
Priestess - Chapter 917

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Priestess - Chapter 917
After Qian Muyu chatted with the onlookers, he left here with Han Baoer and returned to Wanshan City.

As for whether those people will spread the news, he said he was very calm.

Pass it on, they have the ability to grab it.

In these months, his strength has reached the peak of the third stage of the imperial level, and he is only one line away from the fourth stage of the imperial level, and his combat effectiveness is not weaker than the ordinary seventh stage of the imperial level, and the seventh stage of the imperial level, and the first stage below the emperor level, it is not impossible to fight.

As for the emperor level, there are drunkards, as long as they do not besiege, it is still no problem to run.

In the case of siege, the spell of his dream space is no joke.

As for the Saint Level, the Saint Level is not allowed to attack creatures below the Saint Level privately, especially after the treaty is signed, the Saint Rank of all races cannot attack.

Of course, if you go to provoke the Saint Level, they can still resist.

Similarly, if you find the heavenly materials and earth treasures that the Saint level can use outside, the Saint level can also be robbed, which is considered competition.

In a competitive environment, when you die, no one else will ask except for the person you have a relationship with, so it depends on whether your background is hard enough.

In short, under normal circumstances, saint-level bigwigs will not kill people casually, especially the geniuses of the major forces.

Back in Wanshan City and back at the hotel, Qian Muyu looked at the little friends who had already gathered and said with a smile: "Are you all so anxious?"

Liu Mufeng said of course: "Of course, good things must be seen at the first time."

"You guys wait, I'll take a look first, if there is a lot of space, I'll call you again." Qian Muyu said, then activated the secret realm that had been following him, and walked in with the old pig who couldn't wait.

Along the way, he dragged the secret realm and did not go in to see it.

At the same time, because of dragging the secret realm, his speed was also slowed down, and it took him 10 days to return here after the original 8-day journey.

When I went for more than ten days, it took a little longer because I was looking for it while walking.

Walking into the secret realm, Qian Muyu glanced at the neatly placed items, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The old pig flew out directly from Qian Muyu's hand and flew excitedly towards the largest bed not far away.

"Bed?" Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, and said to the depravity who followed beside him: "What is that bed?"

"That bed is his treasure, called the Sleeping Bamboo Jade Emperor Bed, which is made of Sleeping God Bamboo and Jade Emperor Stone, and it is a colorful quality treasure." Fallen looked at the bed that had not been seen for a long time, and his mind couldn't help but recall the bits and pieces of the past.

The corner of Qian Muyu's mouth twitched slightly, and he lost it with a probe.

"Sleeping Bamboo Jade Emperor Bed

Type: Treasure Class

Quality: Colorful

Attribute: Wood/Stone

Effect One: Never Decay.

Effect 2: Every time I wake up, I will be refreshed.

Effect three: Resting on it for a long time can increase its own life.

Effect 4: The powerful defense can resist the Saint Grade 9 Dan All-Out One Blow, the Saint Level 8 Dan Full Force Three Strikes, the Saint Level 7 Dan Strong Ten Strikes, and the Saint Level 7 Dan ...

Introduction: The bed made of colorful quality sleeping god bamboo and colorful quality jade emperor stone, its effect... Anyone who has slept understands..."

Qian Muyu took a deep breath, looked at the old pig who had begun to snore, and couldn't help but shake his head.

In this world, only the old pig may use two colorful quality heavenly materials and earth treasures to make a bed.

"But now is not the time to sleep!" Qian Muyu waved his small hand, and the old pig who was sleeping instantly sobered up.

"It's still comfortable to sleep in this bed!" The old pig jumped up in high spirits, flew to Qian Muyu's side, scanned the surroundings, and said, "Visually decayed two-thirds." "

His treasure trove is not big, it's the size of two football fields.

At the same time, each of his high-quality heavenly materials and earth treasures is packed in bottles, and from the appearance, some are broken, some are not broken, and some are half-dead.

Exactly how many can still be used, we have to observe one by one.

"I'll go out first, you guys watch slowly." Qian Muyu said, then turned around and left here.

Everyone outside the secret world, after watching Qian Muyu come out, asked curiously one by one.

"Boss, how's it going?"

"Boss, is it big inside?"

"Boss, what's good in it?"


"Stop, stop!" Qian Muyu looked at the people who had quieted down, and continued with a smile: "Go in and see by yourself, there are two football fields big inside.

Then he let go and let everyone in.

Seeing that there was no one around, he turned around and walked into the secret realm.

In the empty room, there were soon a few more figures.

"I didn't expect that the pig god really has a treasure house!" Qian Wude sighed and said to the man on the other side: "Brother, is there a lot of good things in the pig god?"

"Brother Pig's good things have gone, especially the sleeping bamboo jade emperor bed, that bed I have the pleasure of sleeping once, it is really comfortable!"


"Hmm! Colorful quality bed! "


worthy of being a pig god!"

Inside the treasury.

Qian Muyu looked at the friends who were collectively stunned over there, and said with a smile: "Isn't it shocking?" "

Very shocking!" Liu Mufeng pointed to the bed not far away and continued, "What kind of treasure bed is this?"

Qian Muyu explained with a smile: "Sleeping bamboo jade emperor bed has the effect of prolonging life and improving sleep quality.

"Meow! Ben cat went to sleep, don't disturb me! Xiao Bai appeared on the bed the next moment and went into a deep sleep.

She's been craving this bed for a long, long time!

Ye Feng shouted in surprise, "Is it so fast?"

Qian Muyu said silently on the side: "This is a colorful quality bed. "


Everyone instantly went into shock.

"Calm, it's just a colorful quality bed." Qian Muyu looked at their expressions, unusually refreshed.

Immediately afterward, he continued: "Don't be silly, let's see if other things are broken." "

Put a bunch badly, put a pile in a good place."

"After tidying up, each person can choose a yellow!"

"Long live the boss!"

Everyone heard this, and instantly got to work with great motivation.

The yellow quality heavenly material earth treasure that can live until now, but it is not generally yellow quality heaven and earth treasure, it is likely to be orange itself, it is purple!

Two hours later.

Qian Duoduo walked up to Qian Muyu and couldn't help licking his lips, "There are a total of 39,578 items in the Pig God Treasury, of which 18,327 are useful, and the rest are all scrapped items, but these scrapped items can still be reused."

When Qian Muyu heard this, he was surprised: "Are there so many?"

Qian Duoduo nodded vigorously, looked at the old pig lying on the bed of the sleeping bamboo jade emperor, and couldn't help but sigh: "The pig god is really awesome!"

At this moment, he finally had a certain understanding of the previous state of the Pig God!

The pig gods are so rich, that white god ....

Qian Duoduo thought for a while, and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The rich ancient boss is really terrifying!

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Priestess - Chapter 917

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