
Priestess - Chapter 905

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Priestess - Chapter 905
When the three people in the live broadcast room of the main stage chatted with each other, Mo Lingling stepped into the ring step by step.

"The Terran team is Mo Lingling, and Mo Lingling is fighting against the third-seeded player of the Ten Thousand Races team, rat plague, it seems that the Terran team is full of confidence for today's game!"

"Sword Saint Brother, what do you think about the first dispatch of Mo Lingling by the Terrans?" Casa grinned at Mo Hongfei.

Mo Hongfei responded calmly: "No opinion, end the game in five minutes."

"In other words, how did your daughter's White Tiger Dream Fruit come about?" Long Ying's voice came from the side.

"According to her, it was random." Mo Hongfei remembered the way Mo Lingling called him at that time, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"It seems that Brother Ying's words made the Sword Saint Brother think of good things." Casa continued with a smile: "But no matter what good things you think of, I have to say something for the audience here. "

Say what?" Mo Hongfei looked at Casa curiously.

"Emperor Ou must not die well!" Casa's instantly jealous eyes made the audience who were watching the live broadcast call out and perform colorfully.

Mo Hongfei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Hahahaha... I agree with your words, Emperor Ou really can't die well! In

the Terran representative team player area, Ouhuang Qian Muyu listened to the voice on his mobile phone, his face turned dark, silently turned off the picture, and looked up towards the ring.

In the ring, Mo Lingling looked at the rat plague not far away and shouted: "Terran Mo Lingling, from the Twelve Winged Tiger Regiment. The

rat plague pressure mountain responded: "Rat plague, the plague rat race, from the alliance of five races. "

The Five Races Alliance!" Mo Lingling muttered, looked at the rat plague, instantly brought a trace of fierce eyes, and said with a smile: "Remember to shout surrender."

When the rat plague heard this, he took a deep breath and responded forcefully: "You too!"

Mo Lingling smiled and did not respond, but just kept staring at the rat plague.

Rat plague was not to be outdone and stared at Mo Lingling, but he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva when he looked at it.

This momentum is really too powerful!

A minute later, the showdown begins.

Mo Lingling instantly merged and pounced towards the rat plague.

The rat plague did not dare to be careless, directly turned into the body, broke the origin without hesitation, and launched a fierce attack towards Mo Lingling.

Although Rat Plague used his strongest combat power at the first time, it is a pity that in the face of Mo Lingling's strong strength, no matter how strong his combat power is, it is also floating clouds.

Three minutes later, the rat plague was taken down by Lei Shan, and Mo Lingling stood in the ring, looked at the audience around him, and grinned: "The tiger group accepts people, and those who want to come can apply for the twelve wings."

After Mo Lingling finished speaking, he dashingly turned around and left the ring.

At this point, the Fifth Tiger Regiment of the Twelve Wings officially appeared under everyone's gaze.

"The game ended in three minutes, and she is worthy of being the daughter of the Sword Saint brother." Casa looked at Mo Hongfei, who was full of smiles, and asked curiously: "Sword Saint Brother, do you know how many regiments there are in the twelve wings?" "

I don't know." Mo Hongfei smiled and shook his head, "But I know that my daughter's tiger regiment is the fifth regiment.

"If you have a genius who wants to join the tiger group, you can also contact us, we have a relay service here."


: "..." Long Ying: "..."

The second game of the second stage of the royal level.

Long Yuling in the sea of fire and thunder, hearing the referee announce the end of the game, looked at the surrounding audience and smiled: "The star cluster accepts people, only qualified juniors, and those who want to come can apply for twelve wings." "

Since they already know the regimental names of the five regiments, Qian Muyu simply let them say it themselves, even if they don't say it, those forces with intentions will know which regiments they have, but they just don't know the regiment name.

"Do you know about the star cluster?" Casa looked towards Mo Hongfei.

"I don't know the name, but I know that there is this regiment, and this regiment is very interesting." Mo Hongfei continued with a smile: "The overall strength of this regiment is not as strong as the previous regiments, but this regiment is very strong in cultivating new people.

"As for how strong it is, I don't know this, if you want to know, you can apply for it yourself."

The third paragraph of the second paragraph of the royal rank.

Casa looked at the shepherd boy on the field and said excitedly: "The shepherd boy is on!"

"Shepherd boy, core member of the Twelve Wings Guild, leader of the Phantom Regiment, Heavenly Mandate Beast is the legendary Heavy Pupil Ghost."

"You don't know what kind of dream beast the heavy pupil ghost is, but what I can tell you is that the heavy pupil ghost was a headache for all races in our time."

"There are not many of them in this race, but all of them are masters of illusion, funny masters, and their strongest heavy-eyed ghosts are the one on the shepherd boy."

"But it is a pity that it did not become holy in the end, and on the way to sanctification, it was beaten to death by the emperors."

"This incident caused a great sensation back then, and countless victims collectively fired cannons to celebrate..."

Casa said, and said to Longying: "Ying Sheng, you should have a deep understanding."

Long Ying was silent, thinking back to the events of that year, he couldn't help sighing, looked up and smiled: "I hope he can be holy in this life, this world lacks him, it is really less interesting."

"Haha, empathy." Casa laughed twice and continued: "In addition to the heavy pupil ghost, the shepherd boy also contracted two extremely popular masters, one is the top dragon clan, the Pluto Dragon, the Pluto Dragon is the dragon underworld of the year, and the other is the newcomer to the ghost clan who charmed thousands of girls in previous years, the white ghost. "

The white ghost is his name, not his new beast name, as for what the name is, I don't know this, if you want to know, you can go to the official website of the twelve wings and ask."

"Official website?" Qian Muyu listened to Kasa's words, stunned for a moment, and then clapped his hands and shouted: "Yes! We can build an official website!

Saying that, he called Qian Duoduo and talked to Qian Duoduo about the official website.

Five minutes later, a message appeared on the official accounts of the twelve wings of all major social platforms.

"The official website of the twelve wings is under rapid construction and is expected to be online in two days!"

Time was back on track, Casa looked at the screen full of questions, and quickly said: "If you say something wrong, if you want to ask, you can go to the official accounts of their major forums and ask."

"Forget it, I'll ask you guys." Casa looked at the camera and asked embarrassedly: "The members of the twelve wings who are watching the live broadcast, if you hear it, please ask your guild leader if you can say the name of the white ghost to satisfy our curiosity."

"By the way, it's paid, tell us, I Kasa owes you a little favor!"

A minute later, Mo Hongfei hung up the phone and said with a smile: "The real name of the white ghost is a slippery head ghost, and it is a phantom attribute phantom beast species. "

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Priestess - Chapter 905

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