
Priestess - Chapter 904

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Priestess - Chapter 904
February 12.

The royal level two-stage competition, a day full of confidence for the Terrans.

On this day, the five players of the Terran team were, Han Baoer, Mo Lingling, Shepherd Boy, Yu Hao and Long Yuling.

Mo Lingling's sudden breakthrough the day before yesterday caused her to lose her qualification to participate in the Imperial Stage Competition.

Then she ran to the second stage of the royal level, killed the fifth seed player of the second stage of the imperial level, and successfully ascended to the throne.

At 9 a.m., the Terran team rest area.

Qian Muyu listened to Mo Lingling tell about last night's operation, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Is it really good for you to do this?"

Mo Lingling responded playfully: "What's not good, and even if I don't do this, he won't be able to play." "

You!" Han Baoer lightly tapped Mo Lingling's forehead and said to Long Ling, who was full of spring light not far away: "Sister Ling, give my place to Wuyang, I won't participate."

Long Ling turned around and said, "You didn't participate?

Han Bao'er nodded and said, "I'm here to guarantee the bottom, and now that there are spirit spirits, I don't need me anymore."

"Okay, then I'll add Uyang." Long Ling didn't say much, and after asking the logisticians on the side to call Wuyang, she asked people to send the information of the players of this match on the official website.

Mo Lingling looked at this scene and instantly shouted, "Big sister!

Without waiting for Han Baoer to speak, Qian Muyu preemptively said: "Low profile, we have to keep a low profile, and Bao'er is our trump card, if we can show less face, we will show less faceless."

Han Baoer's transparent eyes looked at Qian Muyu, blinking and blinking, full of warmth.

"Also, the eldest sister is indeed our trump card, and it is also the most low-key among us, and it is true that we cannot participate." Mo Lingling nodded slightly, and the incomprehension in his heart instantly disappeared, and he resumed his previous activity.

Mo Lingling's eyes widened, looking at the shepherd boy, Yu Hao, and Long Yuling, and Chu Chu asked movingly: "Brothers, who will give a seat to the little girl later?" When

the three heard this, their bodies couldn't help but shake in concentration.

"Poof!" The juice in Qian Muyu's mouth couldn't help but be sprayed out by him directly.


Mo Lingling looked at this scene, instantly crossed his waist, and said angrily: "What are you doing?" Why?

"By the way, by the way, I still like this one of you." Long Yuling breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "I'll call you. "

Really?" Mo Lingling said instantly.

"Really!" Long Yuling smiled and said, "It's not interesting to abuse vegetables.

Mo Lingling raised his head and straightened his chest, and said proudly: "Good!" Cruel dishes or something, I like it the most!

At this moment, Yu Hao on the side said: "You go up, I won't go up." "

“???" Everyone turned to look.

Yu Hao continued: "I contracted the black dragon, Kuroko came out so early, it's not good, it's better to hide it for a while."

"Black Dragon is the founder of the Black Dragon Country, and the appearance of the founder is indeed not very good." Qian Muyu muttered and said, "Then you continue to go up, Yu Hao's opponent gives Mo Lingling."

Long Yuling said indifferently, "Okay." After

deciding who would play, the few people started chatting again.

Ten minutes later, Long Ling came over with Wuyang and said with a smile: "You guys decided?" "

Hmm." Qian Muyu nodded and said, "Mo Lingling, Shepherd Boy and Long Yuling."

Saying that, he looked at Wu Yang and said, "If you want to go up, Long Yuling can let you get it."

"No, no, I'd better be honest as a bastard." Wu Yang quickly shook his head, and then thanked him: "Thank you!" He

did have some resentment before, but after hearing that they gave up a spot, his resentment disappeared.

And the resentment will disappear so quickly, because of his Buddhist lineage, after seeing the powerful strength of the twelve wings and four people, he decisively chose to lie flat, lying flat can win, can make a name for the power of the game, why should he not do it?

As for why he didn't go on, it was because, if he went up, he won, then it's okay, he can add more exposure and more fame to the forces, but if he loses, although the exposure is more, he is humiliating, shameful things, he doesn't want to do, and if he loses, it will also make those who want to win complain, and then the forces and him will definitely be blasted, so this kind of thing, after discussing with his boss, really chose to lie flat.

Long Ling complained: "It is worthy of being a casual person, it is simply a personality.

"Hey, hey!" Wu Yang scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Later, if any of you want to go up, just go directly, don't tell me." Long Ling said, thinking that this idea was very good, so he continued: "Well, that's it. "

Let's go, follow me to the players' area."

9:50 a.m.

Long Ling looked at the coin on the back of the referee's hand and grinned, "It's not bad, it's the back hand."

Lei Shan shook his head helplessly and said to Long Ling, "What an envy!"

Long Ling said with a smile: "We are strong in the later stage, if you are envious, you can go to visit the forbidden places such as the North Hades Sea, Hell River, and Dream Poison Abyss."

"Alive, earn blood, the strength soars, die, earn in blood, can become the destiny beast of our Terran race, and enjoy the strength of the Terran race."

Lei Shan couldn't help but glance at her, and said angrily: "No hurry, I can still live for thousands of years, thousands of years later, let's talk."

"Then let's talk about it." Long Ling nodded slightly, shook hands with Lei Shan, and then turned to leave.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa looked at the list of players on both sides and smiled at the man on the side: "Your daughter is on."

Mo Hongfei nodded and smiled: "I saw it."

"Today's game is less suspense than yesterday." Casa looked at the camera and continued: "The twelve wings of the early stage of the imperial level are really incomprehensible.

"In this game, which three of the Terran team will meet, I have already guessed."

"First of all, Mo Lingling, who missed a section, will definitely go up."

"Speaking of Mo Lingling, you may have to ask, who is Mo Lingling?"

Casa pointed at Mo Hongfei and continued, "Mo Lingling's father is the one in front of me.

"Well, now you understand Mo Lingling's gold content, she will definitely not lose, even if Long Ying comes over, her winning rate is fifty percent."

Mo Hongfei was filled with a bright smile and said to Casa: "Brother Void, you have praised a little too much.

Casa shook his head, "However, at all, even if Ying Sheng came today, I would say so."


"Really..." As soon as Casa said a word, he jumped up directly, looked at the middle-aged man behind him, and said in shock: "Why are you here!"

Long Ying grinned, "Can't I come?"

"Can come! Of course it can come! Casa smiled, and quickly shouted towards the staff who were collectively stunned on the side, "Move a stool quickly, but you can't let our Ying Long Wang Gang stand." When

the staff heard this, they instantly came to their senses, picked up a stool, hurriedly walked over, and handed it to Casa.

Casa took the stool, set it aside, and shouted at Long Ying: "Come and sit, let's sit and talk."

Saying that, he smiled at the camera: "Audience friends, you are blessed today." "

The two beside us, one is the Terran Sword Saint Mo Hongfei, and the other is the Dragon Clan Ying Saint Dragon Ying, they are both the world's top powerhouses, and their strength is unfathomable."


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Priestess - Chapter 904

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