
Priestess - Chapter 918

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Priestess - Chapter 918
Since there were too many heavenly materials and earth treasures, Qian Muyu waved his hand and directly gave ten by one, and he sorted out the rest and put it here.

Looking at so many heavenly materials and earth treasures, he pondered for a few seconds and said to the old pig: "Can you restore their effect?"

The old pig turned over on the bed of the sleeping bamboo jade emperor and responded: "It is enough to instill life force in them, they just lack life instillation and lack nutrients." When

Qian Muyu heard this, he hesitated for a few seconds, and finally took out a beautifully packaged gift box from the dream space, opened the gift box, and a fruit full of life force appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Life and death fruit

quality: red

effect one: people with a strong life can obtain 100% of their lifespan of five hundred years after eating.

Effect 2: After eating it at the end of life, people who are about to live at the end of life can obtain 100% of their life expectancy of 1,000 years.

Introduction: The miracle fruit that contains a large amount of life force, exudes life force all the time.

"Is this okay?"


"How to use it?"

"Just get a table, just put it there, and they will absorb automatically."


The fruit of life and death is the fruit of Mu'er, and its effect is absolutely powerful, that is, it is too difficult to result, and it is necessary to kill a large number of powerful creatures to quickly achieve results, if you do not kill, it will take a long wait, so this is an easy and not easy process.

After letting Chen Shiyang sit on a platform, he put the fruit of life and death on it.

Of course, before putting it in, he put those heavenly materials and earth treasures with ordinary effects on the outermost periphery, and placed them near the platform with good results.

As for how much effect a life and death fruit can restore these heavenly materials and earth treasures, it depends on the will of heaven.

In short, better than nothing.

After putting away the fruit of life and death, he put away the sleeping bamboo jade emperor bed and some things that were not heavenly treasures, and then left the treasure house with everyone.

Back in the room, after closing the secret realm, he shouted around: "Thank you for guarding!"

"This is some small intentions, don't dislike the big guys."

After he took out some heavenly materials and earth treasures and placed them on the table, Qian Wude appeared next to him and said with a smile: "I took it for them." "

Juice, do you want snacks?"

"Come on."


After Qian Wude put his things away, he disappeared in place.

With a smile on his face, Qian Muyu said to the surrounding partners: "Stay here for five months, and after five months, we will go to Xiaobai's secret realm again." "

Come here, don't sweep in the Wanshan Ridge, it's not his style.

"Duoduo, pay attention to whether there are fruits that extend life, it will take at least fifty years to start."


He is only in the third stage of the emperor level now, and there are still several stages away from the emperor-level stage, so many ranks, he estimates that it will take at least fifteen years.

Fifteen years is enough time for him to engage in another fruit of life and death, kill more, two or three is no problem.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry to eat the heavenly materials and earth treasures in the treasure house, and besides, he wants to see how much these heavenly materials and earth treasures can be recovered after more than ten years.

In fact, he had thought about planting these heavenly treasures in the soil and letting them recover naturally, but he thought about it and felt that it was too long.

Moreover, the growth environment of each heavenly material and earth treasure is also different, so he decisively dismissed this idea and used life force to slowly restore them.

A year later.

Dream Federation, twenty kilometers away from Frost Town, in a valley covered with vast snow, Qian Muyu and others dug three feet into the ground, and finally dug Xiaobai's secret place.

After Han Baoer successfully opened the secret realm, she walked in with Qian Muyu.

This is the Dream Federation, but not a place of chaos, so they are not so cautious.

Xiao Bai looked at the familiar shop not far away, jumped in excitedly, sat on the chair of the store, looked at Han Baoer and Qian Muyu and they laughed: "Welcome to the White Immortal Divine Calculation Store!" When

everyone heard this, they fell silent.

The old pig shouted in surprise: "You moved the shop over!"

Xiao Bai responded proudly: "Of course, this is my baby!"

"Sister Bai is so powerful!" Xiao Bailong, Mu'er and the others looked at Xiao Bai with adoration.

"General." Xiao Bai smiled and began to introduce the role of the surrounding items to Qian Muyu one by one.

After the introduction, she led everyone to the pile of heavenly materials and earth treasures.

"Not bad, but ruined two-thirds." Xiao Bai glanced over, looked at the heavenly material and earth treasure that was still alive, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the number is small, the number alive is beyond her imagination.

"I'll go out and bring them in and tidy them up." Qian Muyu smiled brightly and turned to leave.

It didn't take long for him to bring his friends in.

The friends looked at the conspicuous shop not far away, and once again collectively froze in place.

One bed, one shop.

Is this the fun of the big guys?

At this moment, the friends understood.

"Let's go, the heavenly treasure is not here." Qian Muyu's voice came from the side, and the friends silently followed.

Xiaobai's treasure house is not as big as the old pig, only the size of a football field and a half, and the treasure of heaven and earth is far less than that of the old pig, and even half of the old pig.

After sorting out for half an hour, I finally learned that there were a total of 13,597 heavenly materials and earth treasures, of which 5,528 were still alive, and the rest were dead.

Although it is a little less, Qian Muyu will not suggest, after all, this is picked up for nothing!

No matter how few things he picked up, he was very happy.

These 5,528 heavenly materials and earth treasures were directly packed away by him with a few rings, neatly placed in the old pig's treasure house, and began to compete with the heavenly materials and earth treasures inside for its life force.

The life force is still very effective, and the heavenly materials and earth treasures in the old pig's treasure house have begun to gradually glow with new vitality under the nourishment of the fruit of life and death for a year.

Of course, the hero who caused all this, the fruit of life and death has begun to deflate, and Qian Muyu can still last for five months.

As for the successor behind, he has already found it, then the fruit of life.

The fruit of life was specially asked by Muhou a month ago, and the generous Muhou didn't think about it, so he directly gave him two, which made him a little embarrassed.

Subsequently, he told Muhou the purpose of the Fruit of Life, and left some heavenly materials and earth treasures, before he was a little relieved.

With these two fruits of life, he felt that there should be no problem in maintaining it for two years, and within two years, he worked hard to get the second fruit of life and death out, and there should be no big problem.

As for what to do after the second fruit of life and death is used up, he hasn't thought about it yet, after all, it was several years later, and now he thinks about it!

He doesn't think about things for so long!

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Priestess - Chapter 918

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