
Priestess - Chapter 923

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Priestess - Chapter 923
Under the roar of the snake, several more paddling people released the imperial throne and began to exert their strength.

Ba Snake glanced at the others a few times, snorted lightly, and did not say anything more, but continued to kill the desolate beast.

"The strength is really strong!" Qian Muyu looked at this scene, sighed, and silently stepped back a little.

A few hours later, the desolate beasts around the Narcissus Emperor Tree gradually decreased under the fight of Ba Snake and others, but there were also two unlucky eggs, who were found by the green dragon and the firebird on the way to sweep, and stayed here forever.

In addition to the two emperors who died, there were also emperors who were seriously injured, silently retreating to the outer circle, waiting for an opportunity.

At the same time, Qian Muyu touched the inner circle again, and was fighting with an emperor-level eight-stage water snake in the inner circle.

Ba Snake, who had just finished killing an orangutan, roared domineeringly, and directly roared at Qian Muyu not far away: "Little guy of the Terran race, I have been paying attention to you for a long time.

"If you don't make a contribution, you still want to take the baby, are you really a decoration for my words?"

"Give me death!"

The moment Ba Snake spoke, he swam his huge body, controlled the imperial throne in the sky, and attacked and pressed towards Qian Muyu.

He wanted to kill a scene that came to the town, and the target was Qian Muyu, who he had watched for a long time.

Of course, he didn't know that this was Qian Muyu, he only knew that this was a Terran man.

Qian Muyu looked at this sudden scene, couldn't help but open his mouth, then shook his head with a smile, directly swung his sword to hit the water snake in front of him, turned around, and held the sword in front of him.

The huge head of the snake slammed into Qian Muyu's feather sword with a bang.

Qian Muyu did not enter the combined state at the beginning of the battle, but kept holding the feather sword and rowing in the water.

Qian Muyu, who flew out, flipped his head in the air, straightened his body, and a combined light flashed, waving twelve wings, he suddenly glared at the snake that attacked again.

"Ugh!" Under the bombardment of Pupil Wei, the snake screamed in pain and stopped his body.

At the same time, there was a roar in the sky, and a magnificent and glorious throne directly exploded into a gap under the realm of many thrones.

The powerful majesty shocked all directions, and a group of people watching the play, feeling the pressure coming from the throne, collectively froze in place.

"Qian Muyu, it's Qian Muyu!"

"Lying groove, he actually paddled until now!"

"The snake kicked the iron plate!"

Qian Muyu waved his twelve wings, ignoring the shocked sounds of everyone around him, and stabbed towards the Ba Snake, a death knife full of various attributes, and directly bombarded the Ba Snake.

"Roar!" Ba Snake roared angrily, decisively transformed into a human, and blasted away with a punch.


A huge roar resounded through the heavens and earth, and Ba Snake's eyebrows frowned, holding his fist flowing with blood, and rushed straight to Qian Muyu, and it was a random beating against Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu did not panic in the slightest, holding the knife to resist.

The two fought, shaking around, the surrounding desolate beasts dodged in all directions, did not dare to step forward, and the surrounding emperors also quickly withdrew from the battle zone between the two, watching from a distance.

Soon, beside the Narcissus Emperor Tree, only Qian Muyu and Ba Snake, who were still fighting, were left, and the others and desolate beasts all fled the inner circle.

"To be honest, if you weren't from the Seven Holy Temples, I might still let you live, but it's a pity." Qian Muyu, who was covered in blood, looked at the same snake, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

Ba Snake's eyebrows furrowed, and he sneered: "It's you who died!" At

first, he wanted to run, but after fighting Qian Muyu several times, he had a feeling that he could win, so he fought until now.

Ba Snake stepped forward and punched suddenly, and Ba Snake's fist slammed towards Qian Muyu unstoppably.

Qian Muyu's eyes widened, and the powerful dream qi directly rushed out towards the Ba Snake Fist, while the wooden knife in his hand swung towards the Ba Snake Throne in the sky, and his own throne aura also soared several times at this moment, pressing towards the Ba Snake Throne.

Ba Snake felt Qian Muyu's sudden surge in strength, his face changed instantly, and he put away the throne without hesitation, but how could the throne be put away so quickly.

Only listening to a bang, his throne directly suffered a violent blow.

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood from the snake spit out directly as the throne disappeared.

"You wait for me!" With a pale face, he glanced at Qian Muyu fiercely, decisively turned around and ran.

Qian Muyu looked at the distant Ba Snake, did not chase, but appeared next to the Narcissus Emperor Tree for the first time, slashed the land in all directions with a knife, and directly dragged the Narcissus Emperor Tree with dream power and threw it into the wing ring.

After doing this series of operations, he suddenly waved his twelve wings and flew into the air, looking at the emperor who gathered fiercely, he took out thousands of Narcissus Emperor Leaves from the wing ring and swung them towards everyone, "Don't say I eat alone!" After

spilling, he turned around and ran without hesitation.

Everyone looked at the emperor leaf floating in the sky and hurriedly scrambled.

As for chasing Qian Muyu, the people present had thought about it, but after watching him drop the emperor leaf, they immediately dismissed this idea.

It's better than nothing, as for chasing, the first Qian Mu Yu of the emperor level, who of you wants to chase who to chase!

Qian Muyu Emperor Grade Eighth Dan reached the top of the first place, which caused a huge sensation at that time, but no one doubted his strength, because Qian Muyu had already used several battles to prove his strength, so everyone only had jealousy, envy, fear...

After leaving the battle zone, Qian Muyu came to a small stream, and after cleaning up the desolate beasts near the stream, he directly took out the Narcissus Emperor Tree in the wing ring and placed it on the ground.

Looking at the Narcissus Emperor Tree that was stroked by him by a quarter of the emperor leaves, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"It's all money!" Qian Muyu muttered and began to sort out the roots of the tree and the soil next to the roots.

Just achieved too fast, he didn't have time to sort it out, now that he has time, of course, he has to do it well.

After all, this is a red quality Narcissus Emperor Tree!

After spending five minutes and tidying up the Narcissus Emperor Tree, he pondered for a few seconds and directly released the mutual aid of the twelve wings.

After watching the interface of the twelve wings appear, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he muttered, "Just use it."

Immediately afterwards, he selected all the people outside the secret and clicked OK.

The next moment, sixteen blue rays of light appeared in front of him.

Mo Lingling, who came out at the first time, shouted in bewilderment: "Why, why haven't I been chosen!"

"Maybe bad luck." After Qian Muyu smiled at Mo Lingling, he pointed to the Narcissus Emperor Tree on the side, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Bring this tree back."

Qian Duoduo asked curiously, "What kind of tree is this?" "

The red quality Narcissus Emperor Tree, it's a tea tree." Qian Muyu said, and began to introduce the effect of tea trees.

When Ye Feng heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, and he said joyfully: "Good tea, I'll pick a few leaves."

Qian Muyu looked at Ye Feng, who wanted to step forward to pick the leaves, and said with a smile: "You bring it back first, go back and pick it slowly."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Ye Feng put away the Narcissus Emperor Tree, said goodbye to everyone, and disappeared in place.

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Priestess - Chapter 923

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