
Priestess - Chapter 906

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Priestess - Chapter 906
"Terran shepherd boy, from the Twelve Wings, please advise more."

Black Fire, the third seed player of the Ten Thousand Races, listened to the shepherd boy's voice and instantly felt the invisible pressure.

After two seconds of silence, he spoke: "Black fire, from the elemental clan, please show mercy to your subordinates." The

shepherd boy was stunned for a moment, he had watched so many games, and it was the first time he had listened to his opponent's subordinates.

But soon, he smiled and nodded, "Good." "

A minute later.

The shepherd boy raised his head slightly, and a combined light instantly landed on his body.

At this moment, black fire raised his hands, and countless fire attribute energy instantly surged towards his head, and the huge black fire mass began to gradually condense.


The combined light disappeared under a majestic dragon roar, and the shepherd boy held the knife in his hand and stepped on the back of the dragon, appearing under everyone's gaze.

He looked calmly at the huge black fireball not far away, slowly raised his hand, and said softly: "Ghost Realm." Under

his voice, the ring gradually covered with layers of fog.

Soon, the live audience and the live broadcast audience who were watching the game fell silent en masse.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Casa looked at the screen full of ellipses and question marks and scratched his head, "This... I can't solve it, so everyone will listen to my explanation and make up for it yourself. "

He can see it with his own strength, but the live camera doesn't allow it!"

Even if he brought the camera in, they couldn't see inside.

So he began to explain awkwardly alone.

Mo Hongfei and Long Ying on the side were chatting loudly and laughingly, and did not participate in it.

Ten minutes later.

The ghost realm dissipated, the shepherd boy stood calmly in the ring, and Long Hao stood beside him, yawning lazily.

Opposite him, Black Fire bowed to the shepherd boy with a tired face: "Thank you!

After that, he shouted at the referee: "Referee, I admit defeat!" The

referee nodded slightly, appeared in the ring, and announced the end of the match.

"Ten Thousand Races Team player, Black Fire admits defeat, the winner is the Terran Team player, Shepherd Boy!"

Main stage live broadcast room.

"Big victory, the Terrans once again won the game with three full victories!"

"At this time, the Terrans have achieved eight consecutive victories, whether they can complete the nine consecutive wins, let's wait and see tomorrow!"

After Casa finished speaking, the big screen picture in the Ten Thousand Ethnic Stadium directly turned into a black screen.

Although the screen was black, the live broadcast room was not broadcast, and Casa chatted with the other two.

"Brother Ying, Long Ying will be on tomorrow, do you have anything to say?"

"There's nothing to say, just do your best."

"You look down on your daughter?"

"It's not that I look down on it, it's that kid is really strong, and Long Ying's winning rate seems to me to be at most thirty percent." Long Ying continued calmly: "These Sancheng still look at it, I haven't seen his combat power given in recent years.

"Cow's, I hope you don't get beaten by your precious daughter when you go back." Casa silently compared to the dragon in his heart, this dude really dares to say anything!

Long Ying glanced at Casa with disdain, and said proudly: "It's too late for her baby, how can she beat me." "


..." Mo Hongfei: "..."

February 13.

Main stage live broadcast room.

Long Ying looked at Mu Huang, who was sitting next to Casa, stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Long time no see!"

"Long time no see!" Mu Huang stood up, held Long Ying's hand, and continued, "Actually, it will not be long, it will be thirty years.

"Haha, thirty years is indeed a short time. Long Ying finished speaking, and sat down next to Casa.

Immediately afterwards, the two began to spread the sound frantically.

Casa, who was sitting in the middle, felt the fluctuations around him, and said speechlessly: "Can't you take me one when you chat?" I'm a contemporary!

"Haha, I just subconsciously forgot" Long Ying laughed loudly and brought Kasara into the team.

The viewers who were watching the live broadcast looked at the silent live broadcast room and directly put up various question marks.

Seeing this, the three of them collectively used it together.

Interesting facts about the game are being talked about, and other topics are being discussed in the mind.

Terran representative team player area.

Yan Geng walked back from the ring sullenly, looked at Qian Muyu and said, "Are you on now?"

"Yes." Qian Muyu responded indifferently.

"Then you go on." Yan Geng's mood when he just lost a coin instantly improved a little.

Qian Muyu drank the fruit tea in two or three sips, threw it into the trash, and walked directly towards the door.

"Come on, boss!"

"Come on!"

Qian Muyu listened to the cheering sound behind him, raised his hand and waved, and walked out with a smile.

Ten Thousand Ethnic Team Player Area.

Long Ying watched Qian Muyu walk out of the contestant area, stood up without hesitation, and said to the team leader: "I'll come!" The

leader nodded and said, "Pay attention to safety!"

"It's him who pays attention!" Long Ying snorted lightly and walked out directly.

For what her father said yesterday, she still cares a little in her heart.

Qian Muyu looked at Long Ying not far away, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he did not lose his probe.

Because so many people around him were watching, he didn't dare to throw it so uprightly, and before the game started, both sides could not use dream skills, so he would not violate the rules of the game.

Main stage live broadcast room.

After Casa watched Qian Muyu play, he excitedly shouted: "He came, he went up, he walked up with crisp steps!"

Long Ying was speechless, "Do you need to be so excited?

"You don't understand!" Casa gave him a small look and continued, "Qian Muyu, the leader of the Twelve Wings Guild, the Heavenly Mandate Beast is the Twelve Winged Angel Pig, and the Contract Beast is... For a

long time, Casa said directly: "I don't understand the contract beast, everyone understands it themselves."

"Qian Muyu, everyone calls him the God of Sleep, the Prince of Milk Tea... But he finally chose the title of Holy Fallen Angel.

"Holy fallen angel, the combination of light and darkness is still very good, but I don't know which benevolent brother got the name."

Casa said, watching Long Ying walk out of the contestant area, and excitedly shouted again: "Long Ying! Long Ying she didn't admit it, she appeared! "

Long Ying, from one of the top forces of the Dragon Clan, Ying Longtan, is the biological daughter of the Lord of Ying Longtan, and the Lord of Ying Longtan is the one next to me." Casa pointed at Long Ying, who had a dark face, and said with a smile: "Brother Ying, say a few words?"

Long Ying directly gave him a word, "Get out!" "

In the ring.

The referee appeared in the middle of the two and said, "Both sides introduce themselves."

Qian Muyu did not wait for Long Ying to speak, and took the lead in saying: "Terran Qian Muyu, from the Twelve Wings, please advise more!"

Long Ying said in a deep voice: "Dragon Clan Long Ying, please advise more!"

"Shall we open up the gods and demons?" Long Ying, who was waiting for the game to start, listened to Qian Muyu's sudden voice, was silent for two seconds, and looked up and said, "Open!"

Qian Muyu instantly grinned and said, "Good! "

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Priestess - Chapter 906

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