
Priestess - Chapter 914

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Priestess - Chapter 914
After the end of the Ten Thousand Races Order, Li Lao left the Ten Thousand Races City with the Terran representative team the next day.

Although there is a treaty, the other party can't do it, but he doesn't dare to gamble, so he left early with the team.

After returning to Dream City, Qin Yuanwu personally greeted the Terran representative team and gave each contestant, the Ten Thousand Races Order Medal of Honor.

There are medals and there are naturally rewards, in addition to the winners who can get rewards, of course the losers also have rewards, but the rewards are a little lower.

In addition to the rewards issued by the Terrans, the winners also have the rewards of the Federation of Ten Thousand Races, but the rewards of the Federation of Ten Thousand Races are issued by the Terrans.

First start, last supplement.

The Terrans gave them to them, and then the Terran boss went to ask the Federation of Ten Thousand Races to ask for it.

In short, everyone was very satisfied with the Terran players who participated in the Ten Thousand Races Order this time, and even asked the question that everyone wanted to know, that is, whether there was a second session.

To this question, Qin Yuanwu responded with a smile: "There may be a second session, but even if there is, there will be no concept of peace, but it will let you fight, and then give a reward, and the reward will be higher."

"Of course, this depends on the discussion later, and if there is a result, I will tell you as soon as possible."

For Lord Qin's response, everyone guessed that eight or nine were not far from ten, and then there was no more, and everyone ate a meal together, which ended this journey of ten thousand races.

Two months later.

Qian Muyu and the others came to Hanging Dragon City and started the first recruitment conference after the Order of Ten Thousand Races, and it was also the last recruitment conference in recent years.

The recruitment conference was held for a total of seven days.

Seven days later, the Twelve Wings Guild had 100 new faces, and five affiliated guilds had also been established, each with 500 members, which means that they had taken in a total of 2,600 new members this time.

They collected people on such a large scale, which naturally alarmed all forces, and those forces that could not sit still directly shouted to collect people, and grabbed all kinds of geniuses with the twelve wings.

Due to the fierce attack of various forces, the hundred people who entered the twelve wings did not leave, but the members of the affiliated guild who did not have high requirements finally could not resist the temptation, and more than three hundred people ran away one after another.

In the lounge.

Qian Duoduo put down his mobile phone, turned to look at Qian Muyu, who was sitting there expressionlessly, and said with some puzzlement: "Boss, another one."

Qian Muyu shook his head and asked with a smile: "How many are there?" "


"Hey, enter their names and portraits into the blacklist system." Qian Muyu sighed, thought for a while, and continued: "Those who enter the blacklist cannot enjoy the various benefits of the twelve wings, and the items produced by the twelve wings are all discounted by fifteen, that's it.

Qian Duoduo frowned, "Could it be too little?"

"And he can let other people buy it."

"Quite a bit, just like that, I just want to let people know that they have left the Twelve Wings."

Looking at what Qian Duoduo still wanted to say, Qian Muyu continued: "Imagine how embarrassed he was the moment he entered the gluttonous chain self-service hot pot and heard his name ring.

"All I want is that embarrassment."

Qian Duo thought for a while and said softly: "This method does work, but will it make people feel that our guild is not generous." When

Qian Muyu heard this, he was silent for a few seconds, closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, looked at Qian Duoduo and said, "Sorry, there were some magic barriers just now." "

Receiving information every day these days that someone has left the guild makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Although the benefits of the affiliated guild are not as good as the main guild, they are not much worse, at least he feels better than 90% of the guilds.

"It's good if you're sober." Qian Duoduo smiled and continued to ask, "Then what to do?"

Qian Muyu got up from the sofa, walked to Qian Duoduo's side, looked out the window and said, "If not, just don't happen." "

Wouldn't that make us weak?"

The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth twitched slightly, and he suddenly felt that there were more people, what a trouble!

So, he couldn't help but rub his forehead again, thought for a while, and responded: "Send a notice on the official website and wish them a bright future!"

"This one can!"

"Then do it!"


An hour later, one announcement after another appeared on the official website of the twelve wings.

[All members of the Twelve Wings Guild wish affiliated member Wang Guang a bright future and can achieve good development in the new guild.

Although we have only been together for 1 day, our Twelve Wings Guild will always remember you! 】

【All members of the Twelve Wings Guild wish affiliated member Cao Bin a bright future and can achieve good development in the Tiger and Wolf Guild.

Although we have only been together for 2 days, our Twelve Wings Guild will always remember you! 】


If you know the guild and write the guild name, if you don't know the guild, you will directly write the new guild.

The operation of the twelve winged immortals directly detonated the entire network, and the 357 people who left the team also caught fire with the fire.

Under Qian Muyu's suggestion and Qian Duoduo's operation, those who originally had the intention to leave instantly calmed down and were much more honest, but there were still some people who couldn't resist the temptation and left the affiliated guild.

In the end, under the temptation of this large scale, a total of 402 people left the Twelve Wings Affiliated Guild.

Qian Muyu was a little more interested in the members who did not leave, and each of them was rewarded with a cyan quality heavenly treasure.

After the recruitment incident, Qian Muyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also knows why his family is so 'poor'.

There are many people, and there are many resources needed, dozens of people he has not yet felt, thousands of people, he felt it instantly.

Although the cyan quality heavenly material earth treasure is not expensive, it is still very expensive to send out more than two thousand cyan quality heavenly material earth treasures at once! The price was enough for him to buy an ordinary orange quality heavenly treasure!

Qian Muyu, who instantly felt that he was a little 'poor', said to the old pig who was sleeping on the side: "Old pig, where is your baby?"

The old pig responded lazily: "I don't know where either."

"Seriously! I should have enough strength now, right?

"Ok, but a little hard to find." The old pig sat up and continued: "I am the defense laid down when I was at the holy level, you are now the emperor level, the imperial level is still a little worse, it will take some time.

Qian Muyu didn't care: "Spend it, anyway, now I am wandering around." "

Makes sense." Old Pig nodded slightly, and couldn't help but be a little excited: "When will that start?"

Qian Muyu thought for a moment and said, "In three days, I'll notify them first and let them prepare." "Good

!" The old pig said, fell down again, and continued to sleep.

Excitement is only momentary, and after excitement, there is no excitement.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, shook his head with a smile, took out his mobile phone and began to notify in the group.

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Priestess - Chapter 914

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