
Priestess - Chapter 920

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Priestess - Chapter 920
"Here you go." Qian Muyu walked to Han Baoer, took out a silver space ring from the dream space, and handed it over.

Han Baoer took the space ring and looked at Qian Muyu suspiciously.

The corner of Qian Muyu's mouth smiled: "Lao Zu gave it to you."

Han Baoer thought of something, and her face instantly turned red.

"Don't think about it, this is the material that Lao Zu prepared for you to make the imperial throne." Qian Muyu looked at Han Bao'er, who had a rosy face, and subconsciously reached out and pinched her cheek.

The people around looked at this scene, collectively stunned, their mouths slightly open, and Han Baoer was directly stupid in place.

"Groove! Is the boss so powerful now? Don't hide it? Liu Mufeng was shocked, and then quickly turned his head to look in other directions.

The next moment, Han Baoer's rosy face instantly turned red, like a red persimmon, and glared at Qian Muyu: "What are you doing!"

Under this voice, Qian Muyu came back to his senses, quickly lowered his hand, and smiled, "Subconscious!"

Han Baoer gave him a blank look, walked in the direction of the door, and after taking a few steps, she looked back at Qian Muyu and said, "Let's go!" "

Here it is." Qian Muyu followed, puzzled, "Why go?"

Han Baoer explained, "Thank you to the ancestor." "

Oh!" Qian Muyu nodded, obediently walked beside her, and walked towards the courtyard of the ancestor.

The friends in the station, after watching Qian Muyu and Han Baoer leave, instantly breathed a sigh of relief and began to discuss enthusiastically.

"Boss is amazing! They have already begun to ignore our attack on the eldest sister!

"Before, right?"

"Yes? How did I not remember?

"Probably not, I haven't seen it."

"I think I misremembered."

"In short, the boss is over."

"It seems that in a few years, we will have a happy drink."



June 6, 2138.

Qian Muyu, who had been an emperor for a long time, was pulled from his home to the office by Uncle Youde to deal with some small matters in Sky City.

After the eighth stage of the emperor level, the speed of strength improvement is obviously much slower, so he is not in a hurry, and he will go home to take a look when he has nothing to do.

And the result of returning home is that he will be pulled by Uncle Youde to help him share some work.

For this kind of thing, Qian Muyu did not refuse, but he would not take the initiative to do it, only when Uncle De came to call him, he would do a little, and he would run when he was done.

As for the friends of the wing group, before there are no big things, they are all doing their own things independently, some are shopping, some are salted fish, some are taking little brothers, some are going home, some are ...

In short, with the strengthening of their strength, they are no longer piled together every day as before, but each doing their own thing.

After Qian Muyu finished dealing with the affairs in his hand, he subconsciously stretched out a big lazy waist and yawned.

"Gone." Qian Muyu stood up, waved at Uncle Youde, and just took a step, he stayed in place, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Qian Youde felt Qian Muyu's state, looked up suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qian Muyu opened his mouth and muttered, "I was chosen."

"What was selected?" Qian Youde became even more puzzled, but he looked at the corner of Qian Muyu's upraised mouth, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and muttered to himself: "It shouldn't be a bad thing."

"The dream god invited me to compete for the holy fruit, asked me if I accepted it, and within five minutes I did not accept it, and I would automatically refuse." Qian Muyu said, called out the system interface, opened the core chat group, and began to ask.

Qian Youde was stunned for a moment, stood up instantly, and shouted, "What? "

Grab the Holy Fruit." After Qian Muyu explained again, he muttered, "It turns out that the Holy Fruit was robbed in the secret realm." He

originally thought that the Holy Fruit was being robbed somewhere in the Chaos Continent, but he didn't expect it to be in the secret realm!

After Qian Youde listened to Qian Muyu's response, he immediately spoke towards the old ancestor.

The next moment, Qian Anguo appeared in the room and said to Qian Muyu: "Really? "

Lao Zu!" Qian Muyu shouted and continued, "It is indeed true.

Qian Anguo asked, "Is there a scope?"

"Nope." Qian Muyu shook his head.

"Do you have time?"


"Then don't go."

"Didn't... No, go or go down. Qian Muyu looked at Qian Anguo, who frowned, and explained with a smile: "Your strength is clear to you, as long as there is no sage in the secret realm, then I am invincible.

"I can't help but take this kind of holy fruit given for nothing."

"And even if there is a saint, I can hold on until the end of the secret realm."

Qian Anguo pondered for a few seconds and nodded, "In the secret realm, be careful.

Qian Muyu smiled confidently, "Old Ancestor, don't worry, as long as there is no saint, be careful with them."

Qian Anguo smiled and shook his head, "You just have a number in your heart, I won't say anything more."

Qian Muyu felt the movement coming from outside the door and said, "Old Ancestor, they are coming, let me say a few words to them." "

Hmm!" Qian Anguo walked aside, and did not mean to go.


Muyu listened to the knock on the door and said with a smile: "Come in."

Han Baoer walked in first and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

Qian Muyu looked at Han Baoer, and the friends behind her, and responded with a smile: "It's nothing, just received the invitation of the dream god to get the holy fruit."

Han Baoer was puzzled: "Why didn't I receive it?"

Qian Muyu thought for a moment and responded, "Maybe you don't have enough strength?"

Han Baoer continued: "Bai Hao, the shepherd boy has received it, and I supposedly have it."

Qian Muyu was puzzled: "They also have information?"

Qian Duoduo stepped forward and responded, "Not only them, but also the drunkard and Long Ying."

Ye Feng raised his hand and said, "I also received it."

Qian Muyu said directly: "You cancel, I can summon you in."

Ye Feng: "Okay!

Qian Muyu: "Is there anyone else?"

Qian Duoduo: "No, there will be 5 of our guilds."

Qian Muyu: "Then it seems... The range is the appearance of the emperor-level seven dan ~ the emperor-level ten dan look. "

He is the emperor-level eighth dan , the drunkard is the emperor-level ten dan and the white underworld they are the emperor-level seventh dan .

Qian Anguo, who was sitting there, suddenly spoke: "It should be the seventh stage of the emperor level ~ the tenth stage of the emperor level, and no one in the saint-level group entered." He

asked about it in the Terran Holy Group, and all of them were denied, and although they denied it, some of them also had family emperors who were chosen.

"That's good." Qian Muyu's confidence was instantly much more sufficient, and after sending a few paragraphs in the chat group, he explained some things to Han Baoer and Qian Duoduo.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Han Baoer, who looked a little worried, and said softly, "Let's go."

Han Baoer stepped forward, straightened Qian Muyu's sleeves, and looked up, "Come back early."

"I'm trying to finish early." Qian Muyu smiled slightly, whispered a few words to Han Baoer, and disappeared in place.

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Priestess - Chapter 920

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