
Priestess - Chapter 921

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Priestess - Chapter 921
"Welcome to the Secret Realm of the Holy Tree."

"The Sacred Tree Secret Realm is a secret realm that I have created after years of research, and there are five sacred trees in the secret realm."

"These five sacred trees will mature and bear fruit within five months."

"And all you have to do is compete for these five holy fruits, or go down in one corner until the end of the secret realm."

"The end time of the secret realm is five months, and after five months, you will be automatically teleported."

"By the way, the Holy Fruit cannot be teleported out of the secret realm in advance, not by any method!"

"The only way to take it out is when the time comes, and you will automatically take it out!"

Qian Muyu, who was standing in the woods, listened to the words of the dream god, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his face was a little strange: "How do you feel that the words of the dream god were specifically said to me."

The next moment, the words of the dream god sounded in his mind, "It's for you!"

Qian Muyu was stunned for a moment, closed his mouth instantly, and blinked his eyes innocently.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the dream god once again spread to everyone's ears.

"By the way, in the Sacred Tree Secret Realm, in addition to the Holy Fruit, there are other heavenly materials and earth treasures and a large number of desolate beasts."

"It's a large number of desolate beasts, not a small amount!"

"The others are gone!"

"Finally, I wish you all a happy journey in the Sacred Tree Secret Realm!"


Qian Muyu waited for a few seconds, and after seeing that the dream god really did not speak, he began to walk forward and observe the surroundings.

Just a few steps away, he saw the sky not far away, a prime-aged man soaring into the air, as if looking for something.

Just as he was curious, an ape-shaped fireball shot out from the woods and shot towards the prime-aged man.

With a bang, the man slapped out the fireball with a punch, turned around and shouted: "Who!

"The person watching the play, let's destroy him together, one less person and one less opponent."

"I'll see."

"You do it first."


As he spoke, an ape-shaped fireball rushed out from the other direction, only this fireball was a little larger and more powerful than the previous one.

At the moment when the fireball rushed out, several dream techniques also rushed out from other directions, striking towards the prime-aged man in the sky together.

"You look for death!" The prime-aged man's face turned black, and he flew directly in the direction where the ape-shaped fireball struck.

Soon after, Qian Muyu heard a roar not far away.

"Are they all so cranky?" Qian Muyu muttered, took out a cup of fruit tea from the dream space, drank a few sips, and continued to walk forward slowly.

that, he received the fruit tea into the dream space, and then suddenly started and flew into the sky.

Without waiting for the reaction of the people around him, he flew directly forward.

Walk where there is a fly fast.

After flying for half an hour, he saw a huge tree figure not far away.

Just as he was about to say to himself, several figures exuding an imperial aura instantly rushed out of the woods below and attacked him.

"That's right!" The corner of Qian Muyu's mouth smiled, and a burst of combined light emerged, and he held a wooden knife and swung it away.

Bang bang ....

Qian Muyu quickly glanced at it and directly killed the strongest giant ape.

The field of death spread out from under his feet to all directions, and the wooden knife in his hand swung out again, and death struck the giant ape directly.

With a swoosh, the giant ape split in two, and the surrounding trees were directly destroyed under the breath of death.

Qian Muyu looked at the ball of life light generated near the giant ape, his eyes were slightly bright, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, "Not bad!" With

a wave of his little hand, the ball of life light entered his body.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and killed the other desolate beasts.

Ten minutes later, he put away the Death Realm, sat under a large tree, and began to feel how many life balls had given him just a few orbs of life.

"1 25 years, 6 150 years, yes!" Qian Muyu stood up excitedly, flew directly towards the sky, and began to attract the attention of the surrounding desolate beasts.

Outside, it is difficult for an emperor-level powerhouse to see one, and it is not necessarily an enemy when he sees it.

But here, these emperor-level desolate beasts are not intelligent creatures, no intelligent creatures, he is not soft to kill, but there is no psychological pressure.

When he was sweeping the desolate beast, Bai Hao was in the other direction, punching a child, and the desolate beast was painful, and easily came to a small red flower that emitted scorching energy.

"Good stuff!"

Bai Hao's hands were instantly wrapped by the power of dreams, took out a small bottle, and was about to pick flowers, when there was a search sound on the side.

Ignoring the attack from the side, Bai Hao quickly plucked the little red flower and put it in the bottle.

With a bang, the flying dream technique slammed into Bai Hao's body fiercely.

"Got it?"

The wolf mad watched this scene, walked out from the side, and was about to walk forward, he suddenly turned into a werewolf and turned around with a punch.


The wolf took a few steps backwards, looking at the unharmed Bai Hao in front of him, and his eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.


Then, without hesitation, he turned around and ran.

Bai Hao looked at the fleeing wolf madman, quickly chased forward, and shouted: "Little wolf cub, don't run if you have the ability!" The

wolf ignored Bai Hao madly, buried his head and ran forward, and soon ran out of Bai Hao's sight.

"Wow! This wolf cub runs so fast! Bai Hao stopped in confusion, cursed angrily, straightened his clothes, and walked in the other direction.

In the other corner, the shepherd boy and the drunken boy looked at each other.

The drunken swallowing boy was slightly stunned, and said with a smile: "Such a coincidence? The

shepherd boy said coldly, "Really?

"Nonsense, is it possible that there is still a fake?" The drunken swallowing boy gave him a blank look and continued, "And with your illusion, you can tell the truth at a glance."

"Haha, just kidding."

"I now have some suspicions that you are fake." The wine-swallowing boy said, calmly picked up the wine jug on his waist and poured it into his mouth.

"That should prove it." A ball of light flew out of the shepherd boy's body, and the ghost appeared in front of the drunken swallowing boy.

The ghost shook his head and waved at the drunken boy, "Devil, good afternoon." The

drunken swallowing boy immediately spoke: "Don't call a ghost, call a drunkard, the ghost is strange and ugly."

The ghost laughed, "Okay, devil. The

drunken swallowing boy rolled his eyes and said to the shepherd boy, "What do you say?" Is it together, or apart? The

shepherd boy thought for a moment and responded, "Let's separate, it's a little early to be together." "

Okay." The drunken swallowing boy nodded and said to the ghost: "Little one, I'm leaving."

The ghost waved his hand, "Goodbye devil."

"Goodbye!" The drunken boy waved his hand and turned away dashingly.

The shepherd boy was right, it was indeed a little early to assemble, so it was just right for him to act alone.

After watching the drunken boy leave, the shepherd boy walked in the other direction with the ghost that was flying on the side and chattering.

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Priestess - Chapter 921

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