
Priestess - Chapter 910

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Priestess - Chapter 910
After Qian Muyu watched Long Ying accept the conditions, he did not delay, and directly completed the contract of twelve wings with Long Ying in front of several people.

At the moment when the contract was completed, the twelve-winged pattern on the back of his hand instantly lit up with dazzling light.

At the same time, a brand new twelve-winged effect appeared in his mind.

[Contract of the Twelve Wings: The Twelve Winged Angel Pig has a unique dream skill, and the person who signs the contract will be immune to all dream power damage (12 people in total) who are also contractors.

Mutual assistance of the twelve wings: The twelve winged angel pig has a unique dream skill, which can be released once in five days, and an invitation is issued to the person who has signed the twelve wings contract (the invitation state is invincible), and the person who accepts the invitation will be teleported directly to you for two days, after two days, the other party will automatically return and can be forcibly released.

The trigger condition for forced release is that after one release within five days, another release is a mandatory release, and after the forced release of the mutual aid of the twelve wings, the next mutual aid that can release the twelve wings is twenty days later, and the dream technique cannot be released within these twenty days.

Sharing of the Twelve Wings: The Twelve Winged Angel Pig has a unique dream skill, and the person who contracts stands within a certain range and can share the dream power of both parties (can be turned off).

Twelve Wings Mutual Aid: The Twelve Wings Angel Pig has a unique dream skill, and those who sign the Twelve Wings contract can bring a partner within 100 meters of themselves to support together, and the duration of carrying a partner is one day, and they will automatically return after one day.

Damage sharing of the twelve wings: The twelve winged angel pig has a unique passive dream skill, and those who sign the twelve wings contract can share the damage they bear within a certain range, and the sharing ratio can be distributed (can be turned off) by themselves.

The field of the twelve wings: The unique domain dream skill of the twelve winged angel pig, after releasing the field, the person who signs the contract of the twelve wings will enjoy a 10% strength bonus for each person who signs the contract in the field within the field, and the field can only be released by the person who signed the twelve winged angel pig. The

duration of the teleportation changed from one and a half days to two days, and the people brought by the two mutual aid changed from half a day to one day, and the range also changed from ten meters to 100 meters.

In addition to these two changes, there is also an additional field skill!

The old pig's domain skills have appeared!

Qian Muyu looked at the dream technique effect, the smile on his face became more and more brilliant, although the domain technique could only be released by him alone, but its effect was simply perverted, especially when all the members arrived.

At that time, he really didn't know who could beat them.

When Qian Muyu was excited, Long Ying was no different, and the shocked expression on her face at this time made Long Ying on the side breathe a sigh of relief.

"No wonder he can tie all kinds of geniuses together, it turns out that there is this contract!" Long Ying looked at Qian Muyu, who was full of smiles, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This contract, to be honest, if he wasn't too strong, he would want to follow him.

Qian Muyu came back to his senses and asked Long Ying, "Ying Sheng, the contract has been generated, when will you have time to discuss the covenant with my ancestor?"

Long Ying looked at Qian Muyu and smiled, "I have time now." "

Okay, then I'll tell Lao Zu that he is also in Ten Thousand Races City without accident." After Qian Muyu finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages to Lao Zu.

A minute later, there was a knock on the door.

Qian Muyu immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

Looking at Lao Zu standing outside the door, he scratched his head embarrassedly, "Hehe, a top ally who accidentally helped you." "

You!" Qian Anguo looked at the smiling Qian Muyu, and couldn't help but reach out and rub Qian Muyu's hair, "It's hard."

"It's not hard, and Long Ying is indeed very strong, so it's a little worse than me." Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and let go.

Qian Anguo looked at Mu Huang and Long Ying, who stood up not far away, and handed over his hand: "Under Qian Anguo."

Long Ying was stunned for a moment, and instantly thought of something, and quickly handed over his hand and responded: "Star Saint Qian Anguo, long admired daimyo!" In the next should the holy dragon should!

Mu Huang smiled at Qian Anguo and said, "Star Saint hasn't seen you for a long time." He

signed a covenant with Qian Anguo five years ago, and had tea together a few months ago.

"It's been a long time." Qian Anguo smiled, stepped forward, and began to talk to Long Ying.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, yawned lazily, and helped them start on the side.

The covenant is not meant to be signed, there are still various things to talk about, in short, it will not be so fast.

But with both sides already decided, the conversation is also much easier and not very complicated.

But no matter how complicated it is, it is not something that can be booked on the spot.

After a few hours of chatter, everyone had a meal together and ended today's conversation.

After Qian Muyu watched the big guys leave, he couldn't help but stretch his waist, "It's comfortable!"

"Do you need me to do anything?" Long Ying looked at Qian Muyu's lazy appearance, and really couldn't figure out why she lost in his hands.

"There is no need to do anything, our guild is very free." Qian Muyu shook his head and continued towards Long Ying: "Come to the training ground tomorrow, we will give you a strength test, they can't wait."

"The address of the training ground will be sent to you later."

"Good!" Long Ying replied and continued, "Is there anything else?"

"Also, I will briefly introduce the guild to you tomorrow, and the rest is gone."


"It's gone."

"Goodbye then." After Long Ying finished speaking, she turned around and left, she wanted to go back and digest today's content.

Qian Muyu looked at Long Ying's back, yawned lazily, took out a glass of juice, and walked towards his hotel while drinking.

Back in the room, he directly released the old pig and the others.

The old pig didn't like to listen to the information of the big guy's conversation, so Qian Muyu didn't release him all day today.

After the old pig came out, he shouted as soon as possible: "Old pig, you have domain skills!"

"I see." The old pig responded lazily.

When he felt the change in himself in the dream space, he was extremely excited.

But at this time, he no longer had the excitement he had before.

"Suffocates me." The first time she turned into a little girl, she took out her mobile phone and said to Mu'er: "Get on the number!" "

Dream Space can't connect to the Internet, so she hasn't played a game for almost a day!

"Here it comes!" Mu'er took out her mobile phone and sat down next to the fallen side with a grin and played together.

Qian Muyu looked at their appearance and couldn't help sighing, "They were all raised by me!" Just

as he was about to go to the shower, there was a knock outside the door.

Qian Muyu looked at Han Bao'er, who was standing in front of the door carrying two bags, and Xiao Bailong, who was also carrying two bags on the side, and said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

"I'm not welcome? Not welcome, I'll just go? Han Baoer raised her head and looked at Qian Muyu with some grievances.

Qian Muyu leaned to the side slightly, stretched out his hand and smiled: "Please!"

Han Bao'er instantly cocked her mouth, walked directly in, looked at Fallen and Mu'er who was playing a game, and shouted directly: "I know you are playing a game!" "

Take me one!" After placing the bag in his hand on the table, Xiao Bailong immediately ran over and joined it.

Qian Muyu walked to Han Baoer's side and said with a smile: "Leave them alone, they have endured for a day without playing."

Han Baoer nodded slightly, "You go take a bath, I'll just come here." "Good

!" Qian Muyu said, and walked towards the bathroom again.

Han Baoer, on the other hand, began to take out the packing boxes in the bag one by one and put them on the table.

"Sister, I'll help." Eggshell watched this scene and immediately turned into a little boy and stepped forward to help.

Seeing this, Han Baoer looked up and smiled: "Thank you eggshell."

"No thanks!"

Not long after, Qian Muyu, who had finished bathing, had a warm dinner with Han Baoer and Old Pig.

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Priestess - Chapter 910

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