
Priestess - Chapter 915

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Priestess - Chapter 915
Twenty minutes later, Han Baoer hurriedly ran over with Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai jumped directly to the old pig's side and shouted, "Meow! Did you really decide to open a treasure trove? "

She has been hungry for the treasure trove of old pigs for a long time!

If it weren't for her lack of strength, she would have let Xiao Hei drag the old pig a long time ago!

"Almost." The old pig lazily opened his eyes, looked at the excited Xiao Bai in front of him, and continued: "The resources in my treasure house should be enough for Xiao Yu and Bao'er to condense the imperial throne.

"More than enough, okay."

"Can't say that, some will be bad."

"That's true, too."

"In short, two should be fine, if you have three, look at the situation inside." The old pig said, and said to Xiaobai: "What about yours?"

Xiaobai subconsciously said, "I'm not as rich as you!"

"That's for sure."

"Although I'm not rich, one should be able to get it!"

"Just be one."

"You! Meow! Xiao Bai couldn't help it, and directly pounced on the old pig.

Before Xiao Bai could pounce, he was picked up by the depravity on the side in mid-air.

"Meow! Meow meow!

"Let me grab him a few times, he actually underestimated me!"

Fallen calmly spoke, "He's right, but I saw with my own eyes that you ruined those resources."

Xiao Bai stopped moving and said unconvinced: "That's research, not waste!" "

Hmm! Study! Fall nodded vigorously.

Qian Muyu felt almost the same, and continued to ask, "How to do it?"

The old pig sat up and said lazily: "I know the general direction, but I still have to rely on the white cat to find it."


"Pig God Mountain." After the old pig finished speaking, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a complicated look.

"What is Mount Pigshen?" Qian Muyu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he didn't think about where this was after thinking for a long time.

Fallen looked at Qian Muyu, who was puzzled, and explained, "Pig God Mountain is the place he named himself, and no more than ten people know it.

"It's actually his birthplace, a small hillside among ten thousand mountains." Xiao Bai said, looked at the old pig curiously, and continued: "I really didn't expect you to put things there. The

old pig yawned and said, "There are many things you can't think of."

Xiao Bai, who was choked by the old pig, asked unconvinced: "I really didn't expect it, but do you know where I put my things?" The

old pig pondered for a few seconds, and in the curious eyes of everyone, responded: "If nothing else, it should be under the sleeping ground of the black dog."

"How do you know?" When Xiao Bai heard this, his mouth opened slightly, and he subconsciously looked at the fall.

"Don't look at me, I didn't say." Fallen shook his head and looked curiously at the old pig.

She knew about it, but she really didn't tell the old pig.

The old pig looked at their gaze, stunned for a moment, and was surprised: "It's true!"

He didn't expect that he thought casually, and the location he said turned out to be true!

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head and couldn't help but sigh a little: "Sure enough, I still know you too well." Han

Baoer, who was sitting on the side watching the excitement, came back to his senses and asked Xiaobai in shock: "Xiaobai!" It's true?

Xiao Bai nodded puzzled: "Well, I put it under the black dog landing ground, but 100,000 meters below."

Han Baoer asked puzzled, "Why didn't you tell me then?"

"You can't take it!" Xiao Bai jumped onto Han Bao'er's shoulder, patted her head angrily, and continued: "My stuff is so good, do you think you can bring it out alive?" "

I even suspect this cat, see if this cat doesn't shoot you."

Han Baoer covered her head and shouted: "Don't shoot, I know it's wrong, I know."

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and subconsciously laughed twice.

Han Baoer listened to the laughter coming and immediately glared at Qian Muyu, "You are still laughing!" "

Hahahahaha..." "

I fought with you!"

"Don't don't, I'm not smiling!"

Qian Muyu looked at Han Bao'er, who was rushing towards him, and immediately took two steps to the side.

Mu'er, who was sitting there, covered his eyes, looked at the scene of the two frolicking through the gap in his palm, and said softly: "Shy." Three

days later, Qian Muyu took the friends of the wing group out of Hanging Dragon City and, under the guidance of Xiaobai, walked towards the direction of Wanshan Ridge.

Wanshan Ridge is located in the north of Hanging Dragon City, as for the distance, Qian Muyu was directly silent after looking at the map.

He felt that there was no more than a month that could not be reached, and this month was still under the condition that they did not stay....

In the end, it took them 100 days to walk into Wanshan City near Wanshan Ridge.

Wanshan Ridge, a place surrounded by mountains, there must be a lot of heavenly materials and treasures in this kind of place, so naturally there will be bigwigs to build cities here.

Wanshan City is one of several cities, and it is also the most famous of the several cities.

Wanshan City is a neutral city, and the city owner is Wanshan.

That's right, his name is Wan Shan.

Wanshan is a creature born in Wanshan Ridge, and its body is a mountain, a terrifying boundless mountain, and its strength is said to be a saint-level fifth stage.

It is precisely because of his strong strength that Wanshan City will be the most famous and lively city in Wanshan Ridge.

After paying the entrance fee, everyone led the entry and exit cards of Wanshan City and entered Wanshan City.

In the Chaos Continent, as long as you are not the designated race of the city lord, you basically need to pay the city fee and buy access tokens.

The time to enter and exit the token is generally one month, and after one month, you need to pay a second fee, and if you renew it early, the fee will be half as low.

Most of this is the case, and only a few are not.

As for why you pay the entrance fee, it is because it costs money to build a city!

And maintaining a city also requires a lot of costs, so charging is a normal thing.

In addition to fees, access tokens are also a way for registrants to avoid being entered by people with intentions.

Of course, if you don't want to reveal your identity, there's nothing you can do about it.

In short, as long as you don't mess around in the city, they won't care about you.

Walking into Wanshan City, Qian Muyu looked at the people of all ethnic groups, and his heart was unusually calm.

After living in Wanzu City for two months, he was used to this situation.

Qian Muyu turned his head towards Qian Duoduo and said, "Is the hotel booked?"

Qian Duoduo nodded and said, "Booked, at the Wanshan Hotel." "

Wanshan Hotel is the official hotel of Wanshan City, and its location is also the best location in Wanshan City.

"That... Dine! Qian Muyu said, and couldn't help licking his lips.

Whenever he goes to a new place, the first thing he does is taste the specialties of that place.

After tasting the specialties, you will move on to the next stage.

Liu Mufeng, who made the strategy, spoke: "Wanshan Mansion is very good, it is the official hotel of Wanshan City, I just don't know if I can eat it today."

"I'll eat tomorrow, and the little fish will be ordered tomorrow." Qian Muyu pointed to the special restaurant in Shancheng not far away and continued: "Let's go eat this today!" "

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Priestess - Chapter 915

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