
Priestess - Chapter 892

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Priestess - Chapter 892
Meng Miao opened his eyes in a daze, and the harsh light made him squint slightly.

"Wake up."

After hearing a familiar voice, he sat up abruptly, turned his head to look at the side, looked at the boss sitting calmly next to him, smiling, opened his mouth, and finally sighed, "Boss, I lost."

"When you meet the people of the Stone Clan, it's normal to lose." Qian Muyu smiled and continued: "What's more, you are not to blame for this one, if you want to blame our team leader, his luck is not good." "

Blame me?" Ming Chao, one of the team leaders, looked at Qian Muyu with a question mark on his face.

"Brother Chao, isn't you to blame for this? If you guess the coin wins, then the first to appear is the opposite, so that Mengmu can't meet the Shi Clan, and if you can't meet the Shi Clan, Mengmi's winning rate is still very high, at least eighty percent. After speaking, Qian Muyu took a sip of fruit tea with a smile in his eyes.

"Too." Ming Chao nodded and sighed in puzzlement, "Hey, it's difficult today." Meng

Miao listened to the boss's words, slightly stunned, and couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, "Is it really not my fault?" "

Although the stone clan has high mental resistance, you still have a way to win." Qian Muyu looked back at Mengmiao and continued, "Let's go, I have already called the shepherd boy, he is waiting for us in the training room now." "

Ugh!" Meng Miao exclaimed, quickly stood up, followed Qian Muyu and the others, and left the Terran representative team lounge.

It's normal to lose, but if you lose, it's better to summarize the reasons in case it doesn't happen later on the journey.

Therefore, when Qian Muyu saw that Meng Miao couldn't hold on, he began to summarize the reason, contacted the shepherd boy and others, and customized the solution at the first time.

January 21.

Super Ten Segment 1.

Mo Yang held the Big Dipper Seven Killing Sword, floating light and shadow holy sword, wearing an English bear robe, stepping on the seven-star field, killing the other party to lose his armor and armor, like a rat crossing the street, running around.

The powerful sword technique was combined with the Light and Shadow Holy Sword, and under the increase of the Seven Stars Realm, the first sword cut off the opponent's left arm, the second sword cut off the opponent's right arm, and when the deadly third sword was cut towards the opponent's body, the referee struck.

Looking at the opponent who was protected by the referee, Mo Yang said disdainfully: "Garbage." Soon

, the referee announced the victory of the Terran team.

"Let's congratulate Mo Yang, the player of the Terran representative team, for winning the first game of the Super Ten Stage!"

"This is really a cheerful victory, Mo Yang from the Twelve Wings Guild let us know what is called smoothness and what is called crushing!"

"Yesterday's first defeat did not hit them, they let us know their strength at the fastest speed, let us know that each of their players is not to be underestimated!"

In the night, Mo Yang defeated the only player of the Ten Thousand Races Team at absolute speed, and won the Super Ten Dan for the Terran Team.

The achievements achieved by the Twelve Wings Guild in the Terran representative team quickly gained a large number of small fans, and the guild's application for membership made Qian Muyu shout a headache, but the smile at the corner of his mouth had instantly betrayed him.

January 22.

On this day, Qian Muyu did not go to the arena, but took the core members and members who volunteered to follow him to a meeting in the living room, watching the live TV by the way.

Today's meeting is about how to deal with the little fans who apply for their guild.

It is impossible not to accept one, but it is also impossible to receive them all, after all, the application requirements of their guild are very high, and those who can successfully apply are small geniuses from all over the world, so they are discussing how many to collect and what strength to collect little fans.

Qian Muyu sat on the sofa and looked at everyone: "Everyone talk, what should I do now?"

Bai Hao lazily lay on the sofa, and said indifferently: "Collect it, some people don't accept it, it's not our style." "

We can indeed collect more, but if we collect more, our top resources may not be enough." "

The top resources are purple quality dream beasts, purple fruits, orange quality heavenly materials and earth treasures and other things.

