
Priestess - Chapter 916

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Priestess - Chapter 916
Two days later.

After two days of free time, everyone gathered again.

Xiao Bai stood on a brown wooden striped table, holding the pink and white pig hair of the old pig, and began to measure.

Five minutes later, Xiao Bai opened his eyes, and a mysterious light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she looked up at the old pig in Qian Muyu's hand directly opposite, and said, "Your treasure house is still there, but it's a little far from here, and I need to get closer to find out the specific location." "

Wanshan Ridge is very large, Qian Muyu and they want to go everywhere, and it will take two months to go without sleeping.

Two months is still a case of guarantee, and if an accident occurs, it will take longer.

The old pig nodded and said, "Have you calculated the general direction?"

"Nope." Xiao Bai shook his head.

Qian Muyu stroked the old pig, lowered his head and asked, "Do you remember the location of Pig God Mountain?" The

old pig thought for a moment and responded: "The change here is a little big, but you can find it." "

Although Pig God Mountain is a small hillside, after nearly 10,000 years of wind and rain, and the movement of the earth's crust, he is not sure whether Pig God Mountain still exists.

"Let's go then, we'll look as we go."


Subsequently, Qian Muyu took Han Baoer, Yu Hao, Wine Boy Swallow Zi and Han Ming to leave Wanshan Ridge and walked towards the depths of Wanshan Ridge.

As for the others, they were divided into two teams, Ye Feng's team and Qian Duoduo's team, and began to search for treasures in Wanshan Ridge.

There are many opportunities in Wanshan Ridge, and if they go together, they are wasting resources, so they are divided into three teams, each team is led by a twelve-winged contractor, which can well protect each other.

Fifteen days later, on a large hillside deep in the Wanshan Ridge, the old pig waved his wings, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he circled in place.

Qian Muyu looked at this scene and asked, "Is it here?" The

old pig nodded and said, "Probably here."

"It doesn't look like a baby here." The drunken boy looked at the plain trees around him, and did not think that there would be anything.

"Xiaobai, do the math."

"I've already started counting." Xiao Bai took the pink and white pig hair of the old pig and calculated it again.

Not long after, Xiao Bai opened his eyes and excitedly shouted: "I can already feel the location!"

"Where?" The old pig flew directly in front of Xiao Bai and asked again: "Where?"

Xiao Bai raised his cat's paw and pointed to the left: "Keep going to the left, it is estimated that you can reach it in five days."

Qian Muyu looked at the direction Xiao Bai pointed to, and couldn't help but sigh: "Such a big change will occur in tens of thousands of years.

Xiaobai jumped into Han Baoer's arms and said, "Of course, when I was looking for Xiao Hei, I looked for it for a long time.

The old pig looked at the motionless crowd and urged: "Let's go quickly, I don't know if there is any change over there." "

Go!" Qian Muyu shouted, and then led everyone to walk forward under Xiaobai's command.

Six days later.

Xiao Bai pointed to the ground and shouted: "Right below!"

Everyone looked at each other and collectively looked towards the drunken boy.

"I'll come, I'll come." The wine-swallowing boy raised the wine gourd and took a sip, shouting at everyone: "Jean!

As he spoke, he suddenly raised the wine gourd, and the wine gourd instantly expanded several times and smashed it down hard.

With a bang, the sky collapsed, and the mountain was split in half, and then turned into various pieces.

Qian Muyu and the others watched this scene, decisively jumped into it, and looked for it.

The drunken swallowing boy carried a huge wine gourd and jumped with it.

Half an hour later, everyone was standing on a broken piece, and the old pig pointed to the air and said, "This is it."

Qian Muyu looked at the air, tilted his head and wondered, "How to open?" The

old pig responded excitedly: "Just merge with me, and then burst out colorful energy." "


As soon as the old pig finished speaking, he turned into a ball of light and flew into Qian Muyu's body.

The next moment, the dazzling combined light shone under everyone's gaze, and Qian Muyu appeared in the sky with twelve wings.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Muyu suddenly burst out of the light attribute dream power in his body and began to sweep in all directions.

The surrounding air began to tremble slightly under the powerful light attribute dream power.

After a while, a looming air door appeared under everyone's gaze.

Xiaobai shouted at the first time: "It's out!"

Qian Muyu looked at this scene, put away his breath, came to the door, gently pressed his hand, and a familiar and unfamiliar dream power slowly entered his body.

"Guard the surroundings!" Han Baoer shouted and directly entered the state of convergence.

Yu Hao and Hanming also followed, followed by four people, one person and one direction, surrounded Qian Muyu.

The people who heard the movement around looked at Qian Muyu's operation and exclaimed, "It's the Ownerless Secret Realm!"

The other person felt the breath emitted by Qian Muyu's five, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, "This secret realm seems to have nothing to do with us. "

The configuration of one emperor and four emperors is not something that can be seen everywhere!

"No chance? I'm coming, then there's a cause! A man exuding an emperor-level aura suddenly appeared around, looking at Qian Muyu and the five with greedy eyes.

The red-haired woman appeared on the side and smiled at the emperor-level man: "Clam Emperor, that person seems to be Qian Muyu, are you sure you want to go up?" "

Twelve Wings?" The clam emperor's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he fell into hesitation.

Just as he hesitated, Qian Muyu's arm gently pushed, and the door disappeared in place.

"Are you going to fight?" Qian Muyu turned around and looked at the Clam Emperor, the corners of his mouth rising slightly.

At the same time, Han Baoer and the others also silently came behind Qian Muyu.

"Let's fight, don't fight, I always feel unhappy." The Clam Emperor snorted lightly and stepped forward to punch.

"Eat me with a hammer!" The wine swallowing boy disappeared in place, raised the wine gourd and swung it towards Hadi.

With a bang, the drunken boy took two steps back, and Hadi flew out directly.

The drunkard looked at the distant Hadi and shouted: "Little toad, have you taken it?"

"Can you tell me how you found this Ownerless Secret Realm?" Hardy appeared in the sky, wiped the blood from his palm, and continued: "I passed here several times but couldn't find it, how did you find it?"

Qian Muyu was in a good mood, so he did not hide it, but responded directly: "This is my family property."

"No wonder." Hardy nodded slightly, "Excuse me!"

With that, he disappeared in place.

After the red-haired woman watched Hadi leave, she asked Qian Muyu, "Does your guild still accept people?" When

the people around heard this, they also pricked up their ears.

Qian Muyu responded with a smile: "I don't accept it at present, but if you really want to come, I can count you as one, and when I recruit someone next time, I will notify you." The

red-haired woman pondered for a few seconds and spoke: "Then count me in, my name is Red Lotus, and I am currently a five-stage emperor."

Qian Muyu nodded and said, "Okay, I made a note of it." "

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Priestess - Chapter 916

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