
Priestess - Chapter 890

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Priestess - Chapter 890
The combined light disappeared, and Ling Yue, dressed in a black light suit and holding a dark moon dagger, appeared in place.

The handle of the Dark Moon Dagger resembles a wolf moon, wrapped around a dark green ribbon, and is very wolf-like.

Immediately afterwards, the kite disappeared in place and entered a stealth state.

After watching the kite disappear, Snake Qing instantly came back to her senses, and the surging dream power gushed out directly from her body, and a poisonous mist began to spread around her.

Just as she wanted to continue to unleash a wide range of poisonous attribute dream techniques and look for the kite, the sharp dagger tip easily passed through her clothes, pierced her skin, and touched her heart.

Ling Yuan appeared behind her and said expressionlessly, "You lost." Snake

Qing felt the pain coming from his body and the cold feeling brought by the dagger tip, and his face instantly turned pale.

The referee Inu Hao, who sat down for less than thirty seconds, looked at this scene and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "Good guy, which ancient big guy was reborn."

With a surprised Inu Hao, he disappeared into his seat, appeared next to the two, and decisively shouted: "Snake Qing loses its combat effectiveness, and the winner is Ling Kite!" "


Ten Thousand Ethnic Team Player Area.

Hu Ao looked at the instantaneous scene in the ring, his face turned dark, turned his head to look at the four players who represented the ten thousand races participating in the senior sixth dan who were already stunned, and sighed in puzzlement, "Enjoy the match, you can't win today."

"With the strength she just showed in an instant, if nothing else, she is the genius who does not rank twelve in the overall ranking."


Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa watched the combined light disappear, and immediately explained passionately.

"Look, the kite has entered a stealth state."

"The kite that entered the stealth state rushed directly up!"

"At this speed, isn't she afraid of being discovered by snake blue?"

"Snake Qing released the snake mist at the first time!"

"Snake Qing still wants to release, Snake Qing was stabbed!"

"The game is over, let's congratulate the Terran team players, Ling Kite for winning the game!"

Just as he quickly finished his sentence, the referee immediately followed and announced the end of the game.

In an instant, a question mark full of screens appeared in the live broadcast room.

Casa calmly took a sip of the franchise drink and responded: "What question mark, it's not a normal thing to win." Sitting

next to him, the smiling woman pointed to the bullet screen and spoke: "Don't sell it, look at them in a hurry."

Casa looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and responded with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Sister Yan, don't you want to know?" The

corners of Feng Yan's mouth rose, "Well, I do want to know why Brother you are so calm."

"Because I probably guessed who her Destiny Beast was." Casa smiled and continued, "But I can't say, I can only say that her Heavenly Destiny Beast is an ancient species, and it is a colorful ancient species. Feng

Yi coquettishly said, "Brother, can you still reveal something?" I felt this when she was together. "

The unique breath of the saint level is still somewhat different from the breath of other levels, but ordinary people can't feel it.

Of course, ordinary people don't need to feel it, they look at the combined light of the landing, and they almost know what level of dream beast this is.

After all, the combined light is strong and weak, large and small.

And the powerful light that landed on Ling Yue's body, it was obvious that this was not something she could have at her current level.

Anyone with a little eye can see that this is a combined light that far exceeds her current strength, and it is a completely disintegrated light of the ancient species.

"Don't worry, sister Yan, I'm not about to say this." Casa looked at the coquettish Feng Yi and sold Fenghua without hesitation.

"His gender is male, his strength is above the third stage of the holy level, he will be invisible, he is an assassin, and his race is wolf."

"Well, I really can't say anything else, besides, I'm afraid that the group of people from the Twelve Wings will find me in the future."

After listening to Kasa's last words, Feng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and instantly asked curiously: "Brother, with your strength, are you still afraid of the group of children of the twelve wings?" "

Afraid!" Casa responded without hesitation.

Feng Yi continued: "Can you tell me the reason?

Casa said indifferently: "There is nothing that cannot be said, that is, I owe them some favors, human favors, this thing, it is difficult to pay off."

Feng Yan subconsciously said, "Ancient boss's?

"How else?" Casa smiled and continued: "Every ancient boss has more or less some friends, has helped some people, accepted some younger brothers, and formed a few feuds.

"As long as these people do not die after their reincarnation, then their relationship will be connected again."

"And I'm the one who hasn't died yet."

Feng listened to Casa's deep words and was directly stunned to the side.

Immediately afterwards, she came back to her senses and looked at Casa and couldn't help but sigh: "I really didn't expect that our Void Great Sage's understanding would be so deep!"

"After living for thousands of years, a little realization is still required." Casa put down the joining drink in his hand and continued: "Without talking about this, let's congratulate the Terran team for playing their demeanor with a hearty battle.

After applauding, Casa looked at the live camera and said with a smile: "Just remembered, there is something I forgot to tell you." "

What's going on?" As one of the commentators, Feng Yi did it perfectly, what is called the realm of what you say I ask.

Casa gradually revealed a mysterious smile, "Among the top twenty of the senior general list, there are three people who have not exposed information, who do you guess they are?" Feng

was stunned for a moment, and remembering the performance of Ling Kite just now, she instantly realized.

Then, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, turning her touching phoenix eyes, and laughed: "Who are they?"

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought they were going to say, Casa's next words directly dumbfounded them.

"Everyone, it's not early, we're at 12:30 p.m., we'll be there on time!"


Terran team rest area.

Qian Muyu, who followed the army to the rest area, looked boredly at the picture of the main stage live broadcast room displayed on his mobile phone.

Looking at the question mark full of screens in the picture, Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile, and shouted towards Ling Yuan, who was surrounded by everyone not far away: "Ling Kite, climb the ranking."

"Okay boss!" Ignoring the doubtful gazes around him, Ling Yuan directly opened the system interface and began to operate.

Yang Yan, who was standing not far away and watching this scene, said to Qian Muyu: "She should be that twelve."

Qian Muyu looked at Yang Yan and responded with a smile: "Brother Yang has a good understanding!"

"Of course." Yang Yan said without hesitation: "When I saw her first battle, I guessed it. At

this moment, in the Dream Star Advanced Strength Ranking, a name appeared in the twelfth place out of thin air.

[Twelfth place: Ling Kite Race: Terran Strength: Advanced Six Stages].

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Priestess - Chapter 890

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