
Priestess - Chapter 895

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Priestess - Chapter 895
"Heavenly Destiny Beast

: Mountain and Sea Star Dream Fish Level: Spirit Level Ten Stage

Types: Ancient Species

Quality: Colorful

Attributes: Mysterious

Dream Skills: Dream Man, Dream Gift, Star Dream Mountain and Sea....

Star Dream Mountain and Sea: Mountain and Sea Star Dream Fish's unique domain skills, the defense power of targets within the domain is increased by 30%, the attack power is reduced by 30%, and it will enter the stun state from time to time (the duration of stun is determined by the enemy's strength, and if it is significantly stronger than itself, it ignores stun).

Contract Beast: Heavenly Destiny Koi

Level: Spirit Level Ten Stage

Types: Emperor Species

Quality: Orange

Attribute: Lucky

Dream Skill: Heavenly Destiny, Qi Luck Storage, Carp Leaping Dragon Gate...

Carp Leaping Dragon Gate: Active dream technique, after release, Destiny Koi consumes its own lucky value, randomly judged, small chance of transforming into a black dragon or a white dragon of the pure world, a large chance of transforming into a black carp, white carp or black and white carp, the duration is determined by its own stored lucky value, up to ten minutes.

(1) Disaster Black Dragon: When turning into a Disaster Black Dragon, it has the strength of the same level of Disaster Black Dragon, and the attack comes with Disaster Black Yan, causing continuous armor breaking effect and continuous burning effect on the enemy, during this state, Disaster Black Yan exists permanently.

(2) Jingshi White Dragon: When transformed into a Jingshi White Dragon, it has the strength of the same level of Jingshi White Dragon, and the attack comes with Jingshi Baiyan, which can return blood to remove control of one's own side, and randomly cause three time-limited effects to the enemy, which may be buffs or debuffs, and Jingshi Baiyan will exist permanently during this state.

(3) Black carp: After the failure of jumping the dragon gate, its own strength is increased by 10%, and you can choose not to turn into black carp.

(4) White carp: After failing to jump the dragon gate, its own speed increases by 10%, and you can choose not to turn into white carp.

(5) Black and white carp: After the failure of jumping the dragon gate, its own strength will increase by 10%, and its speed will increase by 10%, and you can choose not to turn into black and white carp.

Introduction: Affected by some external force, the effect has undergone a slight mutation.

Contract Beast: Divine Blade Swordfish

Level: Spirit Level Ten Stage

Types: Weapon Type

Quality: Orange

Attribute: Gold / Water

Dream Technique: Form Transformation, Through a Flash, Divine Edge, Break Golden Light....

Contract beasts..."

Yu Xiaobai's core dream beasts are mountain and sea star dream fish and destiny koi, and other dream beasts are around these two dream beasts, filling the gaps, and the lack of attack contracts the attack-type dream beast, feeling that luck rises slowly, so he contracts the auxiliary dream beast to increase the accumulation speed of luck.

After Qian Muyu informed Yu Xiaobai, he left the contestant area with the army to celebrate today's victory together.

February 3.

The audience masters from the Terran race, after learning that there were twelve winged players on the field today, couldn't help but look forward to it.

Thanks to the four-game winning streak from the Twelve Wings players, they have the feeling that as long as the Twelve Wings members are present, they will win this rank.

But that's just the way it is.

Hanyi, who has been immersed for several years, showed her strong strength in front of the world for the first time, and quickly won the second game with absolute explosiveness, just like Qi Lin in the first game of the first day of the Ten Thousand Races Order, she let the world know her, know the existence of the sea fortress, and know the ivory castle.

At the same time, under her influence, those who knew the inside story accidentally broke out the matter of Gao Jie, the main elephant of the ivory castle, participating in the emperor-level section, which caused fierce discussions among all races in the world.

That night, Han Yi did not disappoint those who followed her, and she and the No. 1 seed player from the Hades Hall won the king-level third dan for the Terrans.

February 4.

Dream Market.

In a small private room.

The drunken swallowing boy watched a black-clothed boy from the Ten Thousand Races Team walk out, and immediately sat up straight, "Here!"

Ye Feng looked at this scene and asked curiously, "Is that him?" "

Hmm!" The drunken swallowing boy nodded, "He is the only contestant of our ghost clan.

"It looks like something!" Han Ming smiled and picked up a bowl of wine and drank it down.

Ye Feng: "Didn't that little girl who can make people lose their memory come?" The

drunken swallowing boy shook his head, "There is no need to come, it is enough to have him."

Han Ming looked at the arrogant man in red who came out of the player area of the Terran representative team, and said to the boy who swallowed the wine: "His opponent is Long Ye of the Ancient Dragon Court, are you sure?" The

drunken swallowing boy responded calmly: "In the same rank, except for the boss, everyone else can be beaten." "

Qian Muyu's strength lies in the fact that he has top-level healing, attack power and defense power, which is a little bit worse in terms of spirit and speed.

If there is only strong attack power and defense power, then it is good to say, but with these two at the same time, the healing ability is still the top of the top, it is even more difficult, directly to another level.

Wan Zu Stadium.

Qian Muyu, who was sitting in the VIP area, did not hesitate to throw a probe at him after seeing the boy in black come out.

Regarding the matter of the boy in black, he has long heard that the boy who swallowed wine said that he was rotten, and he was tired of seeing the photos, but there was information about the boy in black, and he had not seen it with his own eyes.

"Wang Yan (

Yan King) Level: King Level Four Stage

Types: Ghost God Species

Quality: Red

Attribute: Ghost Dream Technique: Yan King Body, Nine Layers of Hell, Town Ghost....

Hades Body: Hades' unique passive dream technique reduces the damage of the ghost clan to itself by 50%, and increases its own damage to the ghost clan by 50%.

Nine Layers of Hell: Hades' unique domain technique allows targets within the domain to experience nine forms of torture that are worse than death.

Ghost Town: Active dream technique, release your own breath to suppress the other party, and the effect is better when the target is the ghost clan.

Introduction: I know what you're wondering, but I don't know either. "

Ghost species." Qian Muyu came back to his senses and muttered, "Is it the same type as the Divine Wood Species?"

"I saw that you were stunned, did you find something?" Han Baoer's voice came from the side.

With a flick of Qian Muyu's small hand, the sound enclosure shrouded the surrounding partners.

"Hades is a ghost species." Qian Muyu's voice sounded in his little friend's mind.

Acoustic enclosure + sound transmission, he made safety the highest.

Mo Lingling exclaimed, "New kind!

After that, she quickly covered her small mouth.

Qian Muyu nodded slightly and spoke, "Yes!" "

Hiss~" Everyone around instantly took a breath of cool air.

A species they've never heard of is too shocking for them!

Qian Muyu took a sip of fruit tea, eased the shock in his heart, and looked at the two people in the ring not far away: "First look at his performance, his opponent is Long Ye, although Long Ye is arrogant, but his strength is still not to be underestimated." "

In the ring.

Long Ye looked at Wang Yan on the opposite side and grinned: "Boy, my name is Long Ye, and I am from the Ancient Dragon Court.

"You call me Long Ye now, I can start to kiss me later."

Wang Yan ignored the 'fool' in front of him and said directly: "Wang Yan, from the Ghost Domain. "

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Priestess - Chapter 895

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