
Priestess - Chapter 902

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Priestess - Chapter 902
The second game of the king-level ten dan.

Liu Mufeng walked towards the ring as if he were walking in his own garden.

Lei Shan looked at Liu Mufeng's relaxed appearance, and silently said to the four players: "He is the second Liu Mufeng of the king level, one of the main forces of the wing group, and his current strength is unknown."

"But judging from the battle between Bai Hai and Lionheart in the morning, this second place is definitely very strong, at least not weaker than Lionheart."

Lionheart, who recovered a trace of blood, sat on the side, silent.

He has not yet recovered from the morning's fighting.

"Which of you is on?"

One of the four hesitated for a moment, then looked up and said, "Anyway, it's all a loss, or I'll go." "

Let Sister Lan fight the next match and try to get into the ring for us."

"Okay, then you're on." Lei Shan said, and said a relatively good news to everyone, "Don't panic, they have one ranked eighth in ten paragraphs, and Blue Butterfly has a sixty percent chance of winning." "

Blue Butterfly, Butterfly Clan, King-level Ten Paragraphs, ranked seventh.

"They didn't come sixth?" Someone wondered.

The intelligence officer said: "Qian Mo is from the Twelve Wings Phantom Group, it is estimated that he gave way when he saw the steady win, and in our information, there is one item that he does not like too much exposure."

"It's not just him, their entire phantom troupe is quite low-key."

"Is this regiment strong?"

"Of the four regiments that were exposed, none of them were weak."

Lei Shan ignored their discussion and patted Long Yan's shoulder, "Come on!" "

I will!" Long Yan nodded vigorously and walked out of the contestant area without hesitation.

In the ring.

Liu Mufeng looked at Long Yan who came up curiously, and after feeling his breath, he asked with a strange face: "Are you a dragon clan?" "

Something?" Long Yan looked at Liu Mufeng suspiciously.

Liu Mufeng shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing, just smelled the dragon's information and asked curiously."

While speaking, he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart, "The dragon clan is good, the dragon clan can break a record and play."

Long Yan looked at Liu Mufeng's smile, and an inexplicable feeling rushed straight to his heart.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa looked at Liu Mufeng's expression and instantly laughed: "Haha, this expression is familiar to me, he is going to make trouble!"

"But unfortunately, most people don't see this scene."

Dragon Calamity wondered, "Why do you say that?" "

He has a top-notch spatial dream skill that can pull opponents into battle." Casa explains: "So if you are not strong enough, you can't see the content inside.

"No wonder." Long Jian nodded slightly and continued, "As an absolute master of the space department, can you tell the audience who can see it." "

His current strength is King-level Ten Stages, and this space dream technique is a dream beast named Scythe, a unique dream technique, and he is a double scythe."


"That's right, he ate the sickle dream fruit."


"Because it is a double scythe, the dream technique effect will be stronger and stronger." Casa thought for a moment and continued: "Emperor-level five stages and above can definitely be seen, emperor-level space system powerhouses can also see it, and peerless demons between emperor-level one and five stages should be fine..."

As Casa spoke, the referee silently appeared in the center of the ring, and said expressionlessly: "Both sides introduce themselves."

When Liu Mufeng heard this, he couldn't wait to say, "Liu Mufeng, the Terrans, are from the Twelve Wings.

Long Yan listened to Liu Mufeng's words in an instant, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious.

Just when he was wondering, the referee's voice came over.

"It's up to you."

Long Yan quickly shook his head and said to Liu Mufeng: "Long Yan, from the Flying Dragon Cliff.

"After the introductions of both sides, the game will start in a minute!"

After the referee finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

Terran representative team player area.

Bai Hao looked at Liu Mufeng's expression and said with some envy: "He wants to set a new record for the shortest time of the competition Ling Kite!"

Qian Muyu calmly took a sip of red heart pomegranate fruit tea and said with a smile: "I can tell by his expression, he wants to eat people." "

"It's too good luck to meet the dragon family." Han Baoer couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Long Yan.

What's not good, it's on the dragon clan.


When the time came, Liu Mufeng decisively entered the state of convergence.

Long Yan, who was uneasy in his heart, also turned into his body for the first time.

The huge Yanlong appeared in the ring and flew directly into the air, but just halfway through, he followed Liu Mufeng into the dream space.

The audience looked at this scene and were directly stunned.

The referee also blinked a little confused, but he didn't move because he could see the fluctuations in the ring.

"See, as I said before, this is a more boring game than Lu Yin's." The corners of Casa's mouth rose slightly, and he continued: "But don't be sad, you have me, with me, you can still see this game!"

"Wait a minute, I'll open a small opening now, let my little one in, and show you what it looks like inside."

Saying that, he stood up, and just as he was about to move, Dragon Calamity spoke, "It seems to be over."

Casa was stunned for a moment and quickly looked away.

When he looked, Liu Mufeng had just appeared in the ring, while Long Yan was lying next to Liu Mufeng, held by Liu Mufeng's scythe to his throat, looking at the azure sky lovelessly, shaking his body from time to time.

Without waiting for Liu Mufeng to urge, the referee appeared next to him and announced the result of the game.

"Long Yan lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner is Liu Mufeng!"

When Liu Mufeng heard this, he patted Long Yan, "Friend, I'm sorry."

With that, he stood up, lifted his fit state, and turned to leave.

When he left, Long Yan was also hugged back by Lei Shan.

Long Yan looked at Long Yan, who was being treated, and wondered, "What's going on?"

"He has the top dragon clan, a top dragon clan that has never been seen before!" Long Yan recalled the suppression from the bloodline, and his body couldn't help but tremble again.

Lan Die wondered, "Could it be that you feel wrong, there are not many dragons that can suppress you." "

Although I am a top dragon clan, I am only at the bottom of the top level, and there are several more above me." Long Yan wondered, "He suppressed 5% of my strength. "

I couldn't beat it originally, and after 5% less strength, I couldn't beat it.

So, he was overwhelmed by the power of wind and thunder that covered the clouds, and when he came back to his senses, the scythe was on his throat, and his body was torn apart by the power of wind and thunder.

"Hey!" Lei Shan sighed and patted Long Yan, "Hard work, rest well!"

When they were shocked, Liu Mufeng, who returned to the player area, excitedly asked Qian Muyu: "Boss, is it broken?"

"Break a fart, why are you going to release into a dream!" Does Dreaming give you an attack bonus, or does it give you a speed bonus? Bai Yu shouted at Liu Mufeng speechlessly.

"Ugh!" Liu Mufeng was instantly dumbfounded.

Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile, "It's not broken." Liu

Mufeng, who was stupid, listened to the boss's words, and directly held his head and shouted, "Aaaa I'm so stupid! Why should I let go of my dreams!!! "

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Priestess - Chapter 902

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