldn't believe all this.

He guessed that his son was already a sage, after all, his son was the first demon of the Dragon Fox Clan, but he didn't guess that his son turned out to be a saint-level four-stage sage!

"That's right!" The beaver nodded vigorously and continued in a proud tone: "He is a saint of the fourth stage of the holy level, a peerless demon who can rise to the fourth stage of the holy level within a thousand years!" Qian

Muyu, who was sitting on the side eating melons, couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing this news.


And Yu Mingyue, who was the contractor of the Baiyan Dragon Fox, was already completely stupid.

She didn't expect that the son of her Heavenly Destiny Beast would be so terrifying!

There are people who are sanctified within a thousand years, but there are very few people who can break through the third stage and enter the fourth stage within a thousand years!

Even Li Lao, who was sitting on the side watching the play, couldn't help but look at Jiu Ye more.

He knew that Jiu Ye was very strong, but he didn't expect that Jiu Ye could do this step!

There are many sages in Dream Star, and it is impossible for the Dream Federation to pay attention to the life and rest of every sage, so it is a normal situation that Elder Li does not know the age of Jiu Ye.

Jiu Ye looked at the reactions of several people around him, and he was extremely satisfied.

Sure enough, I still have some effect!

Just when they were shocked, Ah Tanuki looked at Yu Mingyue, who had not returned to his senses for a long time, and continued with a smile: "I became a saint with the help of Jiu Yan, so I want to become your protector. "

The purpose of her coming this time, in addition to meeting Bai Yan, there is also a purpose, that is, to become the protector of the Royal Bright Moon, to protect the Royal Bright Moon, and to protect her reincarnated lover.

When she thought that she would never see her lover in her life, Yu Mingyue brought her lover back to this world and brought it to herself.

"Yes!" Without waiting for Yu Mingyue to respond, Qian Muyu's voice came from the side.

Qian Muyu looked at the gaze that instantly focused and explained: "Mingyue, don't rush to refuse, this is your current strength, something you can't refuse."

"With the feelings of uncle and aunt, even if you refuse, I think that aunt will definitely protect you in the shadows."

A Tanuki responded with a smile: "Xiao Yu is right.

"So it's better to promise to come down so that uncle and aunt can see each other from time to time." Qian Muyu continued with a smile: "Moreover, this is not harmful to you. "

In his opinion, a sage personally defends you, which is a matter where the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, and it can even be said that there is no harm at all.

If there is any harm in saying anything, it may be that Omigetsu will be fed by uncle and aunt's dog food from time to time in the future.

After Yu Mingyue saw that Qian Muyu did not speak, she silently spoke: "Boss, I didn't want to refuse. "

In this matter, she still has the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

The fox asked excitedly, "You promised?" "

Hmm!" Yu Mingyue nodded slightly, "Sister, please advise more in the future."

"Good! Good! The tanuki excitedly said the word 'good'.

Immediately afterwards, she stepped forward, hugged Yu Mingyue hard, and said softly: "Thank you!" "

Although Yu Mingyue does not agree, she is also ready to protect Yu Mingyue until she has the ability to protect herself, but if she does not agree, she will not agree in the end, and she will not be able to be with Bai Yan!"

Now that Yu Mingyue agreed, then in the future journey, she can come out from time to time and be with Bai Yan in a bright way!

Several people around looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile.

The final result, after all, did not go astray like a bloody drama.

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Priestess - Chapter 888

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