
Priestess - Chapter 908

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Priestess - Chapter 908
While Casa and their explanation, the battle in the ring became more and more intense.

Under Qian Muyu's attack, Long Ying's whole body was wrapped in the breath of death, and the breath of death had smoothly entered her body from her wounds.

Qian Muyu, who was flying in the sky, was extremely calm, and there was not a single scar on his body except for his clothes that were a little torn.

Long Ying gasped, looking at Qian Muyu whose wound was once again intact, and wondered in his heart.

It's so hard!

Before she was still a little puzzled, she couldn't understand why Qian Muyu's rank was lower than her, so she could rank one place below her and have such a high ranking.

Now she understood.

The death power of this dead face, the exceptionally ferocious power of darkness, the extremely disgusting power of light, and the slightly weaker defense and spiritual power directly achieved his ranking.

In addition to these powers, he even possessed god demonization! The bonus of god demonization is not low!

Thinking of this, Long Ying took a deep breath and felt a little weak in his heart.

But soon, the sense of powerlessness disappeared, because Qian Muyu's death struck again.

She suddenly broke the death knife that struck with a punch, her fist was bleeding, and she yelled at Qian Muyu: "Do you only have this move?"

Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, and asked with a smile: "Is this trick not enough?"

Long Ying opened his mouth and fell silent for an instant.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "Then change the move." Saying

that, his body moved slightly, and dozens of him appeared in the sky, directly encircling Long Ying.

I saw that he quickly raised the wooden knife and placed it directly above his head, and the power of death and darkness instantly gushed out, flooding the entire sky.

Huge blade shadows appeared, possessing the wooden knife, condensing powerful power.

Long Ying looked at this sudden scene, her pupils suddenly dilated, the dream power in her body instantly exploded, and the huge Ying Long phantom wrapped her and appeared in the ring out of thin air.

Ying Long Phantom looked up at the many knives that Qian Muyu had slashed downwards, and let out a heaven-shaking roar.

The huge dragon roar instantly shattered the sky that was flooded by darkness, but the sunlight only revealed for a second.

A second later, the sky was once again flooded with endless darkness, and a deafening roar followed.

Bang bang ....

Dozens of huge black blades directly slashed at the huge Ying Long phantom, and the Ying Long phantom let out a roar of disobedience under the slash of a knife, but it roared and roared, its voice gradually weakened, the scars on its body gradually increased, and the phantom became more and more dim.

Soon, cracks appeared on Ying Long's phantom, Qian Muyu looked at this scene, dreaming like he didn't want money, and swung out a knife.

With a snap, a huge crisp sound sounded, and Ying Long Phantom's face disappeared unwillingly, and the sword also rushed towards Long Ying.

Long Ying, who had a pale face and blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at the flying knife, his eyes were black, and he fell forward.

"This wins!" Qian Muyu muttered, dissipated the dream power around him, and looked towards the referee who appeared beside Long Ying.

The referee waved his arm, and a cyan dream power hit directly on the attacking knife, emitting a series of roaring sounds.

Qian Muyu flew down with a wave of his wings, lifted his demonization, and continued to look towards the referee.

"You really are very strong." The referee said to Qian Muyu seriously, then looked at the audience and shouted: "Long Ying, the representative team of ten thousand races, fell into a coma and lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner is the representative team of the Terrans, Qian Muyu!" "

Thank you!" Qian Muyu said politely, bowed slightly to the audience who were cheering for him in the audience, then canceled the contract status, turned and left the ring.

Main stage live broadcast room.



"How about the suggestion just now?"

"I feel like it's possible."

"Then I'll help you make an appointment with him?"


"When are you free?"


"Good." Mu Huang nodded slightly, directly took out his mobile phone, and sent a few messages to Qian Muyu.

Then, he said to the dragon, "Said." "

See." Long Ying nodded and said to Kasa, "I'll go first." "

Let's go, let's go." Casa waved his hand in disgust and continued, "Are you still here in the afternoon?" "

Not coming." Long Ying smiled and said to the live camera: "Excuse me, everyone, I'll go first."

"I'll come back tomorrow for a serious explanation."

"You'll be coming tomorrow?" Casa's surprised voice came from the side.

Long Ying looked at the barrage and responded with a smile: "Make up today, and tomorrow there will be twelve winged people."

"Okay, then let's go." Casa nodded and continued, "Just leave it to me and Muhuang here.

"Then I'll go." Long Ying looked at the barrage again and disappeared in place.

Casa turned to look at Mu Huang and said, "Are you leaving?"

Mu Huang tilted his head and wondered, "Where am I going?"

"You're not going to see Qian Muyu?"

"His relaxed look doesn't need me." Mu Huang smiled calmly.

The relationship between the twelve wings and him could not be hidden, after all, there were many divine wood species in the twelve wings.

Although those people did not know what step he had reached with the Twelve Wings, those people knew that their relationship was definitely not ordinary, as long as they knew that their relationship was not ordinary!

"Keep talking!" Casa instantly actively analyzed the key to the victory or defeat of his match and the strength gap between the two sides to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Terran representative team player area.

Han Geng looked at Qian Muyu, who came over drinking fruit tea, and quipped: "I feel that they give less endorsement fees."

Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, and responded with a smile: "I feel the same way." "

Well played!"

"Of course!"

"You're not polite at all!"

"If you have strength, naturally you are welcome."

"Too." Han Geng nodded slightly and continued, "Do you need treatment?"

"No, I just consume a lot of dream power." Qian Muyu shook his head and showed Han Geng a few of the places where he had just been injured.

"Terrible." Han Geng looked at Qian Muyu's skin that didn't leave a trace of scars, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Hehe, I went to chat with my partner." Qian Muyu laughed, rolled down his sleeves, and walked in.

Han Baoer stepped forward and asked immediately, "Are you injured?" "

It's been restored." Qian Muyu once again lifted up the sleeve tube that had just been rolled off.

After Han Baoer took a closer look, she pulled down his sleeve, patted his arm, and said with a smile: "Not bad."

Qian Muyu glanced at her speechlessly and said, "Let's go." "

Hmm!" Han Baoer nodded slightly and followed Qian Muyu inside.

After entering the contestant area, everyone gathered around one by one excitedly and expressed their congratulations.

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Priestess - Chapter 908

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