
Priestess - Chapter 897

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Priestess - Chapter 897
"Heavenly Destiny Beast

: Saint Casting Spirit Level: King Level Five Stage

Types: Elemental Species

Quality: Red

Attribute: Golden

Dream Technique: Saint Casting Body, Saint Casting Guard, Casting Vessel, Ten Thousand Instruments with Spirit..."

Holy Casting Body: The Holy Casting Spirit has a unique passive dream technique, and the spirit that is favored by heaven and earth greatly enhances its own forging power, strength and defense.

Saint Casting Guard: Saint Casting Spirit has a unique dream technique.

Passive Effect: For each weapon or armor that is contracted to oneself, you and the other contract beasts can get 25% of the main attribute bonus of that contract beast and 10% of other attribute bonuses.

Active effect: Increases the strength of the surrounding beings who have been released by him by 10%.

Introduction: After becoming a Terran Destiny Beast, the effect has undergone some changes, and the original effect is unknown.

All Instruments Have Spirit: The Holy Casting Spirit has a unique active dream technique, which can help any artifact possess spirits, make it have independent consciousness, and have the opportunity to make it a weapon or a defensive species; Being conscious can make its spirituality stronger; Each artifact can only be released once.

Weapon Master: Passive Dream Technique, Contract Beast: Shocking Knife

Level: King Level Five Stage

Types: Weapon Quality

: Orange

Attribute: Golden

Dream Technique:

Shocking Glimpse, Shocking a Little, A Sword Shocking, A Dance Shocking the Country....

A sword shocks, a dance shocks the country: Shocking Hong has unique active dream skills, shocking slowly swings the knife in all directions, the blade continues to start from the middle, converge into a disc, and the speed of all the dream skills in the disk is increased by 50%.

Contract Beast: Star Meteor Hammer

Level: King Level Five Stage

Types: Weapon Type

Quality: Orange


: Star Dream Skill: Falling Star, Broken Star, Star Fall...

Contract Beast: Heaven Breaking Sword

Level: King Level Five Stage

Type: Weapon Type

Quality: Orange

Attribute: General

Dream Technique: Sky Splitting, Sky Splitting, Falling Sky ...

Contract Beast: Cang Ming Bow Level: King Level Five Stage

Types: Weapon Type

Quality: Orange

Attribute: Wind

Dream Technique: Cangeye, Arrow Intent

, Cang Ming..." Chen Shiyang's white robe added to his body, Shocking Knife, Star Meteor Hammer, Heaven Breaking Sword, Cang Ming Bow

floating behind him, this shape made everyone stunned.

Starfall: "He handed it over to me, I alone is enough!"

Cang Ming: "Can you really be alone?" "

He can be a fart, he's a reckless man." Starfall

instantly flew in front of Shocked Hong and shouted angrily, "What did you say?

A golden phantom flew out from Shocking Hong's body, and calmly responded to Starfall, "Isn't it?

When Starfall heard this, he was silent for a moment, and just when he didn't know how to respond, he said, "Don't argue, so many people are watching."

After Chen Shiyang watched Hu Tian come back to his senses, he immediately shouted: "You three go up together, Bang Tian and me."

Everyone: "Good! "

Crashing Sky danced a sword flower in the air and flew into Chen Shiyang's hand; The Starfall, which was the first to fly towards Hu Tian, instantly turned into a giant hammer and smashed towards him; The golden villain flew into Shock's body and quickly kept up with Starfall's pace; Cang Ming soared into the sky, full of bows, towards Hutian is an arrow, arrows split arrows, a large number of arrows volleys Hutian.

Chen Shiyang's combat power that burst out in an instant directly stunned everyone who was watching this duel.

And Hu Tian in the ring decisively turned into a body, a huge body, a domineering palm, and slapped towards Starfall.


The star fell upside down, and the tiger's palm ached.

While sore, the rain of arrows has already arrived.

