
Priestess - Chapter 896

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Priestess - Chapter 896
"Shhh! This child is terrifying! Liu Mufeng looked at the ring surrounded by ghost qi, potholes, dilapidated, like a dilapidated thatched house, and a ring full of leaking wind, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

In the ring.

Long Ye in the form of a dragon man knelt on the ground, holding his head with both hands, sweat flowing, his pale face was full of fear, "Roar~"

The dragon roar accompanied his struggle, straight to the sky.

"Don't! I give up! I give up! Stop torturing me! "


Long Ye's painful scream, listening to Qian Muyu couldn't help but smack his lips, looking towards Wang Yan, who was not far away with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, revealing a tired look, "This field, it turned out to be mental torture." At

first, he didn't see it, but when Tatsuno was physically exhausted, and his dream power gradually shrank after losing a few shots, and it became more and more difficult.

At this time, Wang Yan's state is two percent better than Long Ye, the five huge claw marks on his chest, and the worn black clothes on his body, you can still see Long Ye's strength, but he is slightly better.

Not long after, the referee appeared in the ring, looked at Long Ye, who was yelling over there with a nervous breakdown, turned his head and took a deep look at Wang Yan, "Long Ye admitted defeat, the winner is Wang Yan!"

After Wang Yan heard the referee's announcement, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, nodded towards the referee, waved his hand to remove the domain technique, and turned away without hesitation.

After the realm disappeared, Long Ye's collapsed mental state recovered a trace of clarity, and then he looked at Wang Yan's back, directly turned white in his eyes, and fainted.

"Did this all lose?" Si Rong, the leader of the king level of the Terran representative team, muttered in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, she appeared in the ring, holding Tatsuno and disappearing in place.

Tatsuno is powerful, she knows it, but it is because she knows that she feels incredible!

Long Ye, the king-level fourth stage, the Heavenly Destiny Beast he possesses is a phantom beast species red dragon!

Red Dragon, the top dragon species of the dragon clan!

Long Ye, who has a top dragon species, was vigorously cultivated by the ancient dragon court at birth, and the four contract beasts on his body are also top dream beasts from various races.

It is also for this reason that Tatsuno's arrogant character has been developed.

Although Tatsuno is arrogant, I have to say that he is strong!

It was such a heaven-defying demon who was defeated by Wang Yan, which really made Si Rong a little incomprehensible.

"Hua Yue, help him treat." After Si Rong threw Long Ye to Hua Yue, he began to inquire within the inner group of the Terran Sage.

Si Rong: "This ghost clan's Wang Yan, do any of you know?"

Li asked: "The phrase 'the young man of the ghost clan, shaped like a great emperor, masters life and death' should be him." "


VIP in the audience.

Lei Ming looked at Wang Yan's departing figure and said to Qian Muyu: "Boss, do you have a chance to take it?"

Mo Lingling: "Give up, this kind of person can't take it." Yemo

: "I didn't have a chance, I talked to him, he wants to create his own force."

Qian Muyu thought for a few seconds, stood up from his seat, looked at everyone and smiled: "I'll contact the drunkard and let him arrange it, maybe he will be conquered by my personality charm!" "

Everyone:"..." At

eight o'clock in the evening, the official accounts of the twelve wings platforms sent a message.

"The winning streak is about to begin."

In just six words, the little fans of various platforms fell into doubt, puzzlement, and confusion.

Qian Muyu looked at the responses below each platform, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, turned off his mobile phone, and said to Qian Duoduo: "Go, let's go find Wang Yan."

Qian Duoduo: "Good! "

February 5.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Terran team rest area.

After Chen Shiyang watched Qian Muyu walk in, he immediately asked curiously, "Boss, what did you say last night?"

Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "Half the success."

"What do you mean?"

"He didn't agree, but I reached a guild alliance with him."

"No loss?"

"Don't suffer." Qian Muyu shook his head, "As long as he can live, he will definitely be a saint in the future, and if he is allied with the saint, we will never suffer a loss."

Chen Shiyang nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Qian Muyu looked at Chen Shiyang, who nodded, and said with a smile: "We spoke last night, but don't lose in the first game, lose in the first game, that will be a big shame."

Chen Shiyang responded seriously: "I am here steadily.

Qian Muyu: "Come on!"

Not long after, team leader Si Rong led everyone out of the lounge and into the players' area.

Then, she went on stage to guess the coins.

Yesterday's loss made her a little puzzled, but luck was still on her side, and she guessed the coin again.

After returning to the players' area, she adjusted her state and said to everyone: "Yesterday there was some head iron, today we play some tactics." "

If the number one on the opposite side, we will go to number three, on number two, we will go to number three, we will go to number two."

"Is there a problem?"

Everyone: "No problem! "

A minute later.

Si Rong looked at the contestant on the opposite side and said to everyone: "The opposite is the No. 1 seed player, Hutian from the Tiger Clan, what is the body, we don't know at present, but it is certain that the other party is very strong!"

"As long as they don't play yin, then Hutian should be their strongest."

"So, Chen Shiyan, do you have a problem?"

Chen Shiyang immediately responded: "No problem, leave it to me." "

Hmm." Si Rong nodded and said, "Let's go."

Chen Shiyang stood up and said to Qian Muyu, "Boss, wait for my good news."

Qian Muyu smiled and said, "Come on!"

Si Rong listened to the conversation between Qian Muyu and Chen Shiyang, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and when she returned to her senses, Chen Shiyang had already left the contestant area.

Si Rong instantly said to Qian Muyu, "Hidden strength?

Qian Muyu looked at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Some people's personalities don't like to be paid too much attention, and he is such a character."

When Si Rong heard this, he immediately said, "How many more are you hiding?"

Qian Muyu responded calmly: "Just him, he is the most low-key among us.

Si Rong nodded, looked at Chen Shiyang who walked into the ring, and couldn't help but look forward to it in his heart, "I hope there will really be a miracle." The

No. 1 seed player on the side, listening to the conversation between the two of them, couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart, "No wonder I felt a little strange at the time, it turned out to be hidden strength!" "

In the ring.

The referee looked at the two people: "The two sides introduce themselves, and the Terran representative team first."

Chen Shiyang looked at Hu Tian, who was standing opposite, and said with a smile: "Under Chen Shiyan, from the Twelve Wings, he is an iron striker. Hu

Tian, who had originally despised him, was shocked when he heard that he was from the Twelve Wings, and immediately raised his twelve-point spirit, "Hu Tian, from the Five Races Alliance. "

Main stage live room.

After listening to Chen Shiyang's introduction, Casa instantly thought of the information he saw yesterday.

So, he immediately excitedly shouted: "I know! I know what that said yesterday!

"It means that from today, there will be members of them for several days to come!"

"Haha, interesting, really funny!"

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Priestess - Chapter 896

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