
Priestess - Chapter 925

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Priestess - Chapter 925
With a click, the wolf mad put his head that had been discounted by Bai Hai's punch and shouted at the four fire women: "Zhao! Don't release the Remote Dream Technique to restore his dream power! The

fire girl's face turned dark, and she roared at the wolf: "What's the noise, I'll hit you again!" "

She is an emperor-level nine-dan powerhouse, she doesn't think she is much weaker than him!

If it weren't for Bai Hai, her target now would be wolf madness!

Wolf Mad's face turned dark, took a deep breath, and did not speak again, but directly killed towards Bai Hao.

The other three watched this scene and remained silent, but the means of attacking towards Bai Hao did not stop.

Seeing that the wolf mad did not speak, the fire girl did not say anything, and followed them to attack Bai Hao again.

Only this time she took control and changed the ranged attack to a melee attack.

Melee attacks, although also sucked, are much better than ranged.

Bai Hao sucked and sucked, but the damage he suffered did not decrease much, otherwise he would not have vomited blood phlegm.

He saw that the wolf madness and the fire girl did not quarrel again, and he couldn't help but deflated his mouth, turned around and killed the wolf madly.

Since you can't grab it, then scrap you!

Bai Hao was ruthless, and he was beaten wildly against the wolf.

After withstanding several attacks from the White Underworld, Wolf Madness saw that the situation was not good, and shouted at the four fire women: "Are you waste? This can't beat him! Bai

Hao's perseverance was like a small strong who couldn't die, and the more he fought, the greater his strength, and he really felt a little helpless.

The fire girl was too lazy to talk back to him, and directly condensed a fireball and threw it towards the wolf.

Wolf Madness quickly dodged to the side and roared, "What are you doing!" The

fire girl glared: "Less nonsense, scold me again, I'll beat you!" The

wolf took a deep breath, turned around and punched, hitting Bai Hao's fist.

Then, he flew out with Bai Hai.

After watching Bai Haofei, he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "He's about to die!" "

Only he flew before, and now Bai Hao also flew with him, this is not impossible, what else can it be?

The other three looked happy, and when they attacked the white underworld, the fire girl decisively turned around and rushed towards the orb.

"A bunch of fools!"

The fire girl chuckled, and just as she was about to touch the orb, the orb swooped and flew towards the white underworld.

"Want to take... Don't take me seriously! Bai Hao's five fingers opened slightly, releasing a powerful suction force directly at the orb, and the orb was instantly grabbed by him in his hand.

The five people watched this scene and were collectively stunned in place.

"What are you thinking,!" The wolf suddenly roared at the fire girl who was stunned over there.

At such a critical time, she actually thought of taking treasure! It really him off!

"Stupid wolf, I've put up with you for a long time!" The fire girl frowned, and directly launched a fierce attack towards the wolf madness.

"Haha... You guys fight slowly, I'll go first. Bai Hao laughed loudly, turned around and ran without hesitation.

The other three looked at each other, and for a moment did not know what to do.

To chase or not to chase?

The three looked at the white underworld who was gradually moving away, and then looked at the fire girl and the wolf madness who were dueling on the side, and couldn't help sighing.

"Hey, it's a busy day."

"Let's go."


The three also stopped caring about the two people who were dueling, one in one direction, and left this sad place.

"This makes me go?" Bai Hao turned around, looking at no one chasing behind him, and his speed was a little faster.

Immediately afterwards, he found a hole and summoned the elephant dragon.

"Used." Looking at the elephant dragon, he directly took out the aqua blue orb and handed it over.

The elephant dragon took the orb and asked, "Don't you let the eldest brother see it?" Bai

Hao shook his head, "This is the treasure of the water attribute, eat it directly."

"Good." The elephant dragon took the orb, sat up cross-legged on a stone pier, and began to take the orb.

On the side, after Bai Hao summoned the other people, he took out the pot placed in the dream space.

"Boil the pot and get oil, eat!"

In this way, the snack they skillfully operated, while the elephant dragon smelled the aroma and entered a state of epiphany.

A few days later, there was a noise in the sky.

"The first holy fruit will ripen in an hour, please be ready!"

Qian Muyu soared into the air, looked at the holy tree that was motionless in the distance, turned around and flew in another direction.

The emperors flying around were the same as him, except that some of them were facing left, some were facing right, and there were not many in the same direction as him.

There are a total of five holy trees, this is only the first one, and others are in other different directions, and Qian Muyu is only flying in one of them.

Half an hour later, Qian Muyu looked at the second holy tree phantom that appeared, staying in the air, his eyebrows furrowed.

He guessed wrong!

"Isn't there a shortcut? Look for this one by one, when will you find it? He muttered, turned and flew in the other direction.

Just five minutes after flying, there was a dazzling colorful light directly in front of him.

"I said how could there be no movement at all, it turned out that the time had not come." The corners of Qian Muyu's mouth rose, and he suddenly got up and flew forward.

At the same time, in the burst of colorful brilliance, the strong people standing everywhere collectively closed their eyes subconsciously.

When they opened their eyes again, a golden holy fruit appeared at the top of the holy tree, and around the holy tree, hundreds of desolate beasts appeared out of thin air.

Hundreds of desolate beasts exuded infinite imperial power, their eyes angrily glaring at the powerhouses around them, and they let out a roar.

The roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, instantly repelling the emperor standing in the front row.

Immediately afterwards, they frantically rushed towards the surrounding emperors one by one.

The emperors did not hesitate, one emperor throne after another descended from the sky, suppressed the heaven and earth, and began to fight with the desolate beasts.

In an instant, all kinds of powerful dream techniques appeared in the sky like colorful fireworks.

Before Qian Muyu saw the shadow of the holy tree, he saw that the daylight in the distance gradually turned gray, and heard various roaring sounds, explosions...

Feeling all this, his speed slowed down a little, but he was not in a hurry.

"Hit, hit."

He looked down at the back of his hand, looking at the faint twelve-winged pattern on the back of his hand, and he silently flew in the direction of the pattern sensing.

Assemble first!

An hour and a half later, the sound of the battle became more and more intense, and Qian Muyu also came to a place that was still half an hour away from the Holy Tree.

Looking at the shepherd boy leaning against the tree leisurely chewing gum, he smiled and waved his hand, "How is the harvest?"

"Not bad, got a magic attribute stone, but I don't know what it does." The shepherd boy took out a transparent box containing a colorless stone from the dream space and threw it towards Qian Muyu.

Qian Muyu took the box and threw a probe.

"Phantom Emperor Jade

Quality: Red

Effect One: Greatly increases the phantom attribute dream power.

Effect 2: Greatly increase the strength of the magic attribute.

Effect 3: You can obtain the unique dream technique 'Phantom Emperor Art'.

Phantom Emperor Technique: Using the unique dream technique obtained by the Phantom Emperor Jade, you can release a doppelganger with 80% of your own strength, which can be one, two, or several, but the strength of all doppelgangers adds up to 80% of itself. "

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Priestess - Chapter 925

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