Hu Tian, who had no time to defend, could only use his huge body to resist the rain of arrows.


The pain of the rain of arrows hitting his body made him run and hide, and he couldn't help but roar.

"A sword shocks, a dance shocks the country!"

Shocking Hong slowly swung his knife in all directions, and the blade continued to start from the middle, converging into a disc.

Immediately afterwards, a sword swung out, and under the addition of the disc, the pieces of blades bombarded Hu Tian with a thunderous momentum.


Hu Tian was beaten backwards one after another by various attacks, and he was furious, he went to Tianhu, when did he suffer this crime!

Unable to bear it, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body, and the attack that swept not far away was rushed away by the powerful aura in an instant.

"I want you to die!"

Hu Tian, who was wrapped in a bloody dream qi in the white, killed Chen Shiyang with an angry face.

Chen Shiyan held the collapse sky in his hand, and his heart did not panic at all, "Shang, quick victory!" "

Terran Team Player Area.

The No. 1 seed player looked at the three weapons flying everywhere in the ring, one in Chen Shiyan's hand, and muttered, "Is this all his strength?" At

that time, when Chen Shiyan fought him, he did not summon Heaven Collapse.

"It's more than that." Qian Muyu looked at the man who was a little puzzled, and muttered in his heart.

The Ten Thousand Races Order is only willing to use its own abilities, so external forces are not used.

If external force could be used, now it would not be four, but forty, or even four hundred.

Of course, these four are his contract beasts and his core combat power, and the rest can only be regarded as auxiliary forces, assisting these four to sweep away the battle.

When Si Rong, the leader of the Terran race, saw this scene, his nervous mood instantly relaxed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"This battle is a bit fierce!" In the live broadcast room of the main stage, Casa watched the Hutian Origin break to fight back and forth with Chen Shiyan, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Mu Huang suddenly said, "I seem to have seen that bow of his."

"I've seen it too." Casa smiled and nodded, "I've seen that knife too." When

Mu Huang heard this, he immediately thought of the origin of Cang Ming in his mind, "The bow should be Cang Ming, the weapon of the Soldier Federation shooting the firmament and shooting the Great Sage.

Mu Huang said, smiling at Casa, "It should be right, right?

Casa responded affirmatively, "That's right, it's his weapon."

Mu Huang: "What about the knife?" I haven't seen a knife. Casa

: "As expected, the knife should be shocking, a knife that is infinitely close to orange quality, and it is one of the pinnacle works of the forging master Gongsun Tie."

"Gongsun Tie is a sage of the Bingfede, a sage who focuses on blacksmithing, and we drank wine last year."

Mu Huang was surprised: "This forging master, I haven't even heard of it!"

Casa laughed, "He's very low-key, bent on breaking the rules and forging an orange quality weapon, so it's normal that you don't know."

Mu Huang nodded slightly, and he couldn't help but admire a little in his heart.

Breaking the rules is against the sky, and he knows the difficulty firsthand.

Bing Federation.

A certain courtyard is filled with the sound of joy.

Gongsun Tie looked at the scene of Chen Zhiyang violently beating Hutian on the screen in front of him, and shouted with satisfaction: "Good fight!"

A man listened to Gongsun Tie's voice, and finally couldn't help but speak: "Teacher, it seems that Shocking Hong has become more refined.

"I can see it." Gongsun Tie looked at the other apprentices and shouted, "Besides Wang Ke, who else saw it?"

"Teacher, I see it!"

"I saw it too."

Several other people around hurriedly responded, but there were still two people who did not respond, these two people were new apprentices that Gongsun Tie had just accepted in recent years, so they had not seen Shock.

Gongsun Tie nodded slightly and shouted, "Very good!"


"But you guys said slowly, so except for Wang Ke, the rest of the people gave me 10,000 push-ups in place!"

"Did you hear that?"

"Heard me!"

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Priestess - Chapter 897

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