
Priestess - Chapter 913

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Priestess - Chapter 913
"Let's invite both players to join us in to witness this great moment!"

As Casa's words fell, the players of the Ten Thousand Races and the Terran Team slowly entered from the entrances on both sides.

Qian Muyu put his hands in his pockets and walked out leisurely from the entrance, looking at the cheering audience around him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"245 years, it should be enough for me to become a saint!" He muttered in his heart, and his face became brighter and brighter.

Han Baoer on the side looked at this scene and asked curiously, "What do you think?"

"Nothing." Qian Muyu shook his head and said with a smile: "I just feel that this world is still too simple.

Han Baoer was puzzled: "Isn't it good to be simple?"

Qian Muyu thought for a moment and responded, "Good is good, it's just a little boring." When

Han Baoer heard this, she couldn't help but give him a blank look, and turned around and walked towards Lan Xiruo on the side.

Qian Muyu smiled and continued to walk forward.

Soon, the players from both sides moved into their own positions.

Casa saw the contestants in place and exclaimed passionately, "Now let's invite the delegations of both sides to take their seats!" "

The delegation was the team that signed the Treaty on the Order of All Nations on behalf of both sides.

The leader of the Terran team is Li Lao from the Dream Federation, Li Qing.

The 9 people beside Li Wen were representatives from other forces of the Terran race, and they were all saint-level!

The leader of the Ten Thousand Races Team is Hu Futian from the Tiger Clan of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance.

There were also 9 people standing beside Hu Futian, and these 9 people were representatives of the power of the initiators of the Ten Thousand Races Order, and they were all saint-level!

The appearance of 20 sages directly detonated the entire Ten Thousand Races Stadium, and the atmosphere reached the highest peak ever.

Li Lao stretched out his right hand towards Hu Futian and said with a smile: "Didn't you expect it?"

"I didn't expect it." After Hu Futian shook hands with Li Lao expressionlessly, he let it go.

The teams from both sides then sat down in the center of the stage.

After Kasa watched everyone sit down, he shouted again: "Next, let us invite Zhilao, who is highly respected and known as the first brain of Dream Star, to the stage!"

"Elder Zhi is a notary public representing the various forces of Dream Star as a notary public for this ceremony to sign the Treaty of the Order of Ten Thousand Races."


At Kasa's words, Zhi Lao slowly walked out from the entrance with a smile on his face.

He looked at the enthusiastic audience around him, smiled and waved, and walked towards the stage.

It wasn't long before he was seated in the center of the table.

"The players from both sides are present, the delegations of both sides are present, the witnesses of the Treaty of Ten Thousand Races are present, and you, the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the live broadcast."

Casa pointed to the people around him and shouted in a high voice: "Let's witness this great moment quietly!"

After that, he disappeared in place and appeared next to Elder Zhi.

At the same time, one strong man after another flew out of the audience and flew overhead, silently watching all this.

Among these powerhouses, there are the Wood Emperor from the Wood Country, Mo Hongfei from the Ancient Sword City, Long Ying from Longtan, and the Dragon Calamity from the Pure Domain...

All kinds of sages appeared in the sky above the Ten Thousand Races Stadium, and Hu Futian, who was sitting there, watched this scene, and instantly felt the pressure.

At this moment, he finally knew that he would have to sign this treaty today!

The consequence of not signing is that several of their top forces will be besieged by all the top forces!

You want to play, we play with you, you don't want to sign, then sorry, you're finished!

The consequences of provoking the wrath of the public, he did not dare to think!

Qian Muyu looked at the many sages above his head, subconsciously counted, then took a deep breath, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Although he didn't know how many people came from real people, he knew that this scene should be said to be the best in history!

88 sages, this is only on the surface, secretly I don't know how many old yin bi!

At least among these 88 people, he didn't see his own ancestor, but he knew that his own ancestor was definitely here! It's just around the corner of the auditorium!

Not only was he shocked, the people who saw this scene were all speechless, they finally knew at this moment, how important the things represented by this Ten Thousand Races Order were, and finally knew, this Ten Thousand Races Order was not meant to be for fun, and the probability of this 245-year peacetime period was true!

Above the sky, in a certain corner, the dream god was lying on the clouds, looking at the scene below, and couldn't help but pout, "Forget it, so be it." "

The quality in these years is indeed the highest ever."

"I hope they give me some strength to help me improve, I'm still a little bit younger."

Wan Zu Stadium.

Elder Zhi looked at Hu Futian word by word and handed it over, and the treaty had been sealed, until after the last word, he looked up at Li and asked, "There is no problem with the treaty."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhi." Li Wen took the treaty from Elder Zhi and examined it carefully with the entire team.

They used various methods and several treasure tools, and after finding that there was no mistake, they took out the seal with confidence and stamped it on it.

The next moment, the treaty suddenly rose and burst into dazzling brilliance.

At the same time, the voice and appearance of the dream god appeared in every corner of the dream star.

"The Federation of Ten Thousand Races and the Terrans have successfully signed the Treaty of the Order of Ten Thousand Races!"

"From now on, the Treaty of Ten Thousand Races will take effect!"

"The Treaty of Ten Thousand Races Order is as follows..." "The Treaty of Ten Thousand Races Order is

245 years!"

"After 245 years, the treaty expires!"

"Xiaomeng, I wish everyone a happy life!"

"By the way, in these 245 years, everyone should help Xiaomeng to raid the secret realm!"

"Goodbye everyone!"

The sudden appearance of the dream god directly caught both sides off guard, but after the dream god did not make other operations, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The saints looked at the waving dream god, and collectively shouted respectfully: "Congratulations to the dream god!" "

It's over." Qian Muyu stood up straight and looked at the disappearing dream god, and couldn't help but show a hint of envy.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Qian Duoduo on the side: "Book a barbecue restaurant, go to the barbecue later, and celebrate."

"Okay!" Qian Duoduo picked up his mobile phone and began to look for it.

On the other side, Casa looked at the silenced crowd and immediately enlivened the atmosphere.

After the saints standing in the sky finished watching, they disappeared one by one and looked in place.

Not long after, Casa shouted at everyone: "The signing ceremony of the Treaty of Ten Thousand Races is officially over!"

"Now I officially announce that the first Order of Ten Thousand Races has ended perfectly!"

"Is there a second session?" I don't know who started it, and a blockbuster voice sounded instantly.

Casa was stunned for a moment, and responded with a smile: "Whether there is a second session or not, it depends on the discussion between the Federation of Ten Thousand Races and the Terrans."

"But I can assure you that as long as there is a second session, then I will definitely be there!"

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Priestess - Chapter 913

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