
Priestess - Chapter 898

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Priestess - Chapter 898
Ten minutes later.

Hutian's outbreak came to an end, and finally under the hammer of the Star Meteor Hammer, he fell to the ground, and his face was so dry that he passed out.

The referee watched this scene and appeared directly in the center of the ring to announce the end of the match.

"Hu Tian lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner is the Terran representative team player, Chen Shiyang!"

When Chen Shiyang heard this, he said to the four weapons around him: "Brothers, hard work.

Starfall: "Cool! This fight is really good! "

This tiger is indeed resistant to chopping." Shocked

: "Don't say it, let's go into the dream space and slowly reminisce."

Starfall: "I'll go first."

With that, he rushed towards Chen Shiyang.

Chen Shiyang quickly turned sideways and said, "We are in a state of convergence now. "


Cang Ming: "Hahahaha..."

Just when Shocking Hong and Bang Tian just wanted to laugh, Chen Shiyang directly lifted the state of convergence, and the four weapons floating around disappeared directly in place under a burst of light.

"Sorry!" Chen Shiyang felt the referee's gaze, and quickly turned around and left.

The referee smiled and disappeared to look at the same place.

As for Hutian, after he finished announcing, he was taken away as soon as possible.

Terran representative team player area.

Si Rong looked at Chen Shiyang's figure walking over, and praised him for the first time: "Played beautifully!"

Chen Shiyang scratched his head embarrassedly, and was pulled over by everyone to celebrate.

Due to Chen Shiyan's surprise, which disrupted the rhythm of the Ten Thousand Races, the Terrans also won all the games in the afternoon, and finally the Terran representative team won the king-level five dan with a record of three victories.

February 6.

The third game of the sixth dan of the king level.

Jun Ziye solved the battle in three minutes, leaving a handsome back for everyone.

night, in the ring.

Jun Ziye didn't go on, and the only player of the Ten Thousand Clans was swept by the second-seeded player from Hanging Dragon City.

After watching his teammates win, Jun Ziye couldn't help but sigh, "It's so weak!" "

February 7.

King-level seven-dan first game.

Gong Xin turned the tide against the sky and defeated the No. 1 seed player of the Ten Thousand Clans Team at the cost of the rupture of the origin.

Just when Qian Muyu was helping Gong Xin consolidate treatment, a man and a woman appeared in front of Yu Xiaobai.

Yu Xiaobai looked at the two in front of him, and couldn't help shrinking back, "Who are you?" What do you want to do? As

soon as Long Calamity wanted to speak, Long Jing had already spoken.

"Don't be afraid, we're here to get along with your little carp."

Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, instantly patted his chest, and said with a grin: "Two big guys, say it earlier!"

"Let's go, let's go to the restaurant in front and talk while eating."

With that, he took the lead and walked towards the hotel not far away.

Dragon Calamity and Long Jing glanced at each other and followed.

Half an hour later.

Qian Muyu, who finished treating Gongxin, and Han Baoer, who was holding Xiaobai, walked into the hotel slowly.

Subsequently, after discussing for half an hour between Qian Muyu and the two of Dragon Calamity, the two sides left the hotel satisfied.

Qian Muyu stood outside the hotel, looked at the backs of the two bigwigs, and smiled at Yu Xiaobai: "I didn't expect your kid's luck to be so good!"

Yu Xiaobai grinned and said, "My luck has always been good, ten consecutive three gold is the norm."

Qian Muyu was silent for two seconds, and said to Xiaobai in Han Bao'er's arms: "Xiaobai, once a day, take a look for seven consecutive days."

"Meow~" Xiao Bai instantly looked up and said, "Understood!"

Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and said in a second: "Boss, I was wrong!"

"No, you're right." Qian Muyu looked at him and responded seriously: "I want to see if your luck is really so good, if it is true, then the next random project will be handed over to you in the future."

Yu Xiaobai opened his mouth, looked at the boss's serious expression, and instantly didn't know how to refuse.

Han Baoer listened to the words of the two and smiled, "Let's go." "

In these two hours, the identity of the Destiny Koi was also explained, this Destiny Koi was fortunate enough to watch the battle between the two bigwigs when he was young, and was baptized by the breath and blood rain of the two bigwigs, and it was also for this reason that his carp jumped over the dragon gate to mutate.

As for why he didn't die on the spot, it may have something to do with his essence.

It's all called Destiny Koi, so it's normal not to die.

Although he didn't die, his luck ran out, and he was eventually caught by a passing man and sold to a merchant, who sold it to Yu Xiaobai's father at a high price, and Yu Xiaobai's father handed it over to Yu Xiaobai....

In the second and third matches of the king-level seventh dan, Qingci and Li Mu did not get a chance to play, and in the end, the Terran representative team was dragged into the ring match at night with a record of two wins and one loss.

The ring match is held for peerless demons, and it is too difficult to win one fight and two when there are no peerless demons on your side.

In the end, it took Gong Xin ten minutes to win the match and win the king-level seventh dan for the Terrans.

February 8.

King-level eight dan first game.

The blue-cyan flame burned all over the audience, and Sima Jing stood proudly in it, looking at the opponent whose dog hair was almost burned, and Nuan Nuan let out a breath, "You should win."

At this moment, the giant dog lying on the ground trembled, and then staggered to its feet, and just when she thought she was going to fight, the giant dog turned white and fell to the left side.


With the fall of the giant dog, the referee appeared in the ring and announced the end of the match.

At this moment, the strong Sima Jing instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and just when she was about to fall, Si Rong appeared beside her, "Is it okay?" "

It's okay." Sima Jing felt the temperature of Si Rong's palm, and quickly shook his head, "It's just a little dizzy." "

Hard work." Si Rong said, and took Sima Jing and disappeared directly into the ring.

First game in the afternoon.

The same fire, the same stimulus, only the flames turned red, and the opponent changed from a giant dog to a giant bear.

Akabane wears a fox mask, holds a frost bath fan, wears a blue and white battle robe, and six fox tails sway irregularly behind his back.

And her opponent, Xuelei Bear, the purple-white fur on her body had turned black charcoal under the burning of her Nine True Fire, exuding a strong aroma.

"Roar!" The roar of the bear instantly echoed in the Ten Thousand Races Stadium.


this moment, nine fire darts and nine ice darts flew out of Akabane's fan and slammed into the body of the snow thunder bear with a thunderous momentum.


, boom..." Eighteen sounds came out one after another, like firecrackers, crackling... Cracking sound.

Not long after, Akabane looked at the smoke that was dispersing not far away, and silently removed the fox mask on his face, revealing a pale and tired complexion.

At this time, the snow thunder bear was lying there, fainting his body, and appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Xiong Thirsty loses his combat effectiveness, and the winner is a Terran representative team player, Akabane!"

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Priestess - Chapter 898

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