Mo Lingling: "Resources can be fought by themselves, they are all geniuses of the rank, and it is not easy to fight resources."

Han Baoer: "Resources can be fought by themselves, but I don't know if they will come to our guild after knowing this situation."

Mo Lingling: "If love doesn't come, if it doesn't come, it will roll."

Liu Mufeng: "Support Sister Bai's words with both hands!" The

shepherd boy: "Send a notice, explain the situation in advance, and then reject everyone and wait for a new application."

Long Yuling: "This method is good.

Qian Muyu nodded slightly, "Then think of an announcement." So

, everyone said a word, he said, and finally spent an hour summarizing the content of the announcement.

After reading the content of the final announcement, Qian Muyu nodded with satisfaction, put down the paper in his hand, and said to everyone: "Then how many people do we accept?" Qian

Duoduo: "Boss, I just thought about it, generally those below the super level are in school, and we can collect a moderate amount."

"Super above, we can take the people who are collected, the same level of group group, so that you can collect according to the group, see how many groups you collect the boss."

Qian Muyu pondered for a few seconds, "Be specific.

Qian Duoduo: "If we take the standard of ten people as a team, then we can collect ten super and let them form a group and act together."

"At the same level, it's easier to control, and it's not too much worse."

"If there are many people, we can also divide it into up and down, super one ~ super five dan, super six stage ~ super ten dan."

"Of course, how to divide it depends on their strength."

Qian Muyu nodded and smiled: "It's worthy of Duoduo, this method is good." "

Hey, hey." Qian Duoduo scratched his head embarrassedly.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Muyu handed the paper in his hand to Qian Duoduo, "Introduce the content, and then add it." "Good

!" Qian Duoduo took the paper and immediately wrote.

"As for how many people a team, what do you think?" Qian Muyu looked towards everyone.

Shepherd Boy: "Seven, I feel that seven is just right."

Qin Tianyu: "Wouldn't seven be too little?"

Shepherd Boy: "If you start, seven is a lot."

Qian Muyu looked at Bai Hao, Mo Lingling and the others: "What do you think?" Bai

Hai: "The shepherd boy said well, seven are about the same."

Mo Lingling yawned lazily: "Same as above." "

Shepherd boy: "You can properly collect some weak people, put them in the regiment, and do logistics."

Qian Muyu's eyes lit up slightly, and he clapped his hands: "This is a good idea!"

Qian Muyu pondered for a few seconds and continued to face everyone: "In this way, we will lower the threshold a little and collect according to seven + three, seven main forces, and three logistics." Bai

Hai: "It feels good." "

Money more: "What a low threshold." Qian

Muyu: "Because I don't accept people, I raised the threshold a little, now it is below the spirit level, the Heavenly Destiny Beast is purple, the contract beast is purple + yellow, the spirit level is the Heavenly Destiny Beast is orange, the contract beast is double purple, and the king level is..." The

corner of Bai Hao's mouth twitched slightly, "Does anyone apply for this?"

Qian Muyu waved his hand helplessly, "It wasn't before, but now it's thousands."

Shepherd boy: "Now there are thousands, so if you lower the threshold, can you still see it?"

Qian Muyu: "I'm an emperor, take a little time." The

shepherd boy nodded, "Also, I hope you don't throw it to us."

Qian Muyu gave him a blank look and continued, "Then let's discuss, how much to lower, and how many people to receive."

Everyone: "Good! After

more than an hour of intense discussion, everyone decided to charge a hundred people below the super, of which the Heavenly Destiny Beast is blue or yellow to receive thirty people, super to the king level, each level guarantees one regiment, up to two regiments, specifically one regiment or two regiments, depending on the quality of the final application, the royal level they are also ready to accept a few, but only accept lone rangers.

As for the other rank groups, they also accept Lone Ranger, and they are ready to collect unlimited quantities, although there is no limit, but they will carry out the strictest check!

The reason for the unlimited number is that they are ready to have people around the world who can support them at any time to minimize casualties!

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Priestess - Chapter 892

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