
Priestess - Chapter 912

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Priestess - Chapter 912
February 22.

The second stage of the emperor level, Li Rin, Fang Bing, and Shui Yuanzhi pressed the three players on the opposite side, and directly knocked the opposite side dumbfounded, even the demon from the ghost sword clan, the red ghost swordsman did not resist the attack from Li Rin, and unfortunately lost.

It is also because of this game that the world once again remembered that decades ago, that emperor-level young man crossed the level and killed the emperor-level powerhouse.

Li Rin once again appeared in the eyes of the world.

As for Fang Bing and Shui Yuanzhi, they were the top four heavenly kings of the Dream Federation and the Bing Federation, and the strength of the four heavenly kings was not a joke.

Although the four heavenly kings lost the competition a few days ago, those four heavenly kings were the four heavenly kings who had only been in office for a few years and had not yet been fully cultivated.

The difference between what is not bred and what is well nurtured is a world of difference.

February 23.

Emperor-level three stages, the last day of the Ten Thousand Clans Order.

On this day, the players on both sides were unusually silent, and everyone used their strength to fight in the dark.

In the end, because the intensity was too high, after the first game in the morning, in the afternoon game, people with strength below the spirit level were not allowed in.

Although there are fewer super people, the audience is still full.

The reason for this is that the competition in the first two days made those who were at the spirit level and above see hope, and those who were close all came over in these two days.

In the audience, the empty scene once again silenced the audience who were watching the live broadcast.

At this moment, they knew that the number of strong people in this world was far more than they imagined.

Last day, last game.

Qian Haoxuan raised his hands, and a huge black fireball burned everything around him above his head.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the man who had just stood up on the opposite side and threw it directly away.


The black fireball instantly flooded the opposite side, and the figure of the referee appeared in the fireball, protecting the unconscious player lying on the ground.

The black flame disappeared, the referee waved his sleeves, and after shaking off the black ash under him, he shouted at everyone: "Ten Thousand Races Team player, Scorpion Qing lost his combat effectiveness, and the winner is the Terran Team player, Qian Haoxuan!" "

Main stage live room.

After hearing the referee announce the result, Casa couldn't help but sigh: "It's too strong, the Terran Emperor level is simply invincible!" "

Three ranks, nine wins, this record really leaves me speechless."

"The Terrans are the chosen race, and the further they go, the stronger their strength will be, with one enemy and two, and three enemies are the norm." Mu Huang's calm voice came from the side.

Casa nodded and smiled: "It's true to say this, but their strength has a lot to do with us."

Mu Huang said softly, "This can also be regarded as a mutual achievement."

"Haha, don't talk about this." Casa laughed loudly and changed the subject: "Let's congratulate Qian Haoxuan, a player of the Terran team, for winning this match!"

Casa said, and took the lead in clapping.

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "Because of the reason why the Terran Emperor won all three games, so at eight o'clock this evening, we will directly hold the closing ceremony at the Ten Thousand Races Stadium.

"At the closing ceremony, the representatives of both sides will sign the contract of ten thousand races, if nothing else, the contract time should be..."

"245 years..." Casa smacked his lips and smiled at the live camera: "Do you believe that you can have peace for 245 years?"

Mu Huang looked at the barrage of disbelief and said with a smile: "Don't define it in advance, and the peace here just doesn't take the initiative to attack, passivity is still okay."

"And outside, if you find heavenly materials and earth treasures in the secret realm, these can be fought."

"Of course, it's better to have a contract than no contract, at least for these 245 years, you don't have to worry about being suddenly attacked."

"Mu Huang has a right saying, that is, it is better to have a contract than no contract, as for what will happen in the future, we will see later."

Casa said, and finally said to the camera: "The host of the closing ceremony tonight is still me, if you don't want to miss the closing ceremony, please gather in the live broadcast room at eight o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, see you in the evening!"

After Mu Huang watched the live broadcast turn off, he smiled at Casa and said, "In 245, they should be at the holy level."

"It's not that it should be, it's definitely the holy level." Casa took a sip of tea and continued, "Don't underestimate them.

"I'm not underestimating them, I just want to make sure again." Mu Huang stood up and waved at Casa, "Let's go." "

Go slowly." Casa shouted and disappeared directly in place.

Wan Zu Stadium.

VIP seating.

After Qian Muyu watched the live broadcast picture disappear, he looked up at the sky and muttered: "245 years, I hope they are safe, otherwise..." The

corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose slightly, stood up from his seat, and turned his head to look at everyone: "Go, go back and celebrate!"

Bai Hao smiled excitedly: "29 wins, it's really unthinkable!" "

He always felt like he was losing again, but he didn't expect to win 29 wins!

Shepherd Boy: "I really didn't expect it. Bai

Hai: "How many victories have you guessed?"

Shepherd Boy: "20."

Li Mu: "25."

Qin Tianyu: "Haha, I guessed 30, one victory." "


Dream City

Dream Heavenly Tower.

Qin Yuanwu looked at the end of the battle, and said to everyone in a comfortable mood: "Notice, starting tomorrow, the whole people will have a 29-day holiday!" "



Sky City.

Qian Anguo's voice echoed in Sky City, "Two days off!" "

I can't afford 29 days, but I can afford 2 days.


7:55 p.m.

Casa appeared in the center of the stage of the Ten Thousand Races Stadium and shouted to everyone: "Welcome to the Ten Thousand Races Stadium, where the final signing ceremony of the Ten Thousand Races Order will be held in five minutes."

"After 54 days of 54 dan ranks, the Terran team finally won 29 dan ranks, and the contract can be extended for 145 years for 5 years for one dan rank."

"Counting the 100 years guarantee, we will enter a period of 245 years of peace!"

Kasa's excited voice sounded in the Ten Thousand Races Stadium, while the forces led by the Five Races Alliance, the Seven Holy Temples, and the Holy Demon Mountain were dark.

They didn't expect that gathering the power of ten thousand races would also lose so many ranks!

This extra 145 years really made them feel a little uncomfortable, but they didn't dare to refuse, unless they wanted to go against all the forces of Dream Star.

There are many Dream Star forces, and there are only seven of their top forces, and seven is not enough for the hundreds of top forces of Dream Star.

What is a top-level power, that is, a force that has a saint-level seven-stage and above, or a saint-level six-stage power, two saint-level five-stage forces, or a force that has five saint-level five-stage forces, only these forces can be called top-level forces.

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Priestess - Chapter 912

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