
Priestess - Chapter 911

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Priestess - Chapter 911
February 18.

Long Ying came to the training room as promised, and looking at the twelve winged members waiting for her in the training room, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Better! A lot of people!





"Welcome Long Ying to the Twelve Wings!"

The warm welcome directly startled Long Ying.

And after the people of the twelve wings finished shouting, they also had different expressions, some enthusiastic, some shy, some embarrassed, some silent...

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business." Qian Muyu clapped his hands and said to Long Ying, "You should have read the guild manual sent to you yesterday." "

Looked." Long Ying nodded and said, "It's simpler than I thought, free."

"Of course, the freedom of our regiment is not about play." The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, and he continued towards Long Ying: "So are you planning to be a free man, or to build a group?" "

Build a group."

"What's the name of the regiment?"


"Okay." Qian Muyu turned around and announced to everyone: "From now on, the Dragon Regiment is the tenth regiment of our guild, and the leader is Long Ying!"

Bai Hao smiled and said, "This should be the first group in our guild that is not the leader of the Terran Race.

"That's right, the first one." Qian Muyu said, and said to Long Ying: "Do you have a brother?" If not, we will hold a recruitment conference in a few days, and then you can see if there is anything that is pleasing to the eye. "Good

!" Long Ying thought for a moment and continued, "I have a few younger brothers, how can they enter the guild?"

Qian Muyu pointed at Qian Duoduo and said, "Tell them about their information, and then go through the process."

"Okay!" Long Ying fell silent after speaking.

Mo Lingling looked at this scene and immediately asked, "It's over?"

Qian Muyu shook his head with a smile and asked Long Ying, "Is there anything else you want to know?" "

It's gone." Long Ying looked at Mo Lingling, who was a little impatient, and thought of something, and his calm face gradually showed an excited look, "Come on, let me feel your strength."

When Mo Lingling heard this, he immediately jumped out and shouted: "I'm the first, I'll come!"

Bai Hao then shouted, "My second!

Qin Tianyu: "You have just reached the imperial level, is that okay?" Bai

Hai: "What's not to do."

Shepherd Boy: "I'm the third."

Yu Hao: "The fourth."

Qin Tianyu: "Fifth, fifth!" Long

Ying: "..." Qian

Muyu looked at this scene, shook his head with a smile, took out a cup of fruit tea, and silently walked to the side, watching the play.

In their guild, fighting is the most conducive thing to promote friendly exchanges between the two sides, and it is the most important thing to understand the strength of both sides, so it is always right to fight more.


On February 21

, time passed slowly, and the competition of the Ten Thousand Clans Order unknowingly entered the emperor-level stage.

Because of the strength of the emperor level, the Ten Thousand Races Gymnasium also limits the level, and those below the super level are not allowed to enter the gymnasium, and those who secretly enter and die by the emperor level impact are not responsible.

Under the restrictions of the organizers, the number of audience seats has not decreased, it is still the same full, but the strength of these people is all super and above.

The super and above super powerhouses in the entire audience made the audience who were watching the live broadcast collectively fall silent and fall into shock.

They knew they could be full, but when they actually saw this scene, they still felt shocked, surprised, incredible...

Just when they were in shock, the first scene of the emperor-level section officially started amid the enthusiastic cheers of the audience now.

The emperor throne of the two players started, although it is not a complete emperor throne, but its power is not comparable to the demonization.

The imperial throne is actually a combination of its own domain and god demonization, and when the emperor throne is released, and then release the god demonization, the effect of the god demonization will be minimal, and it can even be said that there is no effect.

Although there is no effect, if you do not release the imperial throne, only release the god demonization, it still has an effect.

At the same time, the imperial throne is very friendly to Terrans who have multiple realms, because it can combine all the realms you have and let you experience the effect of all realms.

Of course, although the dream power consumed by it is not directly proportional, it is also much more than other races that only have one realm.

The power of the imperial throne collision directly pressed the weak people around, and they couldn't breathe.

Although the qi broke from time to time, the excitement on their faces did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger.

There aren't many opportunities to watch the battle of emperor-level powerhouses up close, so they don't dare to miss a minute.

Five minutes later, as the first super spectator fainted to the ground, the surrounding super spectators fell one by one like wheat being harvested.

Not long after, except for a few super demons who defyed the sky, the other super strength powerhouses had all fainted on their seats.

Twenty minutes later, as the Terran contestant won, the audience with spirit-level strength in the audience also fell by half.

At this time, the entire audience fell directly three-fifths, and only two-fifths of the people were left sitting there, clapping.


In the second game of the emperor level, there was a change of people in the audience, but it was still super dominant.

This time, the Terran team sent Xiang Gaojie, and his opponent was a snake ghost from the Five Races Alliance.

The snake ghost, whose body is the ghost destroyer snake, is an extremely powerful dark attribute snake.

But no matter how strong he was, he finally lost to the surging Xiang Gaojie.

With his own great strength, Xiang Gaojie announced the arrival of the sea fortress to everyone.

In the last game of the emperor-level section, the Terrans sent Thunder Heart from Thunder God Island, a powerful Thunder attribute powerhouse.

The power of furious thunder filled the entire ring, and soon, the fighters of the Ten Thousand Races Team were bombarded.

The Terrans won all three games and directly won the emperor-level competition.

At the same time, people with hearts also saw that this was the Terran announcing to the world the arrival of the Sea Fortress and Thor Island.

Liu Mufeng, who was walking on the road, suddenly asked Lei Ming: "Lei Zi, with the same strength, can you beat Lei Xin?"

"Do you want to try your Brother Rei's power? You don't believe me so much! Lei Ming was very sad in his heart, he didn't expect his best friend to doubt his strength.

Liu Mufeng instantly laughed and said, "Haha, try it, we haven't tried it for several days." "

Go." Lei Ming said and said to Qian Muyu: "Boss, let's go first." "

Let's go, stay safe." Qian Muyu smiled and waved his hand, what two living treasures!

"I'll take a look too." Bai Hao looked at the backs of Lei Ming and Liu Mufeng and decisively followed.

Immediately after, a few more bored people followed.

Soon, the people beside Qian Muyu walked away for more than half.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and shook his head with a smile, "Ignore them, let's go eat."

"It's only 4 o'clock."

Qian Muyu listened to Han Baoer's words, was silent for a few seconds, and responded expressionlessly: "It's not impossible to eat at 4 o'clock."

"You can eat it yourself, I'll go shopping with them."

"Hey!" Qian Muyu looked at Han Baoer's departing back, and silently said to the remaining few friends on the side: "Go, let's go see them PK!" "


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