
Priestess - Chapter 894

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Priestess - Chapter 894
"Is this the current Spirit Level No. 1? How does it feel a little weird? "

He's a little good-looking!"

"How do I feel that he is a little funny..." "

In other words, is his luck a little against the sky?" The meteorite rain didn't even hit him!

"Groove! How did he stab?

"Win? This wins? "


When everyone was wondering, the referee appeared in the ring and announced the end of the match.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa was silent for a few seconds and looked towards the Mu Huang beside him, "Is that him?"

Mu Huang nodded and said, "It should be him."

After getting Mu Huang's response, Casa looked at the camera and couldn't help but sigh: "Another ancient big guy."

Looking at the question marks full of screens, Casa continued with a smile: "He is a mysterious boss, usually likes to sleep and wander all kinds of famous seas.

"The combat effectiveness is not strong, but you can't underestimate him because the combat effectiveness is not strong."

"What's more, now he is only part of Yu Xiaobai's strength, and the sword in Yu Xiaobai's hand should not be underestimated."

"There is a colorful ancient species of Heavenly Destiny Beast Yu Xiaobai, and the competition of ten thousand races at night is difficult."



In the first match of the ring match, Yu Xiaobai once again won the match with incredible luck.

"I am 100% sure now that he possesses an extremely rare lucky attribute dream beast, and the type of this lucky attribute dream beast is not low!"

In the live broadcast room of the main stage, Cassa's words reached the ears of everyone who was watching the game.

"Can't you just say less?" Yang Yan sighed in puzzlement, these old immortals, they really understand a lot!

"Whether you say it or not, the result is the same." Qian Muyu looked at Yu Xiaobai in the ring indifferently and said with a smile: "He endured for many days for this day." "

Five minutes later.

The powerful combined light instantly drowned Yu Xiaobai, and this time he had no reservations, directly liberating his strongest state.

Soon, Yu Xiaobai, who was wearing a mysterious mountain and sea star robe and holding a divine sword, appeared in everyone's eyes.

Yu Xiaobai ignored everyone and shouted directly: "Star Dream Mountain and Sea!" In

an instant, the field under his feet rose, and the dreamy color of mountains and seas wrapped the entire ring.

Ma Chi, who was in the field, felt the changes in his body, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and raised his head: "Strengthen the defense? Reduced attacks?

"It's just you." Yu Xiaobai grinned and continued to shout: "Twenty-five days of luck, just look at this one!"

"Watch me leap over the dragon gate!"

As his words fell, the power of luck in his body soared into the sky, and the phantoms of small fish and waterfalls appeared above him.

I saw that a small fish was desperately rushing towards the top of the waterfall.

A realistic version of the carp jumped over the dragon gate and appeared in everyone's eyes.

Ma Chi looked at this scene and couldn't help but fall into shock.

But soon, a bad feeling rushed to my heart.

"No, stop him!" Ma Chi thought to himself, and without hesitation, he burst out his powerful dream power, and rushed towards Yu Xiaobai with a thunderous momentum.

But unfortunately, at the moment when he was about to wave his hand to attack, the carp jumped over the waterfall in the eyes of everyone.

"Hehe, it's late." Yu Xiaobai laughed loudly, and the powerful light instantly wrapped him tightly, and Ma Chi, who rushed over, was directly rushed out by the light.


The powerful, majestic dragon roar instantly swept through the Ten Thousand Races Gymnasium, announcing his arrival to everyone!

In the live broadcast room of the main stage, Casa looked at the dragon who was completely black and wrapped in the black of the world after the light disappeared, and he was stupid.

"Groove! This is... This is the Black Dragon of Woe! Casa's eyes widened, his eyes filled with shock.

Scourge Black Dragon, top dragon species, does not belong to Black Dragon, White Dragon, Light Dragon... Powerful dragons!

Not only him, but all the dragon clans who saw this scene collectively fell silent.

Chaotic continent.

Scourge Domain.

"This fish has your blood?"

The stunned man listened to the voice beside him, his body couldn't help but tremble, and quickly shouted: "Wife, you listen to me, after marrying you, I definitely and absolutely didn't mess around outside!" The

woman frowned, "Then how can he leap into your appearance?" The

man responded aggrievedly: "I don't know!"

"Let's go, let's go to Wanzu City to take a look." The woman stood up decisively and walked outside.

"Wife wait for me!" The man quickly stood up and followed.

Just as he was about to walk out, he ordered the silent people in the room: "Let's go out for a few days, and this place will be handed over to you!" "

Yes!" "

Ma Chi, the ontology Red Flame Divine Horse, is dominated by flame and speed.

In the ring, he was in pain when the flames were suppressed and his attack power was weakened by more than half.

In the end, he fell to the ground after five minutes under Yu Xiaobai's crazy attack.

"Ma Chi fell into a coma, and the winner was Yu Xiaobai!"

After declaring the victory, Yu Xiaobai suddenly roared, and under a burst of light, he returned to his original state.

"Cool!" Yu Xiaobai roared excitedly again, smiled at the referee, then lifted the fit and turned away from the ring.

"Let's congratulate Yu Xiaobai, a player of the Terran representative team, for successfully winning a series of twos and winning the Spirit Level Ten Dan for the Terrans!"

"It's incredible, it's really incredible, it's the first time I've seen this kind of dream technique!" Sure enough, the big world is everywhere! In

the live broadcast room of the main stage, Casa couldn't help but sigh.

Mu Huang nodded with a smile, looked at his mobile phone, and said to Kasa: "I have a very interesting news here, do you want to hear it?"

"What news?" Can it be said?

"It should work."

"Then say it!"

"The two bosses of the Calamity Domain are already on their way."

"What?" Casa was afraid that he would mishear, and looked towards Mu Huang.

Looking at the nodding Mu Huang, Casa instantly laughed: "Hahahahaha..."

Interesting! Mu

Huang: "It's really interesting.

Casa: "No, I'm going to the official."

"Why are you looking for them?"

"I'm going to ask them to explain."

Mu Huang was silent for two seconds and said with a smile: "Good luck!"

"See you guys! Waiting for my good news! Casa waved his hand and disappeared directly into his seat.

Mu Huang blinked his eyes and said to the camera: "He is gone, then I will come and tell you about Ma Chi." "

Ma Chi, from the Terran

representative team player area.

"Boss, I'm not strong!"

Yu Xiaobai's voice came from far away.

"Strong!" Qian Muyu smiled very facelessly.

Immediately afterward, he continued: "Good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?

When Yu Xiaobai heard this, he tilted his head blankly.

Seeing this, Qian Muyu repeated what he had just said.

Yu Xiaobai decisively shouted: "Good news!

Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "The good news is that your little carp life history will be revealed soon. "


"There should be an eighty percent chance."

"What about the bad news?"

"The two bosses of the Calamity Purification Domain will come to you within a week, and it is estimated that their strength should be above the fourth stage of the Saint level."


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Priestess - Chapter 894

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