
Priestess - Chapter 907

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Priestess - Chapter 907
Opening gods and demons will continue to consume a lot of dream power, under normal circumstances, the first level of the emperor level is not opened, in addition to continuing to consume a lot of dream power, the most important thing is that its own god and demon is not perfect.

In the absence of perfection, the bonus to strength is not as high as imagined, in case of encountering a high initial bonus achievement, it is not a blood loss.

So in the first few battles, everyone defaulted to not opening the demon.

Some people feel that it is not yet lasting; Some people feel that if they are open, the opposite side will open 100%, so it is better not to open; Some people feel that the opponent is too weak to open....

"God and demon combined!"

Compared to all the previous matches, the light that was dozens of times stronger landed on Qian Muyu.

The dazzling light was full of powerful majesty, making the weak audience around them breathless for a while.

The referee felt this breath, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he started his hand in an instant, and the entire ring was directly wrapped by his breath, and the audience outside the stadium was also relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Qian Muyu, who was full of divine and demon brilliance in the ring, and instantly showed a shocked look.


Qian Muyu was holding a wooden knife, wearing dark skull armor, waving twelve black wings, and his eyes were black and bright, blinking and turning black.

"Are you ready?" Qian Muyu looked at the half-dragon girl full of divine radiance, and directly lost a probe.

"Long Ying (Ying Long) Level: Imperial Level Three Stage

Types: Phantom Beast Species

Quality: Red

Attribute: Light

Dream Technique: Ying Dragon Domain, Dragon Ying Shenwei, Ying Long Determination....

Yinglong field: Yinglong's unique domain skills, its own strength will increase by 50%, Longwei will increase by 50%, the targets in the field will always be under the pressure of Longwei, and the ears will always be subject to the roar of the dragon.

Ying Long Decision: Active/passive dream skills, the dream skills that Long Ying passed on to his daughter, is a summary of Long Ying's body, which contains various skills, dream skills... Its power is extraordinarily powerful. "

Long Ying felt the breath emitted by Qian Muyu, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and the field under his feet was instantly opened.

The powerful Ying Dragon Domain instantly wrapped the entire ring, and the invisible dragon power instantly pressed on Qian Muyu, and the dragon roar also sounded in his ears.

Qian Muyu's body shook for a while, plucked his ears, and smiled at Long Ying: "This pressure is good, and the voice is quite loud."

Saying that, the Death Realm instantly spread out from under his feet to all around, and soon merged into the Ying Long Realm.

In addition to the Death Realm, he also has the Fallen Realm of the Scope Class, the Realm of Life, the Light and Dark Holy Bones of the Possession Class, and the Wings of Yin and Yang.

It's just that he doesn't use any of this, and the reason is that he is very comfortable using the death field, giving negative buffs to the target, and can also erode the target, which is the best choice for him, and there is no one.

Long Ying felt the negative buff that landed on herself, and her eyebrows wrinkled again, but soon she returned to her original state, looked at Qian Muyu in the sky, opened her small mouth, and suddenly it was a long might.

Qian Muyu's eyes widened, and the powerful dream qi instantly rushed out, slamming into the attacking dragon roar.

The dragon roar and the dream qi collided together in an instant, and the two sides collided on an equal footing.

Ten seconds later, the majestic dream qi instantly shattered the dragon roar and slammed into Long Ying, who was shocked not far away, and Long Ying flew out instantly.

At the same time, the invisible dream qi spread directly towards the surroundings.

In the audience, people with poor strength instantly fainted on their seats, and the entire audience was directly destroyed by Qian Muyu's dream qi by 82%.

Qian Muyu ignored the shocked faces around him, held the wooden knife that instantly condensed the power of death, and stabbed Long Ying.

The terrifying death shattered the heavens and the earth with a knife, carrying the power against the sky, and struck towards Long Ying with a thunderous momentum.

Long Ying suddenly got up, hands down, dragon claws grabbed the surrounding air, and swung forward, huge light attribute dragon claws, broke through the air, slammed on the impending death knife.

Unfortunately, the release time was too short, and in the end, the death knife still broke through two dragon claws and bombarded Long Ying.

Qian Muyu appeared beside Long Ying, and just as he was about to swing his knife, Long Ying turned around sharply, and the dragon tail slammed into Qian Muyu's wooden knife.

Qian Muyu took a few steps back, his eyes widened, his pupils were instantaneous, and the attacking Long Ying was taken by an unexpected dream technique and flew out again.

"Roar!" Long Ying roared in frustration, then turned around, and his body that flew backwards flew directly towards the sky.

At the moment when she flew upward, Qian Muyu glanced at it, and there was a knife towards the sky, and a knife of death flew out again.

With a bang, Long Ying ate a full knife, and the dragon's blood instantly spilled blood on the ground.

The aura of death that was waiting around her instantly rushed towards her wounds at this moment.

"Roar!" Long Ying was full of body, and the powerful light attribute dream power directly shattered the surrounding death aura, and his own wound was quickly closed.

"Your move, it's disgusting!" Long Ying looked at Qian Muyu, who showed a faint smile not far away, and her heart was like eating,

she had never fought such a disgusting battle since she was born!

Even if it is disgusting, the problem is that his attack power is not weak, and in just a few moves, it has already made her feel a huge pressure.

"If you can hurt me, you will feel more sick." The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, waved his wings, and rushed up again.

Main stage live broadcast room.

While Casa explained fiercely, Mu Huang and Long Ying were communicating with each other.

"When did you go the same way as me?"

"The ghost is on the same path as you, this is me and the wooden queen."

"Groove!" Long Ying was stunned for a moment, and instantly jumped up, looking at Mu Huang in shock.

Kasa, who was explaining, looked at Long Ying speechlessly: "You guys whisper when you say, but can you not disturb me?" "

Sorry!" Long Ying said, gesturing a look towards the Mu Huang.

Mu Huang nodded slightly, this matter could not be hidden from Casa, so he did not hide it.

Long Ying breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, and continued to transmit the voice: "When is the matter?"

"It's been thousands of years, and it was Brother Pig who saved our family of three."

"No wonder." Long Ying muttered and continued to transmit, "It is difficult to pay off human debts.

"So when are you going to pay our debt?" The Wood Dynasty Dragon Ying showed a bright smile.

"This... Ha ha...... It's not a chance! Long Ying laughed awkwardly twice.

Mu Huang calmly looked at the battle not far away, and said with a smile: "Now the opportunity has come."

"Qian Muyu is indeed good, but he no longer has a contract position, even if I want to give Long Ying to him, he can't contract it."

"No, let Long Ying join them and join the Twelve Wings. You have already seen the potential of the twelve wings, and it is definitely not a loss to let Long Ying add it, and in this way, you can also participate in the growth of the legendary guild.

Long Ying was silent for a few seconds, and gradually became interested, "It seems to be really good to hear you say that!" "

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Priestess - Chapter 907

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