
Priestess - Chapter 893

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Priestess - Chapter 893
January 22.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The recruitment notice of the Twelve Wings Guild appeared on major platforms.

Half an hour later, the recruitment notice of the Twelve Wings Guild immediately exploded on major platforms, causing heated discussions.

At the same time, Qian Muyu, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the red dot of the guild application list 999+ and showed a trace of a 'bitter smile'.

"Is this the trouble of happiness?"

January 26.

Spirit Level Five Stage Third Game.

On behalf of all races, as the No. 1 seeded fighter, Chaotian walked slowly to the ring and showed a bright smile to the woman opposite.

The woman's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she felt a little unhappy in her heart, feeling a little slighted.

Not long after, the referee appeared in the center of them and shouted: "The two sides will make introductions, and the team of ten thousand races will be the first." Feeling

the curious gazes around him, Chaotian couldn't help licking his lips, and there was a little expectation in his heart, looking forward to everyone's reaction after hearing his words.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly spit out a mouthful, looked up at the woman opposite, and grinned: "Chaotian, from the twelve wings." In

just seven words, the scene instantly fell into a death-like silence.

And his opponent, Gongsun Yue, the second-seeded player from the Allied Army, instantly contracted his pupils and fell into a brief shock.

Two seconds later, a deafening noise resounded in the Ten Thousand Ethnic Stadium, making the sound wave of the Ten Thousand Ethnic Stadium reach the peak of history.

The referee was stunned for a moment, quickly came back to his senses, and said to Gongsun Yue: "It's your turn." Gongsun

Yue immediately shouted, "Gongsun Yue, from the army alliance. "

In more than 20 days and nearly 100 matches, the respective introductions have gradually shortened, most people only say their names, and the current forces, only a few people will elaborate.

"Both sides are ready, the game starts in two minutes!"

VIP viewing area.

Qian Muyu listened to the fiery discussion around him, calmly took a sip of fruit tea, and said to Qian Duoduo: "Almost, make an announcement."

"Good." Qian Duoduo picked up his mobile phone and began to operate.

The content of the announcement is probably that their guild welcomes geniuses from all races to join them on the top of the world.

The moment Lao Zu left the Dream Federation and established Sky City, he knew that he wanted to create a guild where humans and animals coexisted, which was used to make friends with the forces behind the geniuses, so that his family could gain a foothold in the Chaotic Continent, so it was inevitable to recruit geniuses of various races in large numbers.

Of course, there is still a proportion in his heart, seven three open is his bottom line, seven adult race three percent other races are just good in his opinion, no more is not suitable, it is not easy to control.

Three minutes later.

In the live broadcast room of the main stage, Casa was slightly stunned after watching Gongsun Yue being taken away by Chaotian's move, "Incredible, incredibly powerful!"

"The chaotic sky from the twelve wings once again made us feel the strength of the members of the twelve wings!"

"This extremely pure chaotic attribute is the first time I have seen it in thousands of years of walking in the rivers and lakes! Its potential, I can say with great certainty, is no longer inferior to the ancient species in the body of the Ling Kite!

Casa's words made the audience who were watching the live broadcast of the game collectively fall into shock.

At the same time, they once again felt the weight of the three words 'Twelve Wings', and they became even more curious about Qian Muyu, the leader of the Twelve Wings Guild, curious about what ability Qian Muyu had to bring this group of demons together.

In the night, the Ten Thousand Races representative team unsurprisingly won the victory of the Spirit Level Five Dan Stage, but in this ring match, the mixed sky did not go up, and the No. 1 seed player of the Terran Clan directly lost to the No. 2 seed player of the Ten Thousand Races.

Although the chaotic sky was not on the sky, there were still some denunciations against the Twelve Wings Guild on the major platforms of the Terrans.

Qian Muyu, who was eating, listened to the words of Qian Duoduo, Liu Mufeng and others, and said with a smile: "Such a loud denunciation?

Qian Duoduo: "It should be that some people can't get used to us, please invite the trolls."

Qian Duoduo: "Do I need to make a notice?"

Qian Muyu was silent for two seconds, then nodded: "Send it, it always feels bad if you don't send it."

Qian Duoduo: "Good! After

Qian Duoduo made the announcement, Qian Muyu didn't care anymore, in this matter, he can't do 100% to the Terrans, but he will do as much peace as possible for the Terrans.

January 27.

Lu Xi dragged on two and won three games in a row with absolute strength, and after helping the Terrans win the sixth stage of the spirit level, the denunciation on the Internet instantly decreased by half.

January 28.

Qin Mengmeng, the top demon of the Dream Alliance Army, beat the No. 1 and No. 2 seeded players of the Ten Thousand Races, and won the seventh stage of the spirit level for the Terran representative team, and won two consecutive victories again.

January 29.

Yu Sheng held the Chaos Demon Gun in his hand, picked two people in a row, and easily won the eighth stage of the spirit level for the Terrans, and the Terran representative team won three consecutive victories for the first time.

At this moment, the voice of denouncing the twelve wings on the Internet basically disappeared, and only scattered diehards were still insulting.

January 30.

On the night when the Terran team rushed to win four consecutive victories, they were defeated by the demon level players of the ten thousand races, and their morale plummeted.

The army of twelve wings denounced on the Internet instantly focused on the three players.

Just when the official collective silence, the Twelve Wings Guild issued an announcement on various platforms.

"Don't panic, everyone don't panic, tomorrow the last game of the spirit level, there will be our members \('Δ')/."

January 31.

In the third game of the Spirit Level Ten Stages, in the case of the Terrans losing two consecutive games, the much-anticipated Yu Xiaobai officially appeared.

Yu Xiaobai felt the expectant gaze from the Terrans, and couldn't help but cough lightly twice, and said a little embarrassed: "Don't look at me like that, it's embarrassing."

As his words fell, the noisy Ten Thousand Races Stadium instantly fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the man standing opposite him and said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Yu Xiaobai, from the Dream Federation Fruit Market, Juice Forest is my family's business, welcome everyone to buy and taste, the taste is absolutely first-class, and it is exclusively endorsed by our grown-ups."

Yu Xiaobai looked at the referee whose mouth twitched, and quickly shouted: "By the way, I am also from the twelve wings!" The

referee took a deep breath, "In two minutes, the game begins!"

After that, he disappeared in place without hesitation.

Yang Yan, who was standing in the Terran representative team player area, looked at this scene and said to Qian Muyu speechlessly: "There is no such living treasure behind your house, right?"

"It's gone, just him." Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile.

"In other words, is this fruit tea really delicious?"

"Would you like a drink?"

"Here's a cup!"

"What flavor do you want?"

"And the flavors to choose from? What flavors are there, let's hear them?

"Domineering orange juice, sunshine ultimate rose, bitter chocolate, flower sour pear fruit..."

Yang Yan quickly stopped Qian Muyu and said, "Let's have a cup of strawberry flavor." "

Give." Qian Muyu took out a cup of fruit tea from the dream space and handed it over directly.

"Thank you!"

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Priestess - Chapter 893

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